Waging Battle in the Cold

As told by John Barros:

Third time trying to post this. Today was brutal. So cold down here. So thankful for those that came to serve. Pastor David, Karen, Heather, Samuel. It was Samuel’s birthday today and he wanted to spend it here today. Don, Bobby, Robert, and Rebecca braved this mess. We also had a special lady come. Karen Weber the lady that started Choices 34 years ago out of her kitchen came to serve. What a trooper! She was calling out to folks and became soaked. She went home to change clothes and came back. She is a dear lady. We can learn so much from those that have gone before us.

There was an interesting battle here today. A guy brought a lady down and told us he was a Christian and his Dad was a Pastor. He was promptly challenged about his view of himself. Don spoke with him at length as well as others. He fell under conviction and kept talking. Eventually he got his Pastor on the phone and was walking back and forth in front of this dump on the phone with him,

His Pastor told him to have us look at Hosea 4:6. We couldn’t believe it because it just condemned his parishioner not us. Don asked to talk to the Pastor and he agreed to. He felt it was ok to bring someone here but didn’t necessarily agree with abortion. It was crazy. The man’s name was Don as well. He continued to be under conviction and we were able to pray for God to grant him repentance and draw him to Himself. Please pray for Don.

There was another blessing today. A man that listens to me on the radio show brought me a Dunkin Donuts coffee large cream only. Boy was that welcomed. He blessed and encouraged us and went on his way.

Please pray for Don, Bobby, and Robert. They are leaving tomorrow to Jamaica for a month of ministry.