
“You don’t need a program– you already have one: ‘Go into all the world.’ You don’t need a leader; you already have one– Jesus the Christ. You don’t need a calling; you already have one– take up your cross and follow Him. You don’t need a message; you already have one– ‘Repent and believe.'” (RC Sproul, Jr. “The Gates of Hell”)

The 180 Movie has changed lives at Orlando Women’s Center and around the world. Take 33 minutes to see how Ray Comfort engages people who say it’s a woman’s “right” to kill her baby.

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Scott and Patte Smith have been ministering outside abortion clinics for many years. Patte posts videos of gospel preaching on their YouTube channel ForLifeAndEternity and she created a wonderful series of videos answering frequently asked questions about how to get started ministering at your local killing place.

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Two wonderful crisis pregnancy centers near the Orlando Women’s Center abortion clinic are First Life at First Baptist Church of Orlando, and Choices Women’s Clinic on Edgewater Drive in Orlando. We encourage you become familiar with crisis pregnancy centers and other resources in your area so that you can offer immediate physical help to abortion-minded men and women as you minister. They are set up with resources, supplies, ultrasound machines, trained staff, and loving volunteers to provide support John could never do alone..