The Lord Shows Compassion

As told by John Barros: 

“The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.” – Psalm 145:8

The Lord showed great compassion and turned folks away today. We had two turnaways that were beautiful, but they are still in the valley of decision. Yolie ministered to a lady named Ivory. Ivory took the materials and asked Yolie to pray with her. Another young lady took materials and said she.was going to go to Choices. And then there was Andy and Crystal.

They showed up early and were in fact the first couple to approach the door. I asked Andy to take the materials and was able to speak with them. Thankfully, the security guy was not there yet. After speaking with them they still tried to go in, but the door was locked. I spoke some more and asked them as they sat in their car to really think about this.

Right after they walked down they unlocked the door and others began coming in. After what seemed like an eternity they pulled up. Andy had his arm sticking out of the window wanting to shake hands. He kept saying thank you over and over, and Crystal leaned over to say the.same. They left saying they were going to Choices but I really didn’t think they would. They looked professional and I figured they had insurance but they did go.

Their story was amazing. They stood on that porch and Crystal listened to the dialogue but looked at little baby John on the side of my van. He pierced her heart and she couldn’t get him out of her mind even while talking out back. There is way to much to get into about their story but.the Lord brought them back to Himself right there in Choices. In His sweet kindness the Lord changed a family here this morning. The timing of everything, the unease the night before, the Word and prayer. The right team at Choices. God is so amazing. Another cool thing was that Dr. Collins next door was able to witness this. He was so excited.

Got to serve again with some of.the most wonderful people. Yolie, Bill, Luke, Beth, and a new young man, Robert from Ascension Presbyterian Church, who spent the day with us. It was a crazy but Blessed day today. Can’t thank you all enough for lifting this ministry up in prayer. So awesome knowing folks are praying when we minister down there.