As told by John Barros:
It was quite a different day down at OWC today. Appointments were late and the abortionist didn’t even show up till after 4:00. It is great when this happens because God gives more time for the ladies to think. Thank God Jovan chose life about half an hour before Randall got there.

Today was such a special blessing. God sent down some wonderful sisters I never knew I had. The ladies from North West Church came down to help and encourage. They are so awesome. True prayer warriors, and each and every one of them are hearts with feet. Amazing women; I am so thankful!

I know by seeing posts that it seems there are always people here with me, but 80% of the time I’m alone and the last couple of weeks have been scarce. These ladies are just what the doctor ordered. Their whole church is fighting for life in many ways and have now come to the sidewalk. They will be back.