Crazy Blindness

As told by John Barros:

So blessed to have so many come to serve today. Matt, Bill, Karen, Yolie, Pastor David, Lucas, and I were once again blessed to have Pastor John from Canada serve with us. He will be heading back home.

We also had a very special lady join us. I met Mary in the airport in Phoenix. She is a commercial airline pilot. We spent a long time waiting for the plane. She had no idea about this type of ministry and said she was going to come down. So many people say that and don’t come but she surprised me when I saw her walking down the sidewalk.

She was a trooper. She was horrified with what goes on here and really shaken up. She tried to reach out and was absolutely shocked at how blind these people are.

Mary very soon realized if God didn’t open blind eyes, babies would die. She sought Him.

It truly is a crazy blindness. We had a girl come back today that had been butchered here about a week and a half ago. She could barely walk and was bent over in agony. Her guy was having to hold her up. She went inside and told the clinic that she had gone to the hospital but would not see her. They told her to come back here.

Post-abortion mother struggling to walk

Drivers of patients came out sickened by all this. They tried to get the people they drove here to leave but they wouldn’t. It was pretty crazy.
There was one turnaway but she wouldn’t stop to talk so we don’t really know her story.

Please continue to pray. Pray for Mary. She has a huge heart that I’m sure is hurting tonight. Her flight schedule will only allow her to be here one day every two weeks.

Pray also for Lucas. He is on a bus tonight heading to New Orleans to evangelize at the NBA All Star game over this weekend with Bill Adams of Sports Fans Outreach.

Ministry and God’s Sovereignty

As told by John Barros:

I’ve been trying so hard to sort through all that has happened in Phoenix this week. It’s going to take a long time. I know one thing though, I will never be the same.

Apologia Church is wonderful. I have no idea how they are doing all that they are. Evangelizing, discipleship, church planting, abortion ministry, ministry to Mormons, and that’s not all. I was so honored to have Jeff, Luke, and Marcus, invite me out.

They wanted to learn things from me but I’ll tell you what, I think they got the short end of the stick. I learned so much from them. It was awesome to serve with them on the front lines. The folks out here are so gifted at engaging people and bringing the Gospel to them while breaking down arguments.

Even though there is definitely a huge age difference I felt like I was 30 again with this bunch.

So many different people in this church. A man that played Major League Baseball for years that left today for Japan because he plays ball over there now. We’ll he’s not just going for that. He is going to speak at his pastor’s church over there where his church is starting an abortion ministry in Japan.

There’s everything from folks that have been pulled off the streets to a retired NHL hockey player. It is so diverse and they are all so special.
I guess there are people that didn’t really believe they really are a church because they do so much with their radio and TV stuff but trust me they are the real deal. If you live in the Phoenix area or would be travelling through please stop by, you will be blessed:

Wonderful worship. This music ministry is special.

A precious young lady that thought she was a believer was converted and now baptized

The Lord was so good today at the Phoenix Airport. I was trying to post what happened out here this week when a female pilot by the name of Mary came and sat next to me. She began talking and asked what I do. I told her I was an Evangelist and work in front of an abortion clinic. I thought that would be the end of that but she wanted to talk about it. I went through everything and she began to get troubled. I gave her my card and she asked about the “Who Will Stand” video. I told her to check it out when she gets home. She decided to watch it right there. She began to cry.

Mary watching “Who Will Stand” with a tissue.

Then she told me how her flight had been cancelled and is heading home to Daytona. She couldn’t believe she sat by me of all places. We spoke of the Sovereignty of God and how it wasn’t by chance that she sat here. Then she said “John, what can I do?” I can’t go into all that but she will be at Orlando Women’s Center on Wednesday. God is so good.

Down in Phoenix

As told by John Barros:

Today was totally insane. There had to be hundreds of people here. I am so blessed to serve with some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. The folks from Apologia Church and several others are so gifted. I have never learned so much in one day in my life. So blessed.

There is one thing that brings sadness and it happened back in Orlando. I had an assistant in the jail. He made a profession of faith and served as my assistant for about nine months. When he got out he fell away and returned to drugs. He got arrested again for domestic violence. She left him for another guy. They have gotten back together but she is pregnant and they came to OWC today to kill the other guy’s baby. My friend Doug texted me this morning. He wanted Doug to let me know what he was doing. So insane. He would pray daily for the ministry down at OWC but then he turned up there.

Choosing Life and a Repentant Mother

As told by John Barros:

So blessed to have a wonderful team. Warren has been filling in for me the last couple of days while I’m with Apologia Church over here in Phoenix.

Today Beth and Karen met a lady whose doctor sent her to have an abortion because of her health problems. They spoke with her and she agreed to go with Karen to First Life because they have a doctor on staff now. They met with her, she chose life, and is now set to meet with the high-risk pregnancy doctors.

Yolie met another lady that came back for her check up. She had an abortion two weeks ago and is devastated over what she has done. Of course Mister Wonderful left her immediately after her abortion. Yolie shared the Gospel with her, she repented, and will be at St. Andrew’s Sunday.

Please pray for these ladies.

Late-term Day

As told by John Barros:

Well it was late-term day down here. Quite a few came but the Lord turned the heart of three of them. Please pray for Alexis and one young lady Mary forgot to get the name of. Please also pray for a precious young lady, Arelia. Karen took her to Choices and out for lunch. She wanted to come back to the clinic to say Thank you and show the pictures of her baby.

Please pray for Arelia. So Sweet

Please pray for the other two turnaways as well. So Thankful for Karen, Chuck, Mary, Jerri, Audrey, Pastor David, and Pastor John. They all served at different times here today.

Busy Busy Busy

As told by John Barros:

And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, that they should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, “Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever.” And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. – 2 Chronicles 20:21

In our church, upon entering, we have an area in the back that is dark. It is called the Narthex. It is a place where you leave the profane and enter the Holy. Once inside the Holy we are built up through Praise, the Sacraments, and the Word to return to the profane.

Today, Jessica from Reformation Bible College, came down to the profanest of places to serve and sing to the Holy One. It was so Powerful. She is a special young lady.

Marcia, Karen, Audrey, and I had a special visitor come serve with us. Pastor John Sawkins from London Ontario is here on vacation and came to serve. He is truly a Blessing. He jumped right in and got to work. He isn’t just a Pastor. He is also the chaplain for a hockey team: The Windsor Spitfire.

Well today was busy. It seemed like it was Mother-Daughter day. We had three Moms bringing their daughters. One came up telling us she was a Christian and was forgiven already. She was challenged on that and sure showed us that wasn’t true. We really couldn’t believe it when she was out front showing someone else that was here a picture of her Grandson whose birthday was today. She couldn’t see the insanity of killing her Grandson on her other grandson’s birthday.

Another lady brought her daughter and got very angry when confronted. Her daughter ended up coming outside and standing firm against her mom. When they pulled up Karen asked if she could pray for them. The mom said “I don’t need your prayers. I am an Evangelist. I know how to pray” We had another turn away as well so please pray for these two ladies. That they get the help they need.

It was so busy in another way as well today. They were holding job interviews. I can’t believe they would have people come here for that. They only advertise for the job; they don’t tell them this is an abortion clinic.

Pastor John and Audrey filling a job applicant in on this dump

The folks coming here were shocked and won’t be working here. I believe most left without even going inside. Please pray that the ladies who trusted God and left would be blessed with a job.

Prayers for Gabrielle

As told by John Barros:

My favorite time in the week is coming to St. Andrew’s an hour or hour and a half early on Sunday evenings. It is so awesome to spend time alone with God inside this house of prayer.

Well today has been a little bit different. While sitting here I received pictures and a Thank You.

Last June 23rd my brother Bruce Barros came to the clinic with me and we got to serve together. A young lady Gabrielle came down to have an abortion. The Lord moved on her heart and she chose life. She went to Choices and Callie took her under her wing. She ended up having her ultrasound and saw she was having twins. She called me from Choices and was ecstatic as to how the Lord did not let her go.

Well she fell off the radar. I never heard anything even though she was offered so much. Well, I came to find out she has moved to New Mexico.
She is so filled with praise and thanksgiving to her God. It’s truly amazing.

Please pray for Gabrielle. She is tired. She has a six-year-old boy, a three-year-old girl and now Bayley Marie, and Kayla Victoria have come into this world.

I know this is Super Bowl Sunday and everyone is busy but won’t you praise God for His mighty work in this family’s life and pray for His precious Gabrielle.

Lifeguards at Death’s Doors

As told by John Barros:

Today was slow again. Six came and one “Chose Life For Today” They came under conviction but are still leaning towards an abortion. They are going to sleep on it and left with their ultrasound. Please pray for them.

There is another thing I would request prayer for. Kerry went down to Ft. Lauderdale today. He is going down to get attorneys, police, etc., to go after my friend Tom. Tom serves at Pendergraft’s mill down there. He has become a full-time minister there. God is moving through his efforts as well as John and Tewannah Aman, and Stacy.

Kerry put a fence up between the church and them to keep them from speaking to the folks as they arrive. Tom went ahead and built a “Lifeguard Tower.” He sits on the church’s property and is able to speak to the folks. Tomorrow the clinic is going to try and put a stop to this. Please pray that their attempts would backfire and come to ruin.
Thank you.

Tom working over the fence

Softened Hearts

As told by John Barros:

Well the ladies were all smiles today. It was pretty awesome. Only two ladies came here for abortions and they both left.

Shirley Jo, Karen, Audrey, and Donna came down to serve. Even though there were only two we didn’t deviate from normal.

During the preaching I changed one thing. I usually have a point where I say “God didn’t wake up this morning and say my my my Susie is pregnant what are we going to do.” I changed the name to Latisha. I then go on to explain how their babies are God’s plan.

Believe it or not a young lady came out in tears. I asked her to come over and pray. When I began to pray I asked her what her name was. We couldn’t believe it when she said Latisha. We couldn’t believe it.

Shirley Jo and Karen saying goodbye to Latisha

Another couple Maxie and Momo came out and spoke with Karen and Shirley Jo. They said they were using the events of today to change their minds. They had a time of prayer as well.

OWC closed down and it was pretty cool. We are so looking forward to the day this happens for good.

I’m sure OWC has tried to reschedule with these folks but they said they are keeping their babies. Please pray that as they lay in their beds tonight that God would confirm those decisions. Thank You.

Rising Courage

As told by John Barros:

I believe President Trump is affecting things around here. Today I had more people drive by with thumbs up and waves than any other day I have been here. One guy that walks by here every morning and never says a word patted me on the back and said “Thanks for being here and doing this.” It seems like people that have been quiet are becoming bolder.

The folks on the other side seem to be getting afraid. Kerry the guy that runs this place was out ranting and raving about whipping out rolls of $10,000, getting into arguments with Bill and Pastor David. Another couple of guys came by making all kinds of accusations. I posted a video of them to show just how irrational they are. It’s kind of funny really. One accused us of holding back ladies from coming into the abortion mill a week ago. He had no idea but what he saw was a couple of ladies that had chosen life and we were praying for them.

We had two turn aways today. I wish they would have spoken because I believe they chose life but just can’t be sure. One took off out of here early and then another that was here was wandering around outside talking to herself saying “I have one that is a year and a half; I have to do this.” But then she came out with her guy looking at the ultrasound picture. They went out back. He was angry and sped out of here in his truck. She left in her car but I couldn’t get over there fast enough. Please pray for these two.

Then I was blessed beyond measure to have Steven come by. Most of you know I am a chaplain at the 33rd St. Jail here in Orlando. A couple of years ago Steven came into my office. I asked him to tell me his story. I can’t tell it in depth but when you meet him you will blessed to hear it.
God brought him under deep conviction one night. I believe he actually was considering ending his life. He had warrants for his arrest in several states. He ended up going to some two-bit town’s police station.

He walked up to the Police Officer and said “I am a fugitive from God and I Have to turn myself in.” He then went to all the places he had warrants and paid his debt. I fell in love with him the minute I met him and we became brothers. He would gobble up everything I could get him from Ligonier Ministries and my Pastor R.C. Sproul.

Well Steven has been out for some time now. The Lord has blessed him with a wife and is now working with Inside Out Ministries. He is helping guys from jail and their families once they get out. He is now also starting a church in Clermont. Please pray for him as he continues in these endeavors.

Brother Steven serving down here now. Love this Brother.

Steven is now going to be serving down here on a weekly basis…so blessed.