A Taste of Hell

As told by John Barros:

Pastor Harry Reeder preached at St. Andrew’s a month or so ago. He invited us all to visit Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham so that Heaven wouldn’t be quite a shock to us… 🙂

I can’t wait to visit there one day but today we sure had a taste of Hell down here. It was absolutely awful. My friend Matthew comes down here early mornings to pray on his way to work. Today he looked up the website and a pop up ad was advertising 50% off abortions up to 24 weeks. Well the people came in droves. We had another 30+ people here with so many late termers. There was absolutely no room inside. When they opened the doors you could see people sitting all over the floors and so many waited out in cars.

The people were extremely angry that we were there and they weren’t holding back from letting us know. During the preaching you could hear groans and yelling coming from inside. Every once and a while they would come out saying the vilest things we have ever heard. Chuck and Mary were here today. They have been doing this type of ministry for over 30 years. They said today was the worst day they have ever experienced. Usually you can cleanse a day like this out but good grief the usual methods aren’t working.

The guy that runs this place was probably doing this to mock Ash Wednesday – he had been asking about it.

The worse thing to us was an 18-year-old girl. Terry came with her mom and her mom’s friend. She was cursing at me while waiting for the doors to open. Her mom turned on me couple of times hollering and screaming.

Terry’s mom left with her friend. In the afternoon, Terry came out and sat on the bricks. I think she was looking for a real Mom and told Karen something was wrong and she was passing out. She put her head against the bricks and called her mom. She began telling her mom about what Randall had done to her. The drugs, the laminera sticks in her cervix, the shot to stop the babies heart. The blood. Unbelievably she did not know that is what they were going to do.

Karen trying to help Terry

Karen couldn’t take it. Terry asked for help over to the wall to sit with Karen. Karen lifted her off the bricks and got her over to us.
You know I have been doing this a long time but this is just way too heartbreaking. Please pray for her tonight. I am really worried about this young lady.

I know this is a long post but there is really no way to get you to see this. So Thankful for Yolie, Audrey, Steven, and the others that served here.

God is Always Moving

As told by John Barros:

It was like the old days down here again today. So Awful. There were between 30 and 35 ladies here. We had a few turnaways but I am not imagining for one minute that they are choosing life.

It was like we had entered “Potterville.” The people were so hard and angry. There were no seats inside and they were filling papers out outside and in their cars.

People out on the street were out of control as well. The attendant for the valet across the street began hurling curses from across the street. He was cheered on by the valets. It was so crazy.

Two sisters came down wearing the same dresses. One sister was showing solidarity in her sisters decision to kill her niece.

Many Dads had their other children outside in the back waiting. I can’t tell you how horrible it is to see little girls playing soccer out back while waiting for mom to kill their brother or sister.

Little girl playing soccer out back waiting for mom to kill her brother or sister

We had every kind of wickedness you could imagine today. I was also reminded of the hit piece the New York Post did on Pastor Jeff. In that film the Planned Parenthood folks had truth flee from them. One of them said Pro Lifers offer chocolate to ladies coming in to keep them from having an abortion or possibly killing them because they will have sedation.

I don’t know what kind of sedation their ladies get but these ladies stuff anything that will fit in their mouth. Ladies eating pizzas, Subway foot longs, burgers fries anything. They don’t stop anyone from sedation here.

Speaking of sedation. They were so busy here today that I know they got people out of here way earlier than normal. Ladies were shuffling not walking. They had workers walking backwards while the lady that had the abortion was holding on to her for dear life. The really bad ones were carried out the back into their cars. This place is so bad.

So thankful for those that cruised in and out to help. Philip, Karen, Marcia, and Yolie, served under some hard conditions.

The Lord is so Good though. At the end of the day I received a phone call. I put it on speaker so that Karen and Yolie could hear. It was a precious lady that chose life last week and went to Choices. She was overcome with gratitude to God and just wanted to say Thank You. She told us all the good things Jesus is doing for her. We are going to have a Thank You Jesus Party next week.

I believe the Lord was reminding us He is in charge. Even when we see such carnage we need to trust Him. He is always moving.

An Update on Desmond

Alright I am getting so many messages wanting to know how Desmond is doing. Well Kaycee said he has had one heck of a battle with all those heart surgeries and so many things that should have taken him down.

Well through all of your prayers and God’s desire to have him here he is doing great. You can see the progression in his pictures.

It was awesome to ask his precious grandmother how he is doing. Especially when she said he is doing great but he has a cold. That sure is a lot different than when you were all praying him away from death’s door.

The family wants to thank you all and please remember Desmond in prayer.

An Amazing Day

As told by John Barros:

I have hesitated to post tonight because I can’t believe myself what happened today. I mean really I don’t understand it.

So blessed to serve with Matthew, Bill, and Beth in the morning and Yolie and Luke in the afternoon. Before 11:00 this morning six had turned away and six had chosen life. It was very busy so there were still about ten left and by the time the abortionist got here in the late afternoon they were hard as rocks.

I can’t go into all of the stories but a few were of note. A guy came with his lady and admitted he was missing parts of his manhood. The Lord moved though and he left holding her shoulders close to him. He had a smile when I said “I guess you were a man after all.”

We worked with a young lady named Maria. She spoke with Marlyd from Choices over the phone but then went inside anyway. She couldn’t take it in there and came out with the papers she was filling out. Beth spoke with her at length when she admitted she could speak English. Beth prayed with her and she left. She took the papers and threw them in the trash.
There was a married couple that came. They came out in the middle of the preaching and boy were they thankful. When Karen and Bill went to pray for them she broke down with tears of joy.

After the coldness of yesterday it was truly an amazing day. Thank God and please pray for all these folks. Please pray they stay far away.

Life vs. Death

As told by John Barros:

Well the kids from CCBR cane down for another day. Some stayed at UCF with their abortion displays and some came down here for the day. Most of these kids have never done this kind of ministry before. I was amazed to realize that 95% of them are from Dutch Reformed Churches across Canada. They did a fantastic job at both venues.

The ones that stayed at UCF were met with much opposition from Planned Parenthood supporters that were swinging around sex toys, handing out condoms, and trying to get students not to speak with these dear young people. It didn’t work though. They were able to have many conversations.

The ones that came down here were met by much evil as well. By those that were coming for abortions and the workers here. It’s just strange to see the couple that runs this place talking about their wedding plans, etc. And the abortionist Randall Whitney speaking to the students about how he is a helper to women. It was really tough on them. They are solid in their faith and called the workers to repentance. It was pretty tough especially from the vile words coming from the clients.

Calling out to the workers

Karen, Donna, and I were so blessed to have them here. I was so unbelievably happy to have someone else come down to serve. Suzanna has been a FB friend for years but today she took a day out of her vacation and brought her family down. I don’t know what is going on with all the Canadians the last couple of weeks but they are as well. They are also Dutch Reformed. This family is so awesome. Her husband and kids are just the best.

Suzanna and her wonderful family

This evening Jonathon and Devorah invited me to their decompression dinner as they evaluated their trip and prepare to go home. It was wonderful. They were challenged to keep the course. As it ended and I was about to leave I heard a piano coming from the sanctuary of the church we were in. I went inside and it was dark. Collen was playing Beautiful music. Some others came in and there was just something that seemed to take away all stress. Got us all ready to get busy again.


Life in the Balance

As told by John Barros:

I am blessed beyond measure. I cannot believe it really. I never know who all is going to come down here. Well today, Yolie, Karen, Pastor David, and I had a whole gang join us down here. Steven brought his brother and then Jonathon, and Devorah from the Canadian Center For Biological Research brought people down here in shifts.

They were having an awareness campaign at UCF and wanted these Canadian students to see what it was like to minister in front of an abortion mill. They are unable to do that in Canada. Every year they come and serve down here and boy do I look forward to their arrival. Already counting the days until next year.

Awareness Campaign at the biggest school in the USA. Done by Canadian Students

Well they were blessed to see the Lord move. One man led his lady out of here first thing this morning. There was a young lady named Arelia that arrived. Got to speak with her and her boyfriend. During the preaching she came out for prayer. She was totally convicted and chose life. Please pray for her. She is 21 weeks and needs some help.

Then there was “Faith.” She got dropped off by an Uber taxi. She spoke with Karen, Yolie, and I at length. All the kids were praying while the talking was going on. We prayed with her, God opened her eyes, and she chose life. The kids began to clap for her and we all surrounded her and prayed for her. Precious Yolie was running all over the place today and she gave “Faith” a ride to Choices where she received loving counsel and her ultrasound. She didn’t just choose life but also committed her life to Christ.

Prayers for Faith

A couple of Choices volunteers also came by today in the rain to see what it’s like to minister down here. Melissa and Katherine were able to share with these students about the care these ladies receive when they get over there. They loved it.

Melissa and Katherine sharing with the students

It was very hard on these kids. In Canada they have buffer zones around clinics and they are not allowed to minister like this. They were happy to minister but many were overwhelmed with the callousness of those arriving and the fact that there is so little time to act. Life in the balance brought broken hearts to them.

Broken hearts

I broke down on the way home today as I knew I would. I build so many walls to guard my heart that I forget how painful this truly is. These kids come every year thinking they will learn from me. I am sure I learn more from them. So thankful for these precious people. I so don’t deserve them.

This group is incredible. They do things like no other groups I know. Their goal is making people aware of the horror of abortion. I see so many people whining and this group attacking that group. Sitting behind keyboards wreaking havoc amongst believers. They should quit all that and do what these folks do.

They have a goal of 4,000,000 one-on-one conversations this year. They do awareness campaigns at the schools in Canada and all over the place. They go house to house through the neighborhoods informing people. Jonathon told me they have had a million conversations so far this year. They do not go with the intent of causing trouble and amazingly are well received even here at UCF. I believe Jonathon told me that a student at UCF found out she was pregnant but remembered their campaign from last year and God used that meeting to keep her baby. I believe 90% of a message is seen by how it is presented.

Please pray for these kids. They are so special and please pray for the three that chose life and the turn away. Thank you.

No Fear of God

As told by John Barros:

Today was very difficult. It was pretty busy and the people were very hardened. We were very disappointed because a young lady that had left yesterday returned. She was with a loser that would not be any help to her. When they arrived they didn’t even look like the same people that were here yesterday and when they were done they looked like death. It was awful.

Another lady, Maria, came. She took the info and left immediately and went to Choices. We couldn’t believe it when she returned. She tried to say she was here for birth control. Then she told us they wanted her to return on Wednesday: that is late-term day. Please pray she doesn’t return. She didn’t do everything she was supposed to at Choices. Please pray she returns there.

It never ceases to amaze me how people come here daily saying God has already forgiven them. They have no fear of God in their hearts. Well the same was going on here today again.

Then a couple of Muslims showed up. As they were going inside I said “Young lady, abortion is the worst sin in Islam, punishable by death.” One of them tried to back out the front door but her friend put her hands on her shoulder and pulled her inside. I began to preach and about half way through they came out and sat in their car talking.

Finally they pulled out and left. So I still have not seen a true practicing Muslim go through with an abortion. Muslims fear God and His Word more than our “cultural” Christians. Thanks for your prayers and please continue.

So Thankful for Yolie, Karen, and Marcia.

Finished my day doing my radio show with Chris. So awesome to tell folks what Jesus is doing and got to share the 180 movie. Chris has been such a dear brother. I love that guy.

At the Gates of Hell

As told by John Barros:

They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons.
Psalm 106:37

I want to thank those of you that prayed this morning. The Lord heard you and Jesus shined His light into a few hearts.

I stood next to the window of that first car this morning for what seemed like eternity. They never rolled the window down but thankfully they drove off and never returned. Seven folks came and thank God three left.
It was really crazy though. The same demonic forces that seemed to be there on Friday were back. A guy sat in his truck behind me screaming and screeching out curses to God and to me the whole 45 minutes I preached. It was almost like he never even took a breath. The things he said about each person of the Trinity were the most blasphemous things I have ever heard. It was really hard to preach with all this going on and would have been worse for me but my friend Anne showed up and kept an eye on him.

Half way through the preaching a precious young lady came out the door and straight up the walk and asked me to pray for her. She said she didn’t want to kill her baby. She said she hated her boyfriend and he was pressuring her. He had been saying he was the one that didn’t want it done. She went back inside but right after the preaching was done she came out with a huge smile and did that two-finger salute across her chest. It was pretty exciting.

Then right away another couple that I spoke with when they arrived came out and said they weren’t going to do it. Ann went down back and when she came back up she said they had chosen life.

The gates of hell

The demoniac across the street was going crazy through this. He couldn’t believe people were leaving. He was truly out of his mind. Thank you all for praying, please continue to.

Darkness and the Mercies of God

Why do the heathens rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. – Psalm 2:1-5

As told by John Barros:

Well the heathens were raging down here again today. They attacked God and those He sent. These folks were unbelievable. During the preaching you could hear them hollering and screaming inside so loud Karen could hear them down the street. One lady that brought her daughter bragged about having ten abortions and then has been mad at God for “taking” her two other kids in a car accident. Now she was here to kill her grand baby. The folks here you see in such anger are threatening Karen and Yolie for offering to help.

She was so proud of her daughter’s raging

Out of all this darkness the Lord shined a Beautiful light. “Mary” pulled in this morning with a young lady named “Carrie.” Beth offered them the ministry packets we offer and listened. They pulled out back and sat in their car. Mary had a John 3:16 sticker on her car. She rolled her window down and listened to everything Beth and I had to say. We really pursue people that may be Christians. They sat in their car for what seemed like eternity. They started up the car and pulled up. Beth ran over and was able to speak with them. They chose life and went to Choices.

Beth praying with Mary and Carrie

We went on ministering to folks and then I received a text. They had chosen life and then let everyone know that 20 some years ago her daughter “Susan” found herself pregnant and wanted an abortion. Mary had actually taken Susan to Choices back then. Susan chose life and Carrie was born. Susan died though when Carrie was one year old. Mary had raised her and now Carrie pregnant at the same age her mother was here to have an abortion. Mary took her granddaughter to Choices 20 some years later to save her great grandbaby. Can you believe this? God is amazing. Please continue to pray for them. Carrie has an appointment to see a doctor next week.

Vicky brought her new Nurse Manager down from Choices to show her what it’s like down here. It’s always a blessing to see them.

So very blessed to have Vicky and Stacy come down. It means so much.

Hard Hearts and God’s Servants

As told by John Barros:

Well a “cold front” moved in to Orlando. There were some heavy winds that blew last night and I think they blew every hard-hearted person in Florida down here.

The place was packed today and the folks were pretty darn nasty. One of them stole my sign off of my van and they of course called the police.
It was a blessing to have the police come down. They immediately let the people inside know we were within our rights to be here. Then one of them, a seventeen-year veteran, asked me why I come down here. He was new to this precinct. It was amazing. I filled him in on their record and what goes on here. Told him how God had called me here and what He does here. We went over what people think are “exceptions” and talked for a very long time about other things. When he began to leave he said “John, you better do whatever you do to get them out of here because it is packed in there.”

Double trouble… Just kidding, they were wonderful.

There was a young lady that came out. Juliem has two children. She has been in a relationship with a guy for three months and is pregnant. She wants to kill her baby because her baby will get in the way of her “priorities.” Something went wrong with her ultrasound so she came out to talk. We told her about what God thinks of this and the wickedness of this place. She said she is going to consider what we said and go to Choices. Please pray she does and that this boyfriend would man up as he was challenged to do.

The guy that was deceptive and called the police on us and I believe stole my sign was very angry that we were there. He kind of lashed out at Karen. But then the thing that seems to happen so often here happened again. His lady backed out of her abortion. He said “Thank you” and said he was going to call me. Please pray that happens.

Then a very wicked woman pulled in. She brought her daughter and her two-year-old granddaughter was in the back seat. Karen handed her daughter our brochures. The Mom yelled out “Oh no. This baby is dying today no matter what!!” When these kind of words come out of people’s mouths it just socks the air right out of your lungs. You always get people here angry and spewing out cursing, calling names etc. But these words are a whole different awfulness.

Well once again God moved in that situation. The daughter fought going inside. Her mom was hollering more wickedness at me as she was pulling out. The daughter walked inside and turned around immediately. She walked back out and went out back. After sitting there for a while her mom pulled back in and picked her up not saying a word. Please pray that daughter stands firm against her mom and that the Lord would turn that mom’s heart to love her grandbaby.

The Lord blessed me in that afternoon. A young man, Owen, stopped by. I told him where he parked he would get a ticket. He said “That’s ok I work for the City. Are you John?” I said yes I am. He said the Lord has touched his heart to do this ministry and wanted to know if I could give him some training. We are for sure going to work that out. It was just so refreshing to see a smile on the face of a young man that loves God and wants to serve his neighbors.

Owen is awesome!!

Please continue to pray that this Evil is stopped in our country.