When God Opens Eyes

As told by John Barros:

Well today The Lord sent several folks down to serve. So thankful to have a special treat. Not only was Pastor David here but Pastor Todd from Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Johnson City, Tennessee came down to join us. What a Dear Brother and Blessing he is. He spent a lot of time working with Lucas as well.

There were some crazy hard-hearted folks here. There was a guy that brought his daughter down here and said something I have never heard but imagine many are thinking. He said “Oh we are doing this. There is not going to be a ni@@ar in my family. His Dad is Black. Not happening.” I don’t know why I have never thought of it before but that baby was dying because of his skin color. There was a lot of that kind of thing today. I asked one young lady if she was leaving but she said “Oh no, I have one more sin to commit first.”

In the midst of all the craziness God drove a couple of ladies out of here. One couple came and we’re quite mouthy. The guy said “There is nothing you can say to change her mind” with a wicked smile. When I hear that I get pretty happy really because you wouldn’t believe how many people have said that and then God opens their eyes.

Well the same thing happened today. After the preaching, they came out. She had tears pouring down her face and he looked like a deer in the headlights. She couldn’t get out of there fast enough so she didn’t get to speak with Karen, Mary, or Yolie. Please pray for her.

There was another lady that the Lord delivered from here. She was quite well off and drove an Audi sports car. She became very convicted. She came out late in the day and was in turmoil. Yolie was sitting on the wall when “Mary” turned on her. She was accusing us of judging, etc., etc. Yolie handled it well never smirked back but was very loving. I remember Yolie telling Mary as she went back inside that we were here for her. Yolie left and Mary came back out with tears pouring down her face and said she wasn’t going to do it. Please pray for her. I believe she is in a very tough spot.

Education Opportunities

As told by John Barros:

I can’t tell you how much I love and need my Church. It is truly the biggest blessing in my life. Dr. Sproul, Pastors Burk, Kevin, and Don feed us so we can do the work of ministry.

Well today I had an opportunity to be part of something beyond my wildest dreams. Dr. Stephen Nichols, the President, and Pastor John Tweeddale, Dean, of Reformation Bible College invited me to come speak to the students. These students are some of the most wonderful people you would ever meet.
The reason they wanted me to speak is probably for something no other college is doing. They want these kids to take what they are learning and bring it to our culture. They are actually going to be offering internships for the kids to come down and learn abortion Ministry, Preaching, and Street Ministry with me at OWC. It will be an actual part of their education. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I am so excited. So much is going on. For more information, check out http://www.reformationbiblecollege.org

I am so thankful for Dr. Sproul. His vision is always leading so many to a greater knowledge of God and a greater love of our neighbors.

Irony and a Full Moon

As told by John Barros:

Today there was irony mixed with a full moon. What could go wrong?

So thankful to have Steven, Karen, Yolie, and Lucas filter in and out throughout the day. Marcia brought her precious sister Shannon down to serve while on her vacation from Hawaii.

Kind of slow here with eight coming. One young lady that I believe may be a Christian ran out of here with her boyfriend. She was really a mess. They wouldn’t stop so I really don’t know what they are doing.

There seemed to be more opposition from the street than usual. Every time there is a full moon things get that way. A guy started hollering from across the street during the preaching. He came running across the street and ramped up his screaming. It is so interesting to me that he had a Pulse Nightclub T-shirt on. He couldn’t see that killing babies inside here is the same or worse than the killing of the people at Pulse. The Lord shut him up and he sat across the street without saying any more.

49 dead at Pulse… Standing for the death of babies

Another lady brought her friend today for an abortion. She had a Bible on the dash of her car. She didn’t believe it was wrong because she was helping a friend. The lady she brought asked that we would pray for God to forgive her. It was just pretty bizarre.

Thank you all for praying.

God’s Amazing Goodness

As told by John Barros:

A young lady came with her mother today. The mom laid into Deanna saying there is nothing you can say to change our minds. During the preaching they came out. The mom seemed to have changed her mind and her daughter was screaming at me about what my words were doing to ladies inside. I explained they weren’t my words. Please pray God softens the daughter.

Then there was Samantha. She has a mental disability. She pulled in the drive and spoke for some time until a worker pulled up behind and laid on her horn.

They walked up and we spoke at length. She even wanted prayer. She still had her heart as hard as a rock and went inside.

Her driver came out and told Michael and I that Amanda had an abortion and it tears her up every day. We were able to go through the Gospel with her. She told us the workers at the assisted living place where Samantha lives had told her not to do this. She had been to Grace Pregnancy Center in DeLand but was still doing this.

During the preaching Amanda came out for a cigarette and Allura and Anne got to speak with her and pray with her.

During the preaching Samantha kept looking out the window. As I left for church she came out. So thankful that God touched the heart of a poor mentally challenged young lady. So thankful to see this picture that was sent as soon as I left.

Thank God for His Amazing Goodness this morning.

From Darkness to Light

As told by John Barros:

It’s so strange to go from an abortion mill to a Ligonier conference on the same day. To go from such Darkness to such Light. I really can’t even explain it.

At the mill it was not very busy. So thankful for Pastor Dan, Matt, Chuck and Mary, Beth, and Karen.

Three ladies left. A couple of things I never heard of happened. Two ladies came out and said that they wouldn’t give them an abortion because they couldn’t see their babies on an ultrasound. They were too early. I have never heard that before. I don’t know if they have quit doing pill abortions.

One of the ladies said “I won’t be having an abortion.” She says she will be keeping her baby. The other one said she was told to come back in a couple of weeks. She said she would have done it today but after hearing preaching and the ladies she doesn’t know what she is going to do. She began to get upset about the abortion she had four years ago. She was given the Gospel and she left. Please pray for these two as well as another that was a turnaway.

Funeral home taking a Precious Baby from here[/caption] There was a very sad sight here today as well. A man from a funeral home came to get a little baby. He said he came to pick up a baby that had passed away. I know the couple that came for their abortion. Winnie Palmer Hospital sent them over here after their baby died. It was so sad to see a baby being brought out in a little white box. So sad to think of all the others in the freezer that no one cares about.

Funeral home taking a Precious Baby from here

The Conference is so special. So many people from all over the place that are fighting abortion in so many different ways. So awesome to have the leader tell 5,000 folks to come to my table to see how they can get in the fight.

A wonderful man by the name of Roy Medley came over with a sign. He told me that three years ago he heard me speak about retired men adopting an abortion clinic. Roy went home, made a sign, and has been standing in front of an abortion mill everyday they are open in Ft. Meyers for the last three years…What an amazing man.

Roy is amazing.

No way to go into all that is going on here.

Sick of Abortion?

As told by John Barros:

I have to ask the question. Are you sick of abortion? Are you tired of watching nothing change year after year?

Boy today really got to me. Watching women stumbling all over the parking lot doing their Death March.

These ladies had a shot yesterday to try and stop their babies hearts. They had laminera sticks placed in their cervix and given drugs to begin labor. Now they are back to go through the Death March, walking till the precious baby is delivered into a toilet.

Please let’s rise up and bring legislation to end this. There are some groups that are working very hard at this. I am partial to the new one endabortionnow.com from Apologia Church but there are several. We need to win this.

Besides the wickedness I already alluded to here there was one precious young lady that came out during the preaching and chose life. Her boyfriend was absolutely furious. Please pray for her.

So thankful to serve with Karen, Donna, and Jim. Difficult day with the best of people.

The Lord Changes Hearts

As told by John Barros:

Today was tiring but wonderful. Blessed to have Jim Thornton and Jim Wright join Lucas, Karen, Pastor David, and Chuck and Mary to serve.
Jim Thornton is a College Professor and Evangelist. He is going to be serving at the abortion mill in Bristol, Tennessee now. Jim Wright came down here a few years ago and now serves at two abortion mills in the Atlanta area.

It was much slower today than lately. One young lady came in a car with Christian bumper stickers. She stayed inside through the preaching which was much was centered on her. After the preaching she got out of here extremely troubled as fast as she could.

A guy named JT arrived with his sister. He was so angry that I would stand in my square on the sidewalk. He wanted me anywhere else but there. He told me to move here or there and anywhere but in my square. It was so weird. He was threatening great bodily harm, etc. God began working on him though and he ended up having me shake hands and pray for him. He said that nothing could change his sister’s mind. I explained how God moves hearts much harder than his and hers in a split second of time.

JT went inside to be with his sister. He sat inside through the preaching. He came outside after and went to get water. When he returned he told us he could not believe it but his sister texted him and said she was changing her mind. He went inside and shortly came out. As he was walking with her he flashed the two fingered salute over his heart and said “Thank you.”

JT wanted my head on a platter. The Lord wanted JT’s eyes opened

We were all pretty darn pumped. There is nothing like seeing God move in such dramatic ways.

After all this, Lucas, Jim, and I went over to set up for the conference. Even though it’s not even on yet people were wanting to come to the mill. I met a precious volunteer named Amy. She is a FSU Student. She told me her Church has “adopted” the Tallahassee abortion mill and that she serves two days a week there. So many awesome things going on through the Church. Hundreds of people that go to this conference are in the fight.

I see people writing on Facebook things like “Do you love your theology as much as your neighbor?” These folks love their neighbors because of their theology.

Getting pretty excited about the next few days. Please pray for the ladies that left today. Pray they never return. Please also pray the Lord would bring the right folks by my table in the afternoons and evenings.

When Jesus Meets You

As told by John Barros:

Well they are back to using this “popup” again. It was super busy again with over 20 coming. The Lord shined a light on four ladies though.

Killing your baby for 50% off

We had a guy become a Man and lead his lady out of here. There was a precious young lady, India, that came out during the preaching and chose life. We had a time of prayer and she will be going to Choices.

Then there was a precious young Brazilian girl. Her name was Fabianna. She had gone inside but after about 15 minutes she came out. Yolie offered her the materials and then she came over and sat on the wall. She chose life and we had a time of prayer. During our talk she said she was far from God and wanted to come to Him. We went through the Gospel. She is going to be going to First Baptist because they have a Brazilian Church there. She is also going to be getting with Carmem at First Life because she is Brazilian and will be a wonderful friend.

There is just something wonderful about this young lady. She came here at 16 and has been making it. She is getting married in two months. Please pray for this precious young lady. She is pretty special. We all want to be friends with her. She is so thankful Jesus met her here.

And I am so thankful for Marcia, Karen, and Yolie.

God is Good

As told by John Barros:

God was so good today. The place was still very busy but three chose life and there were two turnaways.

Steve and Kayla came but met Beth before going inside. She spoke with them and they changed their mind. Beth prayed with them but they returned a little later. They were having a hard time believing they could make it. We had a long talk but Kayla went inside. She came back out and said she is not doing this and will not return. Please pray for them and that they would not let pride get in the way of asking for help.

During the preaching, “Mario” and “Maria” came out. Mario looked at me and did that two fingered salute over his heart and said Thank You. She was not exactly happy with him but she left with him. Please pray the Lord would work on their hearts. He was so thankful when they pulled up.
“Sonya” also came out during the preaching. She came up and said she changed her mind and has two other children but said she didn’t believe the Church would help her. Pastor Dan took her and gave his word that his Church would. Please pray that God would give her faith to trust Him and that she and her family would become members of that Church.

Pastor Dan brings the Gospel to Sonya

Throughout the day, several came to help. Thank you Karen, Chuck, Mary, Pastor Dan, Beth, Yolie, Andrea, Edwin, and Heather Botero.

Thank you all for praying. You all are a vital part of the ministry down here.

A “Different” Kind of Evil

As told by John Barros:

I have to tell you Karen, Yolie, Donna, and I are truly heartbroken today.

You know it’s going to be a tough day when workers come in crying. One saying how utterly disgusting and wicked it was yesterday. I can still hear and see the folks from yesterday growling, screaming, mocking God. It was total insanity. There has been a “different” kind of Evil here this week. Definitely one of the worst weeks of all these years.

Well, today was no better. It was horrific to watch more than 15 of the 30 plus from yesterday return to complete their late-term labor and delivery abortions. All new abortions were canceled because the 84-year-old “Beast” had his hands full.

They walked in today with their pillows and blankets not quite as smart mouthed as they were yesterday. Their babies were most likely dead from the shot he gave them to stop their hearts yesterday. The laminera sticks that had been placed in their cervix was causing some discomfort. He gave them more drugs to speed up the labor and then they began to March. They marched in circles all day and as the day went on their walking became very labored. Waiting to deliver their baby’s into a toilet. All this while the people that run this place are off to a resort in the Dominican Republic getting married.

For the first time I was speechless. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Not that I have never seen it before but this was different somehow. Almost all I could do was pray and most of that wasn’t even with words. Just begging God to stop this.

We must stop this!!

I know all my friends like to hear the wonderful things Jesus does down here. I know everything is according to His will. Maybe he just wanted us to experience the pain of this. It is so unbelievably wicked. To hear ladies scream “I just want to get “It” out of me.”

How has this gone on so long?

It is long overdue to do something about this. It’s not time to point fingers of blame but it is time to act.

I would ask my friends in every state to go to ENDABORTIONNOW.COM
Their website is almost complete. The website has taken a little longer than expected because it is a highly technical one.

Their goal is to work through the Church. They don’t see the Church as an enemy. They are contacting pastors all around the country and will be offering everything from training pastors and elders to lead their Churches in this battle in every aspect, to sidewalk counseling, to working through your states lawmakers. Pastor Jeff Durbin is working so hard at this.

I am sorry about how depressing the last couple of posts have been. When you post everyday you just post what it is and this is what it is.
I’m sure the Lord is going to do some other wonderful things and who knows maybe I will just delete this. Just had to get it out. Thank you. Please continue to pray.