As told by John Barros:

As told by John Barros:
As told by John Barros:
What a wonderful day down here. Five ladies came down to OWC and three left.
One was a mother who brought her young daughter. When confronted with the record of this place and what kind of a mother could she possibly be bringing her daughter here she left. They wouldn’t talk so we pray she doesn’t just change locations.
Then Julia and her boyfriend chose life.
Then Jane came down and had a young man bring her. When he was first confronted with what God’s word says about this he got angry and said that’s your beliefs not ours, etc. Then God worked on his heart and he came back to say he was going to try and talk her out of it. A while later they came out with those wonderful tears of joy. She said “Whatever you said really got to him.” She hit it off so unbelievably well with Ruth. She lives by Saint Andrew’s and is going to come with Ruth this Sunday morning. Ruth is a huge heart with feet and folks can’t help but be drawn to her. She left to go to Choices.
That left seven employees for two abortions. Please keep praying!.
As told by John Barros:
I have such a heart filled with thanksgiving today. God sent Ruth Day down to help. She is a new member of Saint Andrew’s Chapel and has been wanting to come down and minister. Boy did she ever!
She was a big part in God turning a young lady’s heart to choose life. She counseled with clinic workers, drove a homeless lady to the rescue mission, and had another couple follow her to First Life. She is such an amazing lady. She is from Boston and worked in a CPC there. What an answer to prayer she is!.
As told by John Barros:
It was such a wonderful weekend. Bryan McDaniel and I went deep behind enemy lines in Tallahassee (if you are a Gator you know what I mean) to meet with a new pro life group being formed at Florida State University called Noles4Life. What an awesome bunch of brothers and sisters.
We were also able to speak at City Church, a large church that meets in a mall. The pastor is behind this group and they are extremely active in evangelism.
Then we went down to the only abortion clinic in town (yes, they were open on Sunday and busy). As God’s timing would have it there was a young lady named Latoya who was there for information. When asked what information we could give her to keep her away from here, she said “Thank God”. We got to speak to her and she asked us to pray for her. I am hoping you all will as well.
Upon seeing this the workers came out and went ballistic. Bryan and I had to head home, but Matt Ferro and Alejandro Capote hung around as the police came. Matt is the founder and president of Noles for Life. He had done his homework and had all property boundaries and other information ready for them. The police told the abortion staff Matt had every right to be there.
Please pray for these folks; they are bringing the Gospel to a new front line..
As told by John Barros:
I so look forward to Fridays. Beth Goble and the kids from Reformation Bible College come down. It used to be for training, but now I learn more from them than they could ever learn from me. Words cannot describe what they mean to me and the love I have for them.
Today a young lady was overcome with conviction and chose life. Thankfully she had a man that backed her up thanked us and said “We can do this”. Then a young couple came and spoke with Sarah Woodroof and Isaac at length and had to literally run to First Life before they closed to get their ultrasound.
It was a good but crazy day. The enemy hates that we preach and sing hymns down here so he sent a man to park out front to blare his stereo to try and stop people from hearing. It didn’t work..
John says it was encouraging to be thanked by Governor Rick Scott and told to stay the course.
Governor Scott spoke at the Florida Right to Life Leaders’ Forum..
As told by John Barros:
Today there were only five that came down to OWC. A mother and her 14-year-old daughter chose life. That was joyful but today the horrors of abortion were brought once again to life on a personal scale.
In the last week I have seen the results of three botched abortions on women. Last week a lady came who had an abortion a month ago. She said Randall didn’t get all of the baby out and it had continued to grow inside her womb. She was a mess and she went through the same procedure again.
Monday a young lady named Gerta came by and told me she had an abortion and now has something called an incompetent uterus. She didn’t know it until at 28 weeks she woke up with her baby’s leg coming out of her. She had to watch her baby struggle until she died. She lost another one also.
Then today Chris came back. She had an abortion two weeks ago and was having major problems. We had spent hours talking before she went in for her abortion. When she came back today she said that everything I told her would happen was happening. She sat and talked with me once again as she was waiting to be seen. We went through the Gospel but it still seemed veiled to her (2 Cor 4). She went in and when she came back out she was a total mess. They had to do the whole thing all over again and this time since she drove herself it had to be done without any sedation. She was crying while the abortion was going on and Randall was yelling and cursing at her while he was doing it.
I cannot begin to tell folks what this place is like. Unimagined horrors go on here. Please pray that God would bring these ladies to repentance. I don’t like posting about the negative stuff but seeing the ones God saves is only half the story..
As told by John Barros:
God did a couple of amazing things at OWC today. A guy became a man today and led his lady out of there and went to a CPC.
Then a lady I know very well who works inside another abortion clinic in town called me. She had a young lady named Shannon inside her counseling room. Shannon was beginning to think of keeping her baby. They wanted to know what to do. She ended up choosing life and is going to a crisis pregnancy center.
Please pray for Shannon; she already has a three-month-old. And pray my friend would once and for all get out of this hellish work!.
As told by John Barros:
It is always a blessing when the kids from Reformation Bible College come down to OWC. They come to not only speak and call out to those going inside but also to sing hymns to their God. They will sing a couple of hymns and then someone will preach in between.
This drives the guys crazy because the ladies they have brought begin to soften. The guys will come out yelling and screaming for them to stop singing. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people. I wish my camera could do justice to how beautiful the singing really is….