As told by John Barros:
The insanity continues down at OWC. I haven’t seen a week like this in a long time.
There was a detective who brought a lady much younger than him down here and he was ticked. He hated the message and didn’t like being shown to be the coward he is. Then we had families showing up together with little children.

Then a lady came and sat in “my office” (actually my wall) and read her Bible as she sent her daughter in to kill her baby. I spent hours going through the gospel and what God thinks of this with them to no avail.

And of course Thursday just wouldn’t be complete without the people coming to pick up the dead babies. Some days you come home and take a shower and it just doesn’t get you clean, no matter how long you wash.

I wish there were two Lord’s days. When these days happen I just long to worship at Saint Andrew’s.
There was good news, though. Two ladies chose life. Alisha is 18 weeks along. She was so hard and angry but God had her come talk. She let me pray for her and He touched that hard heart and the tears were flowing. It was beautiful. I also got to speak with a lady named Mia. We had a great talk and she wants me to pick her up on Sunday to go to Saint Andrew’s.
The crew down here helping today were Hope and Sarah, two brand new baby Christians.

God is so good… even little Aryanna was a prayer warrior today.