Ministry Continues During Super Bowl Outreach

While John headed up to New York to preach the gospel to the thousands of people headed to the Super Bowl, Bradley Spruill faithfully substituted for him at OWC today, accompanied by Jessica, Abigail, and Hannah in the morning; and Sarah and Natalie in the afternoon.

30 minutes after he preached for the second time, a lady came out with a face and attitude that showed God’s Word had been working on her severely. After talking to her for 15 minutes she chose life, let Bradley buy her lunch, and he was able to take her to First Life (about ten minutes away from OWC) to get all the love, care, and help she needs to keep her baby.

Praise God for His grace in saving yet another life from that wretched place!.

Two Chose Life

As told by John Barros:

I was honored to spend the day down here with Bradley Spruill and Don Kearns. God showed much grace and mercy. Two young ladies chose life.


A man who came under heavy conviction came out and was beating himself in the head. He went and sat in his car out back where Don continued to preach. While this was going on his lady came out saying she chose life. They went to a crisis pregnancy center.

God is so good. Thanks for praying..

Gasparilla Pirate Fest

As told by John Barros:

I had the honor of going to preach and share the gospel at the Gasparilla Pirate Fest.


Scott Smith, Ed Rivera, Don Kearns and several others invited me to go. It was wonderful.


These pictures look like chaos and there was a lot of that, but there were many opportunities for one-on-one and prayer.

Don Kearns draws a crowd like no one I have ever seen. He is such a hero to me: one of these men who goes around the world preaching every day. Please pray for him and all these guys. Scott does the same thing and will also be going to the Super Bowl Outreach this weekend in New York.


A Special Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was so special to me. My dear friend Don Kearns came down to help out, along with Warren Marquardt and the most wonderful kids from Saint Andrew’s. Chelsea Stolz came down for her first time. The highlight to me was that my daughter Rachel came for the first time since she was very young.


There was so much gospel, prayer, witnessing, and singing. Everybody worked so hard but we only had one turn-away.


I have never been with a team like this in my life. Don Kearns preaches all over the world and said he didn’t know kids like this existed. He said they bring him much hope for the future. I absolutely agree.


If you all know anyone thinking of going to a Bible college, please tell them to visit Reformation Bible College..

One of Those Crazy Days

As told by John Barros:

This was one of those crazy days. This guy and his wife came all the way from Kentucky to do this. They “had to” kill their baby because they already have three grandchildren.


God has been so good though; we have seen men stand up for their women and a grandmother stand up as well. Four babies get to live today. Thanks for praying and please continue to.

I have the honor of being able to speak to the kids I Love so much at Reformation Bible College tonight at 7:00 so please pray for that as well..

Babies Are Murdered Here

Today (January 22, 2014) is the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

From John Barros on 1/23:

I know everyone is happy about Marching For Life yesterday and I am as well but Bradley Spruill and I are down here pleading and watching several ladies who started their labor here yesterday march to speed the delivery of their babies into a toilet.

Please pray for today but get this film out to as many as you can so folks can see the reality of this horror.


God Works in Mysterious Ways

In addition to not allowing pocketbooks, bags, or purses inside, Orlando Women’s Center just enacted a policy banning food, drinks, and cell phones inside the building too. John and other sidewalk counselors are excited about this because it means the people will spend more time outside where we can speak with them face-to-face!


Ministry Opportunities

As told by John Barros:

There were so many ministry opportunities today. The place was packed with some of the hardest folks you could imagine but God was faithful to protect us from their crazy threats.

The kids from RBC had many chances to share the gospel individually. The gospel was preached, God was worshiped.


Tanner Johnson and Beth Goble were able to be used to help a young couple choose life. God never fails to amaze us in how He works in the hearts of people.



As told by John Barros:

Thursdays can be a jumbled mess down here because there’s a bit of everything going on. Late-term moms are still in labor that was started the day before, checkups on ladies who already had abortions, women coming to pick up birth control, etc.

In the middle of all this God touched the heart of Keybrianna and Marcy. They chose life for their twins. I wish you could have seen the faces that went in compared to the faces in these photos.

God is so good! We were able to spend some time with them and even had a time of prayer. Keybrianna’s mother is as thankful as they are and shared with us that she thought of abortion when she was pregnant with Keybrianna but chose life and can’t imagine what her life would have been like without her daughter. So these young 17- and 18-year-olds have a mother who is going to help, and they are going to First Life for additional help. Please pray for this young family they have a looong road ahead.

I was blessed to serve with Bradley Spruill and Nathan today. It was Nathan’s first time doing this type of ministry. Chuck and Mary, our snowbirds from West Virginia, were able to spend a little time here as well.


What Can You Do to Stand for Life?

As told by John Barros:

I have the honor of speaking at Saint Andrew’s Chapel tonight. The message will be on evangelism at abortion clinics and what folks can do to stand for life in other areas as well. The event is open to Saint Andrew’s members and anyone else who would like to come. It would be great to see others from central Florida.

Saint Andrew’s Chapel – 5525 Wayside Drive Sanford, Florida 32771
6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall building, classrooms 6 & 7.

I would also appreciate your prayers!

Update: These events will be occurring quarterly. Stay tuned for future dates..