Former Clinic Director Stops By

As told by John Barros:

A lady stopped by OWC today to see what we were doing. She confessed that she ran the All Women”s Health Center abortion clinic for 10-1/2 years. She was absolutely amazed what was going on here. She saw the Reformation Bible College kids as well as a couple others singing hymns and conversations going on with people coming for abortions. Terri also saw ladies that had come to Christ here and the joy that was in their hearts. She Encouraged us all to never quit.

I got to spend quite a bit of time speaking with her. She told how Randal Whitney worked for her and he hasn’t changed a bit. She has repented of her sin and is in a church. She is dealing with the consequences of her sin and there is much pain. I reminded her that “He who knew no sin became sin that we might have the righteousness of God” and that “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from ALL sin.” She said that she can’t do enough. I told her none of us can but He did.

A dear friend is going to be working with Terri. Please pray for her. She did a little video here to encourage other front line people not to give up. There was so much more but too much to put on here. I know there is a temptation to some to want to find her and get all the dirt but please don’t. I think it is more important to see her get the help she needs than make you famous. Stay the course, brothers and sisters!


A Different Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was much different than yesterday. Bradley Spruill and Warren Marquardt served here today. A mix of ladies in their second day of labor, a few new ones, birth control, and checkups. It was pretty hot and ugly down there.

Then of course the Pro Med people came to pick up the dead babies.

I had an opportunity to be interviewed by a radio station in Toronto today. I hope somehow it was able to encourage sine dear brothers and sisters up there. Canada has laws that make it very difficult to minister in front of clinics or protest. I really have a special interest in Toronto; I was born there. My great-grandfather immigrated there from Scotland in the 1800s. He was a blacksmith and the farm he had is now in the heart of Toronto with high rises on it. I just pray somehow the interview will encourage one who is serving on the front lines, and get one out on the front lines. Thank you all for praying..

Insane Day

As told by John Barros:

  I really don’t even know where to begin talking about the day down here… There was carnage on a massive scale.   It was late term day so those ladies came around 7:30, then there was a group at 9:00, then another group at 10:00.10309375_10203888464600387_7766883343795715360_n  There were 30 ladies here to kill their babies.  And there was an unusual mix of cultures and philosophies here.  People claiming to be Christians, a couple of Muslims, and even an avowed communist.  I told the Muslims that abortion is the worst sin in Islam… They knew it but said she had a medical condition that would kill her to have the baby. 10298110_10203888465320405_1167574482947324030_o Later she came over and talked quite a bit and admitted she was divorced and pregnant.  In her culture people would look down on her for having the baby.  She finally admitted she was killing her baby for pride.  Bradley worked hard today giving an answer for the hope that lies within him.   A police officer came and began puffing up his chest. I asked him if he knew the record of this place and how they were going to kill babies today.  He was visibly moved but still thought abortion was ok. Then later he actually came over sat on the wall and spoke at length to Bradley, watching me engage the people.10342506_10203888464800392_7606382394550522760_n He went inside and after I preached he came out and said, ” I agree with you guys now, and wish I could come stand with you.”  I know my friend Chet stood when he was a police officer, and I pray this one does too.  It was such an insane day.  While preaching I could almost feel like I was getting punched and words felt like they were falling on the sidewalk.  God showed Great Mercy though, and two girls chose life.  They both had tears of surrender, and went to True Life Choices. They stayed late and and one got to see her fifteen week baby and receive godly counsel.  While driving home I listened to the Fernando Ortega channel on Pandora and just lost it… This is not the way things should be.  Please pray for these girls and the ones that are coming tomorrow, and that when they look at us that they would see Jesus..

Quick Update

As told by John Barros:

  I’ve been so busy that I  haven’t had time to post this week from OWC.  The craziness continues with late term abortions and people claiming to be Christians filling out paperwork to kill their baby, while bringing their other children along, telling us they were just sending their baby straight back to heaven… so much sickness.  But this week was amazing in one way: several people came for abortions but as soon as we would speak to them it was as if a heavy load fell off their backs and they would say, “thank you!” and choose life.  Way too much to post but the Holy Spirit worked on hearts and a sweetness was the result… God is so good..

The Blessing of a Van for Ministry

As told by John Barros:

It takes a lot to make me speechless but the folks at Saint Andrew’s Chapel have done it for the last few days. The church had a fundraiser to buy a 15-passenger van for the ministry at OWC, the Center For Drug Free Living, and the 33rd Street jail.


It was just about full for Sunday morning and has already been in service at OWC. Coming back from church on Sunday the folks in the van were praising God that the church got me a van. I had to explain they didn’t get ME a van; rather the Lord Jesus and Saint Andrew’s got the van for THEM.

It’s been pretty tearful with hearts of thanksgiving and joy on Lucerne Terrace lately. God has shown Himself so unbelievably full of grace and mercy to everyone down here He has been calling to Himself. Please continue to pray for us.

I am so blessed to be in a church with the pastors, elders, deacons, and members I belong to. They want to do anything to get the gospel out to a lost and dying world. This may be a little jumbled but I am just a little bit excited… Thank You, Jesus!.

An Unbelievable Week

As told by John Barros:

What an unbelievable week this has been. We have called upon the Lord and boy has He shown us some things. Today was another day when we saw Him bring life from His Word. Eleven people came today and four chose life.


We got to see Him turn a boy into a man and lead his lady out. They came flying up the driveway saying “Thank you” and giving us thumbs-up. We saw Him silence mockers and crush stony hearts.

Then God sent a young lady named Crystal to say thank you for being here 2-1/2 years ago to stop her. Her little boy Jayden is almost two now. She is being convicted by the Lord and wants to come to Saint Andrew’s this Sunday.

Please pray for all these folks. Eleven ladies have chosen life over the last three days with several turn aways. God is so good!.

A Different Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was so different than yesterday and we were so very thankful. First thing this morning Bradley Spruill was a able to speak to a young lady who came early and she very quickly left for a CPC.


Then a guy showed up with his wife for their second day of labor. He literally dragged her in there with a giant suitcase. He had been saying for two days that she had a medical condition that was making them have to abort. We found out from his wife that her “medical condition” was that their baby has Downs Syndrome. We told them we could get a hundred people today who would love her baby, but to no avail.


Later in the day a young hardened lady from South Carolina came out during the preaching, looked at me and said “I can’t do this…” She chose life. OWC was giving them a hard time and did not want to refund her money. Earlier in the day they would not take info but did when they left.

The greatest thing about today were the wonderful people I got to serve with. Shari and Alexza Johnson were there with a friend. These folks are wonderful. Bradley Spruill is in the midst of working, Bible college, finals, etc. and he is so faithful to come every week. Then the Lord brought me a surprise. Scott and Erin Calihan from Lexington, Kentucky came to Orlando for vacation. They decided to come serve here for half a day, and it was such a blessing. I don’t deserve to be able to serve with folks like those who came today. God is so very gracious.


God’s Power Made Perfect in Weakness

As told by John Barros:

I can’t begin to thank you all for your prayers today. God did things I never thought I would see. Police were there three different times including an investigator. There were close to thirty here today. People who come to work on the sidewalk were unable to make it and it was crazy. Beth Kee saw my post on Facebook about being alone this morning and came down to help.

To make a long story short, five ladies chose life today. There was a man who stood up and took his wife home. A young lady who was overcome sweetly chose life. The daughter of a feminist chose life and her mother went completely nuts on us.

Jared Mellick brought me a sandwich for lunch and was able to see young Brittani choose life, apologize for her mouth all day, and ask for prayer. When we were done praying Jared put his hand on her arm and told her he was proud of her. You could see her heart melt. Then there was a late-term mom who just broke down and chose life.

I have never seen so many ladies weeping. Almost all of them, even if they went through with the abortions, went in tears. There was a cheerleader inside who would say “Good job,” when a girl chose life; she kept coming out and saying how everyone inside was going crazy. One of the clinic workers told the people out front that everything I was saying was true. I could go on and on. God really moved.

2 Cor 12:9-10 shows the secret. On days like today the Lord shows we are not strong but we become strong when we come to our Rock. Seeing how utterly bankrupt I am and how the only hope for these ladies is to flee to Him and watch Him work. I am an earthy guy filled with glass and failures. I cannot save any babies or anyone. This is not some false humility kind of thing; this is the truth. He alone is able to save and today He made it crystal clear. I am just standing in awe having seen Him do the most incredible things. Thank you for praying..

Weak Vessels

As told by John Barros:

Paul Washer was speaking last night about how God uses the weak to bring about His purposes. He uses the weak because they need to lean on Him and this makes them strong. We are a bunch of weak, broken vessels down here and we get to watch Him do the most amazing things. We never talk people into keeping their babies but see Him turn hearts through His Word.


Today three ladies chose life and there was one turn away. The first one, Kaisha, came out early and wouldn’t let me pray with her but wanted prayers. She said in her culture people will pray a curse on people while praying with them. I have never heard that one before.

Then a couple, Daemon and Jennifer, pulled in. We had quite a while to speak to them and then they parked and spoke with us for over an hour. After what seemed like an eternity they pulled up with double thumbs-up and massive smiles only Jesus can put on a face. They had tears of joy thanking us over and over.

Then Ashley came and she was as cold as the concrete with an argumentative spirit. As the day went on she kept coming out with more questions. The Lord opened her eyes. Bradley and Chantelle, who began ministering for the first time today, showed her love and when she told us she chose life Chantelle took her a Blessing Bag right up to the porch wrapped in a plastic bag.

The prayer group from Resound came by and prayed in the rain. After a crazy week we were able to see the sweetness of God here today. If you are weak, go watch Him work.


Late-Term Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was disgusting down here. There were so many late-term ladies with their pillows and blankets as they entered their second day of labor.


On Wednesday one lady came out crying as she was being convicted only to have her dad give her extra money to stay. Another lady had her kids here for two days in the parking lot waiting and waiting for her to complete her labor.


There were some wonderful people who come to help. Two things made us rejoice. One couple chose life. They had come two days in a row but never got in the front door either day. Please pray for them as they are pretty scared as to how they are going to make it. The other thing is that Randall Whitney was served with another lawsuit. Please pray for God to begin softening hearts of the folks coming this morning..