Grueling Day

As told by John Barros:

Well today was grueling. It started out with dear Beth Goble. It was packed with people. It’s kind of strange but you hear the same lame old vileness, threats, and nonsense arguments everyday. It’s almost as if it’s the same people day in and day out with different clothes on.

Beth had to leave and then Edwin Botero, Andrea Caraballo, and the crew came to pray. Esteban De Leon came as well and I believe had about a year of growth in his walk in one day. There were so many conversations, so many opportunities to share the.Gospel with so many very hard and lost people.

The word went forth and did what it does: some were hardened and some were softened. One coward began threatening all kinds of things because his lady ran out in tears saying she didn’t want to do it. He pressured her back inside.


There were two rays of light though today. A young lady named Amber came today but left and went to Choices. I don’t know how that went. Then Destiny came out with such a smile. She chose life and asked for prayer.

Please pray for these girls and all those who heard the Gospel today. Esteban said he came to a realization how it takes prayers of the saints to bring these walls down..

Just Horrible

As told by John Barros:

Well today was just horrible. The late-termers were back for their second day of labor as well as the new ones. Nobody chose life and there was a lot of drama.


One young man fell under conviction and tried to save his baby but his lady wouldn’t listen. Esteban De Leon spent quite a bit of time with him and prayed with him. Andrea Krazeise, the director of the Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center, came by and did her best to call out to her but she just wouldn’t listen. When she finally came out he began throwing things out of the car and after getting her in the car he just sat there looking at me and Bradley Spruill, weeping. Then he burned rubber out of there.


It was great to see Andrea again and the Lord brought a young man, Lucas McCurdy, down to serve. He saw the Ligonier conference and wants to get in the fight. He is a wonderful brother..

Awesome Day

As told by John Barros:

I don’t know if it’s possible to say that a day at an abortion clinic was awesome, but if you can today was. Once again the Lord shined His light into a very dark place and turned the hearts of four young ladies.

It was kind of strange. After the preaching I sat on the wall with Jessica Woodroof. We both felt we could sense something was about to happen. Three ladies came out, chose life, prayed with us, and took blessing bags. They were so thankful. One of the couples live in Sanford and is going to go to the Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center. The other three took info for Choices.


We were blessed today to have Callie Caraballo the awesome ultrasound tech come by to check out what it is like down here. I think she got a better grasp on what the folks that come to her are coming from. Bonnie Franke once again poured herself into these girls’ lives all day long. Esteban De Leon came before school to help, and Philip Kinkopf and Samantha came in the afternoon. Samantha was able to speak to a young couple. She and Philip stayed late. The couple went to the back to think about what they were told for about twenty minutes, got in their car and left. Samantha was so excited.

These kids work and pray so hard. I am so thankful for the wealth of education from RBC that they bring down here. And of course I can’t say enough about Bradley Spruill. God is so good!.

Tough Spots

As told by John Barros:

We were so blessed to see three ladies leave here today. All three were prayed with and given information.


One young lady was in and out several times sobbing. She has three children. She spent a lot of time with Tracey Sarnicki. At one point a man showed up and gave her money for the abortion. She went back inside crying. Then about twenty minutes later she came back out with a huge smile. She walked down the street with Tracey, they prayed, and she left. Then about an hour later another man claiming to be her boyfriend came by looking for her. He was very worked up, saying he was afraid she was coming to kill his baby. When told she had chosen life he was relieved and sped away.

Please pray for these ladies. All of them are in tough spots. I am so thankful to serve with Philip Kinkopf, Thomas De Castro, Esteban De Leon, Samantha, and Tracey..

Post Tenebras Lux

As told by John Barros:

I am trying to “unpack” everything that happened this weekend at the Ligonier National Conference. Thousands of people were there. I would never have believed in my wildest dreams the response. Many of the speakers addressed the evil of abortion in our country. I was so busy at my table that I hardly got to see any of it, but I will when the DVDs come out.

Literally hundreds of people came by with questions about how they can serve at the abortion mill in their towns all around the country. I have several sheets of names and emails of people wanting to get in touch with folks in their town that do this as well.

There were many ladies who came telling me of the crushing pain they have dealt with for years over having had an abortion. One had hers just a few weeks after Roe v. Wade. I don’t have the tools that some of my friends have for this, but was able to take them to 1 John 1:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:21. I am so unbelievably thankful to God, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., Chris Larson, Dave Theriault, Lee, and all the Ligonier people for this opportunity. It was such a blessed, special time I will never forget. Now back to work….

Darkness Showed Up Early… but the Lord Shined a Light

As told by John Barros:

Darkness showed up down here early this morning but when that happens the Lord shines a beautiful light. We had 30-some young Canadians come to Saint Andrew’s on Sunday. They were here to do an awareness campaign about the evils of abortion at UCF. I went by on Tuesday to check it out, see how they were doing, and encourage them. They were doing a wonderful job and having many conversations with students. This morning they all showed up here and joined Bradley Spruill, Esteban De Leon, Warren Marquardt, Samuel Leiro and me. It was so awesome.


I can’t tell all that happened here, but two stories are very cool. A man came to drop a young lady off. The kids were all singing Amazing Grace. The young lady could barely speak English. We did the best we could to speak with her. She kept looking at the whole scene, especially the singers. She went inside but turned around within minutes. She came back out and walked to the car. She talked with her dad and I was able to speak to him. After speaking to her he was so thankful: she had changed her mind! They took the information and drove down the street waving and thanking everyone.


Then a young lady, Cheyenne, came down and asked if John was here. She had been talking to a young lady who had recently come to Christ and is Saint Andrew’s now. She wanted to know what the Gospel was. She poured out her heart. She is seven months pregnant, the result of a brutal rape. She was never going to have an abortion. We went through the Gospel beginning with Adam to Jesus. She was blown away by the fact that “He made Him who knew no sin, sin that we might have the righteousness of God.” To know that by repenting of her sin and trusting Him she could stand before God and He would love her as much as He loves Jesus. She was overcome and said she wanted to commit her life to Him. It was so beautiful. We all formed a circle on the Dr. Collins’ lawn next to OWC. People prayed for her one by one and then many of these kids continued to counsel and pray with her for a long time. Cheyenne is going to be coming to Saint Andrew’s on Sunday. Please pray for these ladies as well as these kids from Canada. I am so blessed.


Not Used to the Cold

As told by John Barros:

I’m not going to complain about how cold it is because of all our friends up north, but good grief us Floridians aren’t used to this! The Lord warmed the hearts of a few today.


Jacob Allen and Esteban De Leon were able to speak with Joe and Zecuah early this morning for quite some time. They ended up coming out, walked up to us, and said they had changed their minds. They took a blessing bag and some information. It was so cool to see them walking down the.street holding hands and stopping for a kiss.

Then Thelma came out, said she was keeping her baby boy, and leaning toward calling him Matthias.


These RBC kids are unbelievable. I am so thankful for Jacob, Esteban, Philip Kinkopf, Jessica Woodroof, and Bonnie Franke. They are wise beyond their years with hearts as big as Texas!.

So Powerful

As told by John Barros:

Today was so powerful. The Lord showed great mercy and opened the eyes of four young ladies and two men. Jonathan and Shaniqua came first. Shaniqua decided she couldn’t do it. They were fighting and Jonathan came burning up the hill but stopped. Jonathan listened to us and ended up agreeing with Shaniqua. He asked us to pray for them and off they went.

Then Ebony came out during the preaching, thanked us, took a blessing bag and left. Then Wes and Kayla came out, prayed with Thomas De Castro, and left with their blessing bag.

Then there was Maria. Tracey Sarnicki spoke with her when she pulled up for quite a while, but she went inside anyway. After being in there the Lord drove her outside in tears. I cannot begin to tell you all the problems in her life. Tracey talked her into going out to breakfast. A few hours later they came back and Maria was so excited to tell me she has repented of her sin and turned her life over to Jesus! I can’t tell you how beautiful this is. Her fiance is now on board as well.


I am so thankful for Thomas De Castro and Philip Kinkopf. They are true warriors. Thank you all for praying.


Changed A Bit

As told by John Barros:

With all the craziness that’s been going on around here the last few weeks and especially the last couple of days, OWC changed things around a bit. They had a police officer come down today. They usually only do that on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They also had Randall Whitney show up an hour and a half early.


There were quite a few who showed up but four chose life today. Usually on Friday it’s Beth Goble, who celebrated her birthday here this morning, Bradley Spruill, and me. Well today there was a perfect schedule the Lord set up. Chuck and Mary, who are snowbirds from West Virginia and come once a week for a couple of hours, came after Beth left. Then Jessica Woodroof, Jacob Allen, and Esteban from RBC came to finish out the day.


The first girl in, Tari, was one of those girls God had been working on as she was coming. She spoke with us and when done backed out of the drive and never even drove back to the parking lot. She took the info and said she was going to get the help she needs.

Then a couple of young ladies came and Beth was able to work with them. They went in anyway but very shortly ran out and said that she was going to keep her baby. After the preaching, a lady who had driven a girl there pulled up so fast I thought she was going to hit my van. She ran inside and we thought something was wrong. A couple minutes later she came put with her sister. She told me she was keeping her baby and said “Thank you.” Her sister began screaming at her to get back in there, yelling about how can she have another baby along with the ones she has. She turned on me, demanding I quit talking to her sister. The sister hung in there strong though, saying “I cannot do this!”

While preaching in the afternoon with the RBC kids praying, a young lady came straight out the door to me and said she didn’t do it. She asked for prayer and Jessica ran over to pray with us. It was pretty awesome today. Thanks for praying..