You Just Never Know

As told by John Barros:

You just never know what the Lord is going to bring your way or do. This lady stopped by today to object to what I was doing. Her first question was “What right do you have to stand here doing this?” I won’t bore you with all the conversation, but I believe God began a wonderful work. She went from anger to tears after God used His word to soften her.

She began crying and told me she was a nurse at an abortion clinic in Greensboro, North Carolina some years ago. She began being convicted of her sin. We spent more time in God’s Word, then she asked me to pray for her. It was unbelievable, really.

She went on to her appointment and then came back and sat on the wall with some of the RBC kids who had arrived. God is so amazing. She went from being so hard to helping in a couple of hours. Please pray for her. She has so much to unpack before the Lord..

Tough Roads Ahead

As told by John Barros:

After the craziness of the last couple of weeks today was wonderful. Philip Kinkopf and I were able to see God bring four ladies out of here. Three chose life and the fourth I would like to say did but just can’t be sure.

Uritsa was the first one out. She came out trembling. We were able to pray with her and her mother. Gave them the information and they will be going to Choices. Uritsa’s mother was so excited. Then two girls came out. Donna was so confused. They went out back and thought about what they were told. They pulled up and prayed with Philip. As they drove off, the driver gave us the peace sign with a huge smile.

Then Omar and Miriam came out. We spoke at length and prayed. They chose life. They were going to call a cab to get to Choices but I took them. After they were settled in there I said goodbye. He followed me outside, hugged me, and thanked me. They were the first couple I had ever met from Mali. He shared that they were Muslim. I told him it was Jesus who met them there today. Then he asked if he could pray for me. God really moved down here today. Please pray for all these folks; they have tough roads ahead.


A Greater Light

As told by John Barros:

Today was unbelievably wicked as you can see from the video I posted earlier but God shined a huge light into the lives of three young ladies today.

After the preaching a pretty young lady named Jasmine who was so cold when she was dropped off by a couple of gang-type guys came out, bewildered but beaming. She said, “Thank you, God has touched me. I am not going to do this.” We had a wonderful time of prayer, she took the info for Choices and left.

Another couple came out. She chose life and he was angry. When they came up in the car he wouldn’t let her roll the window down to take information.

Then a dear young lady named Megan pulled up and asked if I could help her. She is 21 weeks pregnant, can’t do an abortion, has four kids already and wants to give a wonderful gift to a family.


In the midst of great darkness there is always a greater light; His name is Jesus..


As told by John Barros:

Today was disgusting on so many levels. About ten couples returned for their second day of labor and delivery abortions. It was a scene out of hell itself. They were chased out the back door to walk to hurry up their labor. They were outside laughing and cheering each other on.

One mom was teaching her daughter how to do pelvic thrusts to hurry it up. One lady could not sit down because of the laminera sticks inside her cervix. She lay on the hood of her car in agony, puking over the side.

Out front were the usual cowards spouting out their death threats and nonsense. All of this going on to rap music that was being pumped out all day.

I watch the news and see what ISIS is doing to people over in the Middle East, but they really are not even close to the barbarism in the United States.


Hurtful Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was just… how can I say this? Hurtful. You know you always get the threats, people pushing you around, maybe smacking you, swinging at you, spitting on you, or throwing things at you. You will hear them say the most awful and ungodly things you have ever heard, but that just goes with the territory. You expect that. Jesus said it would be this way so you just go with the flow.

There is something much worse than that: when you see God working on a lady to save her and her baby, you spend all day working with them, and they still chose to kill. Today was like that on steroids. After the preaching this morning two ladies did choose life but then people started filing out of there angry and fighting. The policeman had to come out to calm people down. One man walked down the street with his lady, screaming at the top of his lungs, “Get back inside!” She was sobbing and ended up returning. Another lady went out back crying and her guy was hugging and comforting her to get her back inside.


Philip Kinkopf spent so much time trying to get Kyle to get his lady out. Kyle seemed to finally get it bit never did get her out. This went on and on.


Then there was Danielle. She showed up at 7:20 this morning. She looked and acted like the blonde haired girl in the 180 video. She even had her hair the same way. I was able to speak with them at length. They went out back to think about it, but went in when they opened. After the preaching they came out but went back in. She was 20 weeks pregnant and very troubled. They came out at least ten times. Then after thinking out back again they pulled up and said they were choosing life. We spoke for a while, put together some things to make a blessing bag, and off they went. A couple hours later they returned. She went inside but her guy sat on the bricks. Her heard in-depth for probably an hour what God thinks of this and their need to repent. He sat there reading the 180 tract saying he was looking for an excuse but couldn’t find one. Eventually she came out, walking very labored because of the laminara sticks they had put on her cervix. She had already received the shot to stop her baby’s heart. She was crying, and looked at me and said, “I’m so sorry. I will see you tomorrow and bring you a cup of coffee.”


I can’t explain what bond and emotions happen even in an old hardened guy like me. We know babies’ lives are going to end and people are going to be destroyed if they go through with it. It’s so final. I am so thankful for the RBC kids who came down in shifts today. Grant Arnold, Esteban DeLeon, Jessica Woodroof, Bonnie Franke, and Margaret Ruehle (from Concordia down here on spring break) fought hard. What inspirations they truly are. Thanks for praying..

Switched Around

As told by John Barros:

They switched things around here today. Randall Whitney came. There weren’t many clients and no one chose life. There was one turn-away. This girl came out speaking words that were unintelligible other than “I am not not a Christian,” whatever that meant.

Thomas De Castro, Daylan Petterson, Tracey Sarnicki and I were blessed with some visitors today. Pastor William Gunter from Redeemed Community Church in New Port Richey had been watching the Ligonier National Conference online last night and decided to come. He is such a blessing! (You know, Bill isn’t just a pastor; he’s a Florida Gator. He played football for the University of Florida under Coach Spurrier.)


Anna came down, begging people to trust God. Tara brought her beautiful three-month-old baby Rachel down to do the same. The folks coming in and out would turn away from seeing her. Vicky and some board members from Choices came down again. She texted this on Sunday: “Hi, John! Praying you have had a restful day of worship! My friend and brother…thank you for the time you spent with us on Friday. We were ALL touched and changed forever. I can’t stop thinking about it all! EVERY Christian needs to come see what really is going on. I can’t tell you the impact it had on me. After 27 years of serving…this was huge! I really am grateful for the way we partner and that you trust us and send girls our way. We need to find a way to be closer…I KNOW IT! I feel like the Lord wants me to tell you reinforcements are coming. It is NOT an accident I am new for such a time as this…it is NOT an accident… Bless you brother and see you soon…it is time…He is the God of the city!!! ~Vicky”

Vicky is so right: everyone needs to get out to their local clinics and see what is going on. They too will be changed..

Not One Didn’t Know

As told by John Barros:

Today was so powerful. The Holy Spirit worked in so many people. Four ladies decided to keep their babies and one couple was a turn away. The day began with some very hateful people who were lined up waiting to go in. (Usually this is a good sign.) There were threats and even some physicality. God began working right away in the midst of this and one couple Beth spoke with chose life, as well as another young lady who never made it inside.


Even the girls who couldn’t get the strength to trust God were weeping as they came out time after time, even praying with us. One young lady whose mom wouldn’t help her kept coming out in tears almost hyperventilating, especially during the times Jesse Stiemann, Bradley Spruill, and Esteban De Leon were singing hymns. The people kept looking out, unable to deal with Jesus being praised.


There was another girl name Chevelle who kept changing her mind all day long. She prayed with us and called her man to come and get her but stayed. It turns out she is living with a guy she has children with, but is pregnant with another guy’s baby. Neither of the guys wanted the baby. Vicky, the new director of Choices, prayed and counseled with Chevelle but she just couldn’t find the faith to trust God. It was a pretty crazy day indeed..

Not one person here today didn’t know how kind God was in calling them back from the gates of hell. But so many hated Him for doing it..

A Bit Rough

As told by John Barros:

Today was a bit rough. More than a dozen lost their lives today. There was one turn-away, but boy it was a brutal day.

The Lord blessed Bradley Spruill, Esteban De Leon, and I by bringing Chelsea Stolz back to OWC. She is such a warrior and a gentle breath of fresh air at the.same time. Pity the guy that brings a girl here when Chelsea is here! I am so thankful for the gifts God has given this young lady.


The Lord also brought Nicole down here with her new baby Susan to help. Nicole had an abortion years ago and wants to show folks the gift they are killing. Please continue to pray.


Different Than Most

As told by John Barros:

Today was quite a bit different than most. Only seven came this morning. Three of them left. We were so praying that the rest would. At 7:30 a late-term couple, Hector and Maria, pulled up. They rolled down their window and were willing to talk. You could see in their faces that the Lord had been working on them for quite some time. Maria buried her face in her hands and began weeping. Hector immediately began thanking me for being there. They were one of those couples who, strange as it sounds, had been asking God to send a sign or somebody to stop them. They took the materials and didn’t even pull back to the parking lot. They just kept thanking us with tears.


Then another late-term mom came with two “helpers”. They were very vile. They kept coming in and out yelling but after the preaching they came out with heads hung down, absolutely silent. It appeared they were going out back to have a cigarette but to our surprise they pulled up and left. We couldn’t get to them in time so we don’t really know what happened.

Then a young lady named Jade came. Bonnie Franke was able to speak with her and she chose life. She said she was going to go to Choices and took a blessing bag from Esteban De Leon. Then there was the longest gap I have ever seen down here. Philip Kinkopf, Esteban, Bonnie and I were able to have some sweet fellowship here.

Eight workers were here for hours with nobody inside. I don’t know that I have ever experienced that before. But then in the late afternoon checkups came and a few more people came because they have started doing late afternoon abortions on Wednesdays. Please pray for all these folks..

Spring Break

As told by John Barros:

Today was a special day. Reformation Bible College has spring break this week so many of the guys were able to come in the morning. Daylan Petterson and Tracey Sarnicki were as well. Anna and J.C. also came down to help. It was wonderful.


The big surprise was that two young ladies, Leah and Laura, from Ottawa, Canada came down. They had seen the Ligonier conference online and wanted to come down to see what happens here. They were able to see Amber choose life and pray with us over her and her friend Rachel. Leah showed Amber the picture of her beautiful little daughter that two doctors in Canada told her to abort but now is the joy of Leah’s life. Anna showed her Jeffrey, who she almost aborted here, and was able to tell her how God has been so good to her and encouraging Amber to trust Him. It was beautiful. Laura also has a tie to abortion: her mother was going to abort her and her twin sister but bravely chose life and gave them to a wonderful adoptive family.

A while later a beautiful young lady, Shamire, who we could see the Lord working on all day came out. She went from a very angry girl early in the day to one who submitted to God. You could see the weight of the world come off her shoulders.

Please pray for all of these folks and for Leah and Laura. The reason they wanted to see this ministry is because they can’t do this type of work in Canada. There abortions are free to all and they have “buffer zones” around the abortion mills–some as far as three blocks in any direction. They are going back to Canada after seeing Jesus work to see what they can do..