Heating Up

As told by John Barros:

Thanks to all of you who prayed today. It’s heating up down here in more ways than one. Today the Lord turned the hearts of three young ladies and we had one turn-away.

Please pray for Sarah and Breezy. They made it over to Choices. Sarah chose life once and we had a time of prayer, but she came back about an hour and a half later… only to come out again and ask if Choices would still see her. They went there and got help. Breezy has Lupus and had been told she was infertile. She went with Tracey Sarnicki and is now excited to have her baby and signed up to return to the crisis pregnancy center.

All this sounds wonderful to us but it isn’t wonderful to Orlando Women’s Center. Carey the consultant came out on several occasions and was not very happy. He said, “John, what are you doing? This cannot happen. This will not happen anymore.” I told him it isn’t me. It’s Jesus that is doing this, and he should repent because he cannot win. As people would talk he would come outside and encourage them to get inside. When Breezy left to her car he followed her trying to get her to come into the clinic. He kept saying “What is this? What is happening?” This place is really getting upset. You wouldn’t believe it. They are upset about the folks leaving while they are slow, and they have voiced anger about the new 24-hour law. Even James Pendergraft, the owner, came down this afternoon and the last time I saw that look was when the sheriffs were down here emptying the place. Keep praying that this place will go down!

There is one other thing I would ask for prayer about. Today a lady came with her guy, and she was very troubled. I have never seen a woman wear a leather dog collar before. It had the metal ring that you would tie a leash to. She came out sobbing with her guy. She was saying they couldn’t help with the depression she has been battling with since her abortion. I offered her help, but he sped her away. Please pray for her. It was awful.


I am so thankful that Steven, Tracey, and Philip were able to come for certain parts of their day.They are such a blessing..

Children Filling Out Paperwork to Kill A Baby

As told by John Barros:

Today was strange. Besides the late term girl in her second day of labor, only four came.

In the morning a mom and three kids came down to have an abortion for a girl who couldn’t have been more than 15. Donna and I were shocked to see children filling out paperwork to kill a baby. At one point the mom was counting out the money for them and I asked them to sit on the wall because I was going to preach.

They sat there and through the preaching you could see the mom begin crying at points. The young man and lady were also being convicted. The little girl, about 9 years old, was oblivious to what was going on. When I finished, Donna and I moved to the wall and they took off to the side of the building. After much discussion they changed their minds! The young man took the brochures, thanked us, waved and left. It was unbelievable really. Please pray they don’t return. Usually young teens don’t stand against the pressure of adults.

Fredo arrived just as this family was leaving and pled with a late-term young lady to spare the life of her child and give the baby to him and his wife. His words fell on deaf ears. Thank you all for praying for the ministry here and please continue.


Pastors and Personhood

As told by John Barros:

I was so thankful to serve with these precious ladies today. Bonnie and Tara worked so hard, but unfortunately no one chose life.


We were blessed though to have three more pastors from around Orlando stop by to observe and encourage us. I haven’t seen as many pastors in all the years I’ve been here combined as have been here in the last month. The Lord is definitely stirring His Church.

I was also blessed to have Jennifer Sullivan call me when Governor Scott signed the 24-hour waiting period bill. I know the workers at OWC hate it, so we will have to see what happens beginning July 1st.

It has been a blessing to see reports of abortion mills closing and abortion rates dropping but I truly can’t wait to see this evil completely done away with. We need to support the rights of “personhood” for all people, no matter what age we are..

Not a Protester

As told by John Barros:

Today was busier than it has been but it was awesome. Shaniqua and her man came for an abortion. They stopped and talked. He said he appreciated the talk, but she went in anyway. Tracey Sarnicki and Daylan Petterson were able to speak with him at length. He came under conviction and went in and got Shaniqua to come out. After much conversation and prayer they chose life, and proudly showed off their little baby who was in the car.


It was like homecoming down here today. I was blessed to have Lauren, Lacey, and Chantelle stop by for a bit.

Then I was truly blessed to have Pastor Robert and his dear wife Wanda Thompson from Chapel Of The Woods Presbyterian Church near Stone Mountain, Georgia stop by to observe, pray, and encourage us. These folks are wonderful!


Then as the day was ending a young lady who was with her mother across the street yelled, “Are you the protester that comes here?” I replied, “No, I’m not a protester. I’m a Christian who shares the gospel with people who see no hope or help.” She told her mother she was going to come across the street. Allysa, who seemed a little snarky, sat on the wall and I shared the gospel with her. She completely changed and said she needed Jesus. We began to pray and Tracey came back with a coffee. Tracey began to share more with her, and she began to open up about sin and other things in her life. We had more prayer and she began to cry heavily and squeeze my hand like so much pain was coming out. She asked for a Bible and wants to come to Saint Andrew’s on Sunday. Please pray for this precious young lady.


Gator Family

As told by John Barros:

We were so blessed to have John and Tina Crawford and their children join us down here today. They are a “Gator family” from Gainesville. They came with great news. They are members of Redemption Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Gainesville. The Crawfords, along with other members of their church, are going to begin ministering at an abortion clinic up there. They wanted to come down and learn but I think I learned more from them.

It was the slowest Wednesday I have ever seen down here. Randall was all done by 1:00. He was a little more twisted than usual and told John “We need more babies lined up out front.” There were real battles going on in folks’ hearts but only one didn’t go through with it. She didnt want want to, but had a guy who was trying to justify the abortion with scripture. They left and came back once, and then finally left but we didn’t get a chance to talk to them. One of the workers told us the girl couldn’t go through with it, so please pray for them.

Working down here I think you build defensive walls. Through the sensitivity of the Crawfords I was awakened again to the absolute horror this place is. It was such a blessing to serve with them and I know they would greatly appreciate your prayers as they enter this journey. I am so thankful to see so many churches getting in the battle, for RC Sproul, RC Sproul Jr., and Ligonier Ministries for calling out to churches to “stand”! It was also an honor to stand with those today who are here regularly..

How God’s Grace Saved Grace

As told by John Barros:

Today was such a blessing. Beth Goble, Yolie Gonzalez and Fredo Perez came down to serve. We were blessed to see the Lord turn the hearts of two young ladies and there was one turn-away.


Grace came out during the preaching and was so thankful. She had driven all the way from Ocala, but wasn’t going to mind the long road home. We shared how God’s grace had saved Grace, and that He had followed her all the way here. She was able to talk with Beth and Yolie and we had a time of prayer.

Then a mother and daughter came out equally thankful. God’s word is so powerful. We can’t change someone’s mind, but He totally changes hearts and lives through His word in just a split second.

Then today Lillianna, the young lady who chose life Wednesday, went to Choices. In a couple of short days not only had Lillianna chosen life but her boyfriend has gone from wanting to kill his baby to loving their baby. They will be keeping their baby. Again, thank you all for praying. Please continue. It is vital..


(At 12:13pm John posted this on Facebook: Prayer request… Samarria has brought me her purse and wants me to get her out of here. She has chosen life and the guy is so angry… We are going to make a dash to Choices as soon as she can get out and away from him.)

As told by John Barros:

First of all I have to thank you all for praying today! It was truly a war down here today. There was a young lady this morning who came here. Bradley Spruill and Warren Marquardt were able to speak with Andrea. They gave warnings, shared the gospel, and offered help. She never went inside but rather took information packets and left.

There was a mother and daughter who came today as well. The Lord turned her heart and she took information to get help at Choices over her mother’s objections. She said she will be keeping her baby.


Then there was Sammaria. She came this morning hard as stone. She wouldn’t take anything and actually said some things. When I began to preach she came out and said some smart-aleck things, but then began coming in and out listening. After I was done she came out and said, “I am not going to do it. Will you help me?”


It would take forever to go through all the ins and outs of this battle. She asked if I could get her away from her boyfriend. He was trying to force her to have the abortion even though she changed her mind. He was extremely angry. Sammaria went inside and told him she needed to get something out of the car. She got her purse and had me hide it in my van until she could make her escape. She went back in and asked him to go get her something to eat. He left and after she was sure he was gone she came out and said, “I am free. Let’s go!” I took her to a very safe place with relatives who love her. (Trust me, that ex-boyfriend of hers would be a fool to go over to that place!)


Sammaria wanted me to thank all of you who prayed. She is truly appreciative! I asked her what happened that changed her mind. She told me something I have never heard before: “When you were preaching I could hear every word so loud. I wasn’t just hearing it through my ears. I could hear it through every pore in my body.” She thanked me but I told her it was the Holy Spirit who did that. I do not have that kind of power. We spoke about how good God is to have followed her to the “gates of hell” to pull her out. We had a wonderful time of prayer. After that she asked if she could come to Saint Andrew’s this Sunday. It will be pretty awesome to worship with this young lady this week.

God did such marvelous work in these ladies and in us today. Please continue to pray..

Making it More Difficult

As told by John Barros:

Today was a bit different. They closed their EPOC center and had everyone here. They have been doing that a lot lately on Thursdays and Fridays but I think this is the first Wednesday.

Lots of hard hearts today. There was one turn-away, and then there was Lillianna. She met her boyfriend here. He had one of these trucks loaded with Christian bumper stickers. I was able to speak with her a little but then he was able to tuck her “safely” inside. He left, but about an hour later she came out under heavy conviction. She went out back and sat in her car, then pulled up and rolled down the window. She was crying. When she was told how good God was to follow her all the way to the “gates of hell” she began sobbing. Her tears became tears of thanksgiving. We spent time speaking of her need to repent and commit her life to Christ. Then Samantha and I were honored to pray with her. You could feel the weight of the world lift off her back as we prayed. Please pray for Lillianna; she is special.

Then the workers and their questions today. They wanted to know about the 24-hour bill that just passed. One wanted to know when it takes effect. The lady who runs these places said, “John, you guys may make it harder for us to do things but abortion will never end.” Then the abortionist Randall Whitney arrived. He said “These laws are nothing new. 24-hour bills exist all around the country. They just have.to call and make an appointment the day before and come in. It’s stupid.” When I told him that he would have to meet each girl face-to-face with her ultrasound and explain her abortion to her and that she would have to go home and return, he got very upset. Randall said “This is bull $&%#. You people hate women. You just want to scare and terrorize them!” It was classic Randall.

The amazing thing to me is that they never saw this coming. You may wonder why I have talked about this law several times. I guess you would have had to have been here the day after President Obama was voted in. The workers came out with Obama signs, sticking them in my face screaming “Obama, Obama, Obama!” over and over again and saying “Obama is.going to make sure everyone gets an abortion.” That was a very disheartening day. I loooong to see abortion abolished. Until then I will cherish anything that makes it more difficult for these places.


It was an honor to serve with Samantha Shaffer, Jerry, and Philip Kinkopf today. It was tough work on a tough day.

We are losing Jerry. He is a snowbird and is heading back to Hayward, Wisconsin. If any of you know of an abortion mill anywhere close to there please let me know. He wants to serve. Thank you for praying. Please continue!.


As told by John Barros:

Today was very slow and the folks were really hard. No one chose life today. I am so thankful for the Sarnicki family, Philip Kinkopf, and Samantha Shaffer for serving.

I did have a couple of interesting conversations with a few of the clinic workers about the 24-hour wait law. One of the workers said they were all talking about it and it is “crazy”.

She told me it doesn’t matter to her because she is moving to a new job in Tallahassee, far enough away where she won’t be tempted to come back. (She has left before a couple of times but always seems to end up back here.) Last Friday the people were lined up waiting for the.doors to open. She opened the door and said “Good morning, John.” I said, “These people are blinded and aren’t listening to anything I am saying.” She looked at the people filing in and said, “I know. …Everything he has told you is the truth.” She has always been that way. Please pray that she doesn’t just leave but that God would open her eyes and grant her repentance.

I also had the chance to speak with one much higher than her. She admitted that they never saw this coming and didn’t think it could possibly pass. She said they don’t know how they are going to be able to have the extra appointments but will have to try to figure something out..

Waiting Bill

As told by John Barros:

Today was pretty darn busy. It was a joy to work with Yolie Gonzalez and Simona Spear. They truly poured their hearts out and there was one young lady who chose life.


There was some great news from Tallahassee today: Jennifer Sullivan’s bill made it all the way through the Florida Senate and is on its way to Governor Scott’s desk. It is supposed to go into effect on July 1st. I have been trying to figure out what this will look like down here; it will change a lot. This bill will require people to come have an ultrasound, meet with the doctor, then set up an appointment for their abortion at a later date. I’m sure the cost is going to have to go up significantly to cover this. Dr. Quintana, who only comes one day a week, wouldn’t be able to continue. Those of us who minister would have two opportunities to meet them and present the gospel.

I have some.folks making fun of me, saying “God doesn’t need two days.” I can’t begin to tell you how many girls it has taken more than a day to chose life. Even Jasmine came twice for an abortion before God pulled her out.. If there is one thing I have learned working on the sidewalk it is that God doesn’t work on our schedule. I so welcome this new law..