As told by John Barros:
Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 106:1)
What a blessed, busy, crazy, awesome day today was. God is so good. It’s always wonderful to serve with the Wednesday crew. Bill, Samantha, Philip, Tara, and baby Rachel are just a joy to work with. Today we were also blessed to have the ladies who normally minister at Planned Parenthood come by for a bit.
There were two ladies who chose life for their babies today. One was a young Hispanic lady who quietly came out and said “I am not doing this!” Then there was one of the biggest battles I have seen.
A young man with a new Audi A8 showed up about 8:00. He was nervously walking around the building, talking on the phone and would listen to us but would not engage. Then later two pretty young ladies showed up. They stopped in the driveway in their car and spoke to me. He was at the other window trying to get them not to listen. They took info and went to the back. Gina went inside with him and Tataniya stayed outside for a bit speaking with us and admiring baby Rachel, but then she went inside. Pretty much every day about 30 minutes after the preaching someone comes out to hear more or ask questions. Gina and her sister came out. Then the battle hit a fever pitch.
The Lord kept her boyfriend inside, and we were able to show her the hope that is found in Jesus and also showing what God says about this horrible sin. After some coaxing she came out to the sidewalk to pray. When finished she said she didn’t know what to do. She kept asking questions and when we told her God had followed her to the gates of hell to tell her to trust Him and that He would take care of her, she began to cry.
Then “Mr. Wonderful” came out and actually put his arm around her, pulling her away from us and back into the clinic. She refused to go inside. She was told to look at this guy. “God is telling you not to. Your mother, who just found out this was happening, says not to. Your sister is telling you not to. We and our church are telling you not to. Who are you going to trust?” Then one of the strangest questions I have ever heard came out of her lips: “Is this an abomination?” I said of course, God hates the hands that shed innocent blood and you can see in Exodus 21 the value God puts on your baby. Gina and her sister ran to the back in tears saying “I am not doing this!!” Mr. Wonderful ran back trying to stop this from happening. Tara and Rachel drove to Choices with them following.

Then I got a call from Vicky from Choices. She wanted to know if I could come next door to the building they are raising funds to move into. She wanted me to speak, and how awesome it was to speak to some more pastors and donors while ladies from the clinic were getting ultrasounds at their current location. I have to tell you that was very special. Please pray for all these folks and pray that Gina and her sister, who by the way have due dates within two days of each other, truly come to Christ and come to Saint Andrew’s..