The Lord Is Not Thwarted by the Plans of Man

As told by John Barros:

Today was crazy down here. This security guard business is really getting annoying but seems to be backfiring on them in many cases. He comes around trying to get people to not speak with us. The people get very suspicious of them.

We did have many conversations today, and one lady chose life in the most unusual of ways. Dear Bonnie noticed a lady walk up but kept going down the street. Bonnie walked down and engaged her. Zacheema sat on the curb and Bonnie sat there listening and loving her. She said she was there waiting for a friend. Bonnie spent hours with her. The friend never showed and they walked back to the wall. She kept calling her friend Ashley and began trying to get her not to come. Ashley ended up going to Zacheema’s house and called saying she was changing her mind and was holding Zacheema’s baby. Zacheema told Ashley she would sit here another five hours if she would stay there holding her baby.. It was so beautiful.

We had a time of prayer and at the end we could hear a man saying “amen, get out of there. Come home. It was her fiance and he didn’t want her here at all. Bonnie took Zacheema out for pizza. She told Bonnie that Ashley had chosen life but to please pray for her because her job would not be able to be done pregnant. I can’t tell you what a blessing Bonnie is to so many. Such a dear dear sister.

So many other things happened. The Lord is not thwarted by the plans of man. Jessica came down in the morning in tears. She already had an abortion and came for a follow up. She began sobbing and asking “why didn’t I listen to you?” and wanting to know if there was any hope. I went through the Gospel with her but she is under such heavy conviction. I told her to get shops of choices and they would help her. She came back on the afternoon for her follow up. She told me something I couldn’t believe. Randall Whitney told her there may be tissue left inside. She told him she was going to go to Planned Parenthood for a pap smear. He told her to not tell them what he said. We told her to her to a real doctor. She wanted more prayer and continued crying. Please pray for her as she is supposed to go to choices tomorrow.

Russ brought his wife down for an abortion. He left and when he returned he was a mess as well. He came over under heavy conviction, crying and admitting he was a coward for not standing up to his wife. He wanted to know what to do now. I told him about consequences but how he needs to repent. He asked me to pray for him that God would bring him fully to repentance and save him and his family. He wanted to know where we went to church so I gave him my card and a bulletin. He says he will come.

Got to meet a wonderful lady today. Kathy is a member of Carrillon Methodist Church. The Lord has been bearing hard on her to get in the fight. She has met with Vicky, Andrea, and GeorgiaAna. When someone comes that knows those ladies you take notice. She jumped right in, observing and praying with Jessica.

Then an amazing thing happened. Edwin, Andrea, and Heather showed up with forty young people to pray. I don’t know how God plans things but the abortions were done at about 12:30. Seeing them all standing there praying I felt like I had to preach. At first I thought it would be fruitless. I realized that there has never been a time like this in all the years I’ve been there. I preached a different sermon calling those I love in there to repent and flee the wrath that will be coming to them. I didn’t think they could hear but soon the blinds began moving and the workers were looking out like clients normally do. In the middle we could hear the clank as the dead bolt was locked.

I wish I could say that they all came out and repented but they didn’t. Please pray that the image they saw today of the St. Andrew’s folks, all these kids that were out there praying, and the preached word presented to them because we love them would burn in their hearts and lead them to repentance.

Nothing Can Stop the Preaching

As told by John Barros:

Oh well. It looks like security guards are here to stay for a while. They are now escorting people in and out and making efforts for us not to be able to speak with them. I have tried to show them that we are not the one they are fighting against. It is Jesus and Jesus will win. They can try all they want but they cannot thwart the will of God. Today was no different.

Was honored to serve with Steve, Tracey, and Philip today. There was a young couple from Puerto Rico here. Tracey tried to communicate with them and we gave them Patte’s Spanish tract. We were able to get Enrique on the phone with them and he warned them about what God thinks of this. They ended up going in but came out about ten minutes later. They left so please pray God would open their eyes.

Then just about at the end of the preaching a young lady came running out sobbing in conviction with her extremely angry guy. He was pretty cocky earlier but that had been replaced with anger. They came up the drive fast. The guy didn’t want to stop but a car was coming. The young lady was trying to get her window down to take the info from Tracey. She barely got it cracked and took the info. Please pray that she stays strong and gets the help she needs.

These folks can try anything they want, but God will continue to work. He has worked through crazy ladies on the porch with giant boom boxes, sprinklers turned on, groups of pro abortion escorts and taunters, all trying to stop the preaching. Nothing can stop Him and they just can’t see it.

Regrets and Forgiveness

As told by John Barros: 

Today was much different than yesterday. The place was very busy and there were two turn aways, but we don’t know if they chose life. One was a dad and daughter and the other was a couple that sat out back forever never getting out of their car. When they pulled out they waved but don’t really know what is going on with them.

So thankful to work with Bill and Yolie again today. They are such servants offering themselves to Jesus and these folks.

The theme today seemed to be consequences and pain. I have kept that little cross bouquet that a lady left on the lawn here. On it, she wrote “It was a boy”. You look at that cross and you can only imagine the pain in that lady’s heart.

Today a young lady came walking by with a baby in a stroller. Yolie said hello and the young lady began confessing to her that she had an abortion here three years ago. She told her that she had been through the preaching and the help offered but went through with the abortion. She said she has regretted her decision ever since and is filled with sorrow.

Then there was Sara. I was standing at the bottom of the driveway when a familiar car pulled down. She waved like she wanted to talk to me. Sara had been here just four days ago. She had mocked me and the word that was preached. After she parked she walked over to me and said “I am so sorry for the way I treated you”. I told her I had forgiven her the minute she said those things. She went on to tell me how she hasn’t been able to even get out of bed since Monday. All the events of that day are haunting her. She is telling herself  “if only I had done this or done that”,  and “why didn’t I listen to you”. She came closer and hugged me against the wall crying. She said that she just keeps remembering how sweet Samantha had been to her. She wanted to see if this dump could help her know why she feels so bad. I know what is making her feel so bad but told her to go ahead and see what they said.

She came back out and said they could not find anything that would make her “feel bad”. She sat on the wall and we went through the Gospel together. We went over what God thinks of this and her need to repent. She said she felt so awful and wants to turn her life over to Him. She spoke about feeling dirty and many other things. We went through how the blood of Jesus cleanses of all sin and how if she truly repents and turns her life over to him, that promise is for her. I told her that our church has a bible study for ladies that have had abortions and that we have a beautiful service filled with broken people. She said she.wanted to come. Bill, Yolie, and I then had a wonderful time of prayer with her and Yolie began to love on her.

It is so hard for me to see the ladies come back with problems and check ups. People that wouldn’t listen and so many of them wear a sign on their face that says “I wish I had that day back”.

Please pray for Sara. Pray she comes to Christ and comes to St. Andrew’s.

We Will Never Forget

As told by John Barros:

As long as those of us that were down here today live, we will never forget what the Lord did.

So thankful that the Reformation Bible College kids are coming back from summer vacation. Chelsea, Jessica, and Bonnie, joined Yolie, Bill, and I down here. It was mostly late term moms here left over from yesterday, but there were a few new ones.

After most were inside the girls were getting ready to sing hymns. Then a car pulled in, and one pulled up across the street. A young Indian man, Sateesh, walked across the street with his hands clasped like he was in prayer and in the sweetest voice with fear in his eyes said “please, please help me.” The girls asked what was wrong and he said his girlfriend’s mother was bringing her to kill his baby. It began to get chaotic really fast. Sateesh hid behind my van as his lady and mother came up front. He did not want her mother to know he was there. We called out to them but the mother took her inside.

Sateesh came back out and everyone gathered around to pray for and with him. The security guard came out and threw him off the property. I said “sir, what are you going to do with a guy that doesn’t want his baby killed?” He dropped his shoulders and said “I don’t know” as he went back inside.

A little later he came out and called Sateesh over to question him. Let me tell you what -the.people on the walk were tearing things up in prayer while all this was going on. Sateesh went out back. I wanted to make sure he was going to be ok. He dropped to his knees, sobbing floods of tears for about twenty minutes. People were praying up front , and I was a total mess praying out back along with him. Then to my amazement the security guard opened the back door and pulled him inside. I went back up front totally bewildered.

Sateesh pouring out his heart in prayer and tears for God to save his baby.

About 15 minutes later out came guard escorting Sateesh and his lady Nirany arm in arm with tears of gladness. We were all beside ourselves rejoicing and praising God. As they drove off they were waving wildly. As the security guard walked back down to the bottom of the drive he turned around, raised his arms, and said “See John, see John.”

A short time later the Mother came outside. The security guard told her how they had called her daughter in the back to meet with Sateesh and snuck her out the back. She went ballistic. She began to blame us and told us that they were cousins. The girls told her that we could help them, and that no matter the situation the baby doesn’t deserve to die. The rest of the day was spent with preaching and hours of singing praising God for His display of power, mercy, and grace.

A young couple came later and kept coming out, talking and watching the singing in the pouring rain. We really didn’t mind the rain and for some reason I felt like I was ten years old today. Well Felicia and her man came out one last time and asked for our literature. She said she was keeping her baby. I told her I couldn’t walk on the property so she came out in the pouring rain and took it. Please pray for all involved here today. Nirany’s mom was actually saying she was going to take poison since her daughter left so please pray especially for God to move on her and bring all these people to himself.

Today marks the beginning of my.sixth year down here everyday. For years I was here pretty much alone. I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined what God was going to allow me to see Him do. I don’t know why He would show me such grace. I still have never talked anyone out of an abortion. He does it through His Word and prayer. I don’t know why He.would honor me to get to know Him in the way I do. I do not deserve this. There is nothing in me that is any good whatsoever. I have broken all His laws and have many hurt people in my wake. I’m not even a very nice person. You can ask anyone that knows me. This is not false humility. Just the truth. I would beg people to go do what looks impossible. He is there. Go see what He is doing.

Today Was Powerful

As told by John Barros:

Today was powerful. God is really moving down here in many ways and His absolutely incredible.

As I arrived this morning about 6:30 I was pleasantly surprised to see Matthew and Pastor Justin from St. Paul’s Presbyterian here in Orlando. Pastor H.P. McCracken from Orlando Reformed Presbyterian also came early, and boy was I thankful. Two different workers showed up and wanted prayer. There are now a total of five workers that the Lord is convicting and driving them out of this hell hole. It was such a blessing to have these men pray. They are much more pastoral and see things that I cannot. They are also actively now trying to help the workers out of here. It was so beautiful. These men also jumped right in engaging the folks that came.

When we first arrived we were met with a “sign of pain”. Someone had brought a memorial cross and planted it right in front of where I park. They had written on the cross “It Was A Boy”. It was so sobering and a visual reminder to all as to what is going on here.

When I preached today there was so much going on. I’ve been coming here.for twelve years now. Today is the end of five years being here everyday and tomorrow begins my sixth. Something else extremely important was going on as well. It is my daughter’s birthday and she is celebrating her birthday in labor in a hospital, getting ready to deliver my granddaughter. It was incredibly difficult to know the joy coming to my family as these people line up to kill their children.

It was a tough day for us down here but the Lord was so gracious and turned the hearts of three ladies. The first couple went out back to think during the preaching. They pulled up the drive where the man said thank you to me while I was preaching. The girl rolled her window down to tell Irene and her friends that they had chosen life.

Another lady came out and told Yolie that she could not do this. Then Farrah came out, wanted prayer, took a blessing bag, and left. She wouldn’t accept a ride from Yolie and went to the bus bench. Yolie went down there and sat with Farrah, loving on her till the bus came. As she was getting on the bus she turned and ran back to give Yolie a huge thank you hug. Don’t know if Yolie will ever be the.same.

Had some other visitors today as well. Allura stopped by on the way to one of her Mission Impossible escapades. It was sure good to see her and her friend Ann. Doug stopped by as well. He goes to St. Andrew’s and serves down here all day on Saturdays. So blessed to serve with Philip, Samantha, Deborah, and Bill. These kids could sure be doing a lot more fun things during the end of their summer break than this but they just love to serve the Lord down here. So blessed. Please pray for all this. Just had an update. My granddaughter has entered the world. God is so good.

Serving With Dear Friends

As told by John Barros:

Today was a wonderful day serving with dear friends. Fredo took a break from all of his testing to be the nurse on Florida Hospital’s helicopter, to come and call out. Tracey, Samantha, and Philip as well as a new young lady, Deborah, worked so hard. We had two turn aways but don’t know for sure if they chose life or not.

This dear brother comes weekly offering to raise their babies.

I have been blessed to be on a radio program once a month. The American Adversaries show has me do updates from the street once a month and it has been a great opportunity to bring awareness and tell the stories of what Jesus is doing. Today Samantha.and Philip came as well. Samantha did an awesome job and was able to reconnect with old friends.

The Lord Has Done Awesome Things

As told by John Barros:

Today began pretty “spicy.” Some guy didn’t like the idea of Bill and I trying to protect his lady and fight for his baby. He went ballistic with death threats, etc. He grabbed us but nothing came of it other than getting the workers outside trying to calm the people down.

We had three ladies still here for their third day of marching around the back parking lot trying to hurry the delivery of their babies. One couple when they were done came out and began laughing joking hugging and kissing to mock us.

But then there was Rebecka. She came here very hard this morning, with her mind set on having an abortion. Beth tried to reason with her driver to no avail. After preaching the first time no one came out and a real heavy sense fell upon us. We could all feel it.

The folks were getting all worked up down here today.

After waiting a while Randall came back, so I began to preach again. Shortly into that Rebecka came out walked up to me and said “thank you, I am not doing this.” She began to tell us that during the preaching she could hear every word inside. She was told that was God that opened her ears and had snatched her from the gates of hell. We got to spend some time with her while she waited for her ride to come get her. In God’s sovereignty, He had her ride get lost giving us more time. We were able to hear her story and offered her all of our help. She had come all the way up from South Florida to hear God call her to repent and trust Him. It was truly one of the most precious moments we have had a chance to be a part of. We gave her a blessing bag and she was thrilled. 

God is so amazing. Out of all the darkness and madness down here He plucked a precious young lady that had strayed from Him from the fire. He is so precious.
The Lord sent a steady stream of folks throughout the day. Bill, Beth, Luke, and Yolie in the morning. Andrea, Edwin and Heather during the day. Samuel and his lady from Melbourne brought Rahm, a Hindu from India. It’s been a looong week and the Lord has done awesome things. Thank you all for praying.

The Enemy Rises Up

As told by John Barros:

Thank you to all that prayed today. The enemy rose up down here today. It is always at a different level on Thursdays, when the late term moms are walking around all over the place trying to hurry up their labor and delivery abortions, as well as the first trimester group, and then of course the check ups that didn’t listen when they had their abortions. Even so, God who is rich in mercy saved a couple of babies and there was a turn away that came all the way from Louisiana.

During the preaching today, a man came out quite troubled and said “please, please, stop; we are not going to do this!” He was under such serious conviction. Yolie met with them for prayer and gave them a blessing bag. She said that Christy was so happy and thanked us profusely.

As the preaching continued, a couple of Muslim girls came out and said they weren’t going to do it. They went out back, got in a big fight, but went back in. A short time later they came back out to meet with Yolie and received her blessing bag. Once again Yolie said she thanked us over and over again for being there and wished God’s blessing upon us.
Such an honor to serve with Yolie and Bill. Even Donna stopped by for a bit.

As I watch these debates tonight I just wonder are we really supposed to believe that any of these people can stop and reverse the evil that has turned into law in this country? Do people really think those videos on Planned Parenthood that have been released are going to change anything? They sure aren’t down here. You talk to people about those videos and these people laugh and talk about cannibalism. They laugh in your face and say at least their kid could be helpful through research. These two hour protest meetings about #‎womenbetrayed or #‎babiesbetrayed‬ – are they really going to change anything?

The only thing that is going to change these things is the same thing that changed these ladies’ hearts today- the Gospel! We must join together in prayer in our local area and local communities, and stand for righteousness. We must bring the Gospel to where God has called and planted us. The answer is repentance because the real betrayal is that #‎Godisbetrayed‬.

A Blessed Day

As told by John Barros:

Today we were blessed. Yolie, Philip, Samantha, Bonnie, and I had some visitors. We actually had royalty down here to serve with us – Tracey and Dana Royalty. Tracey is the pastor of Sovereign Grace Church outside of Lexington. They didn’t waste any time jumping into the fray. They are down here on vacation and decided to take a day out of their vacation to serve, encourage, and pray with us.

We were also blessed beyond measure to have a local pastor serve with us today. H.P. McCracken is the pastor at Reformed Presbyterian Church here in Orlando. He also jumped into service and will be joining us frequently from now on. I don’t know what it is but it is so special when the Lord sends pastors down to serve and lift His people up through encouragement and prayer.

Fast at work, pleading with ladies that see no hope.

We were also blessed to have Shane Russell stop by during his lunch break, and Luke who stopped by at the end of the day. We were able to witness the Lord turn the hearts of two young ladies. Ashley chose life during the preaching and called her mother to come get her. The pastors and Dana were able to pray with them and give them a blessing bag. Maria also came out right after the preaching but her boyfriend wouldn’t let her speak to us. Please pray for them. So many things happened but above all the Lord was glorified today.

One strange thing happened late this afternoon. Shaniqua came down here with her mother. They were here a couple of months ago. All day long back then they screamed, threatened, and cursed at me. Today they showed up terrified. She has been sick and wishing she had listened. They came to get their records because no doctor will see her without them, even in the condition she is in. It was so strange to now see them asking for prayer. This ministry has you doing.things you never would have imagined in your wildest dreams. Please join me in praying for her, that God would grant repentance and heal her body and soul.

A Gloomy Day

As told by John Barros:

Kind of a gloomy, snarky day down here today. The people seem to be generally harder since all the Planned Parenthood videos have come out. One lady that was acting like a celebrity came with a guy in a new Corvette, and they were taking advantage of the VIP entrance in the back. When Steven offered her some help she yelled “Don’t look at me or I will cut your eyes out”.

We did have one young Haitian lady, Neekoo, choose life for her baby. She came to get her money back and confirmed with Brian that she is keeping her baby. It was beautiful to see her and her man walk back down to their car hand in hand. Like the others, she was so blessed to have a blessing bag. Please pray for these two to stay strong.

Blessing bag handoff.