The Smartest Thing I’ve Heard at OWC

As told by John Barros:

Ah, today was wonderful. Don’t get me wrong – it was tough, but once again God sent just the right troops for the task. Old friends like Amanda and Jonah, Yolie, Luke, Beth, and Bill. Two awesome Reformation Bible College students, Jessica and Shane.

Two new ladies that have been training at Choices came by as well. Sally and Jean are wonderful. They were so excited to witness God’s hand working in the hearts here. They said their time here was life changing. Can’t wait to serve with these sisters again. The security guard was getting harder and actually bumped into a Yolie on purpose trying to get folks away from us.

No matter what they do, God laughs. He does the most amazing things. We had one couple pull up and wave like crazy, yelling thank you. Then there was a couple that had come.

After the preaching the guy came out back, chain smoking, pulling his hair, pacing, and squeezing his head. Jessica and Shane kept reaching out to him out back. I thought he was not wanting her to do it, but then it became apparent as to what was happening. She came out and went out back.

They began fighting down in the “Valley Of Decision”. They continued fighting for hours. Finally she came back up and went inside. She came right back out with her stuff. We were happy and then she looked at us and said “that’s right, I am not going to do this, but I want you to know this has nothing to do with what you Christians have done”.

That’s the smartest thing I have ever heard down here. Of course we cannot change a person’s heart. We just prayed that God would open her eyes and that He would show her the One that did.

A Beautiful Little Boy

As told by John Barros:

The paranoia and degeneration of Kerry continued today. He is angry as can be. He was yelling about having to spend more money on security shirts and new cameras to watch me. The workers were kind of blown away at all of this. They said he wants to be able to see me anywhere up and down the street. They were installing new computers as well in order to stream the footage to his house. The workers were shocked to hear what abortions really are and how they do them.

At one point Kerry looked at me and said “my friends won’t even consider me their friend except when they are over at the house having drinks.” I called out to the guys and said “remember one thing. Every drink you have at his house has been purchased with the blood of innocent dead babies.” Then his response, which shows his rapid degeneration, was “that’s right, John. That’s why they taste so good.”

Would you all please pray that God would bring him to repentance? He lives with the woman that runs these clinics. Please pray that God would bear heavy upon them and drive them to Himself. They already have no peace as you can tell.

The battle is raging down here. So many more people than usual stopping to curse us. Two different feminists stopped by. One said we should be ashamed and another asked what church we belonged to. I said St. Andrew’s and she told Yolie that we shouldn’t be there because our church is in another county. There were also the usual car screamers.

God is not thwarted in all of this. Two different ladies literally ran out of this place. Yolie dealt with them, but one Hispanic lady was telling her husband as he pulled up “don’t stop!! Get me out of here I can’t take it!!” Thankfully, he did stop. He took the brochures and thanked Yolie. We were also blessed to have Cefelin stop by. She is an ultrasound tech from Cornerstone Crisis Pregnancy Center. She is so sweet and just wanted to bless us.

Then something I have never experienced before happened. A man came walking by with a beautiful little boy. We said good morning, and they turned around and.walked down the street.

After preaching the second time I went to sit down and noticed the man taking pictures of me across the street. I asked him if there was anything I could do for him or if he was lost. He said “no, actually I was coming here to speak with you”. I asked why he had waited hours to do that. He said he was just watching the preaching and the interactions I was having with people. He said he was here with his wife four and a half years ago and chose life after my sermon and speaking with me.

Brian introduced me to Andrew, his precious little son. Brian went on to say that Andrew was born without the nerves that join the left and right hemispheres of his brain together, and he has messed up optic nerves. He only knows five words. He also has to have a special diet that he can only get at the hospital. Brian has had to quit his job to take care of Andrew. His wife is an attorney

I can’t begin to tell you the pain I felt for this precious family. He went on to say how he has been angry with me and with God. I cannot go into all the conversation as it was so much but God did a powerful thing here today. Watching the people coming in and out killing their children really opened his eyes. He said that he wouldn’t trade his son for anything.

I wasn’t about to give him a bunch of trite little Christian sayings or scriptures taken out of context. Instead we spoke of the sovereignty of God and His purposes. He said he wanted God. We had a beautiful little time of prayer. He said he may come to St. Andrew’s and that I will be seeing a lot more of them down here. Please, please pray for this dear family. I have fallen so in love with them.

As I left today I began falling apart at the seams. I couldn’t wait to get home to Vicki. So much wisdom. It’s so stinking dark down here and I don’t have all the answers to anything. I know theology answers to the things of life, while Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us the secret things are of the Lord, but my heart says…why?

A Dark and Bizarre Day

As told by John Barros:

I know I often say “today was crazy” Well other than crazy today was very dark and bizarre.

I have been pitted against a guy by the name of Kerry for about five months now. First he was calling himself a “consultant”. He tried many many things to keep us away. Then a couple of weeks ago he began “escorting” babies and ladies into the clinic. That hasn’t worked the way he thought it would, which angers him. Last week I warned him that by “escorting” these people in, he has come against the God of the Bible and his judgment will be immense. He started freaking out. I went on to tell him that one month from now he will not be the same person. He continued freaking out.

Well it isn’t taking a month for Kerry to change. Today he was very dark. He was angry because the new doors they had put in to try and stop sound from coming in weren’t working and he was complaining that the new paint on them was stained. Then a worker came out wanting me to clear something up that he was lying about. Kerry then stood in front of me with more of his veiled threats. As he was carrying on, he flashed his gun at me. He went on saying he has six cars now and isn’t living in the neighborhood he used to. Threatened to use the gun on me. Kept saying I don’t want to be the guy I used to be. 

Then he went on and on in anger because a dear young lady that serves down here from St. Andrew’s ran into him at the store with his ex-wife and his two sons. He started freaking out, thinking she followed him there and now knew who his family is. He started yelling about what would happen to anyone if they ever showed up at his house. He has talked to me a lot like this before but I couldn’t believe he.did it in front of Bradley.

The way Kerry is acting has to be a result of fighting with God. Please pray for him. I really do love him and the rest of the workers. Things just seem to be really heating up in all the workers here.

So Thankful to serve.with Pastor H.P., Daylan, Bradley, Yolie, and Bonnie. Precious servants.

A Powerful Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was powerful. So thankful to have Bradley back as well as Philip, Samantha, and Tracey. The place was packed for a Monday, but we saw three turn away and one couple from Brasil chose life.

Kerry the wallet escort was back in business, marching around seeking whom he may devour. He was a bit late, so many seeds were planted before he arrived. During the preaching, the blinds were moving like fan blades. People were coming outside and going up and down the street. It was chaotic.

Then a couple pulled up behind my van. When I began to speak with them, they said they were from Brasil. They were so sweet. When I told them my grandfather was a missionary there, they smiled and Arturo got out of the car. He asked what we were doing there and we told them. We asked what he was doing here and he said they were sight seeing.

They kept looking to go inside but we continued to talk. They told us there is no abortion in Brasil, but that there are too many unwanted children. Kerry kept coming out trying to take them away from us and he heard a mouthful. We talked on and on about how wrong this was and how God is able. To make a long story short, they finally asked me what my opinion of abortion was. I said my opinion doesn’t matter – God’s opinion is all that matters. He tells us that He hates the hands that shed innocent blood.

They looked at each other said “that’s it” They thanked Tracey and I, and got in their car. He said thanks again and that he would be calling to buy dinner at Vittorios, a Brasilian restaurant across the street from Bass Pro Shops. Pray he does because I love that place and I love them. 

The Lord Shows Compassion

As told by John Barros: 

“The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.” – Psalm 145:8

The Lord showed great compassion and turned folks away today. We had two turnaways that were beautiful, but they are still in the valley of decision. Yolie ministered to a lady named Ivory. Ivory took the materials and asked Yolie to pray with her. Another young lady took materials and said she.was going to go to Choices. And then there was Andy and Crystal.

They showed up early and were in fact the first couple to approach the door. I asked Andy to take the materials and was able to speak with them. Thankfully, the security guy was not there yet. After speaking with them they still tried to go in, but the door was locked. I spoke some more and asked them as they sat in their car to really think about this.

Right after they walked down they unlocked the door and others began coming in. After what seemed like an eternity they pulled up. Andy had his arm sticking out of the window wanting to shake hands. He kept saying thank you over and over, and Crystal leaned over to say the.same. They left saying they were going to Choices but I really didn’t think they would. They looked professional and I figured they had insurance but they did go.

Their story was amazing. They stood on that porch and Crystal listened to the dialogue but looked at little baby John on the side of my van. He pierced her heart and she couldn’t get him out of her mind even while talking out back. There is way to much to get into about their story but.the Lord brought them back to Himself right there in Choices. In His sweet kindness the Lord changed a family here this morning. The timing of everything, the unease the night before, the Word and prayer. The right team at Choices. God is so amazing. Another cool thing was that Dr. Collins next door was able to witness this. He was so excited.

Got to serve again with some of.the most wonderful people. Yolie, Bill, Luke, Beth, and a new young man, Robert from Ascension Presbyterian Church, who spent the day with us. It was a crazy but Blessed day today. Can’t thank you all enough for lifting this ministry up in prayer. So awesome knowing folks are praying when we minister down there.

The Lord Turns Hearts

As told by John Barros:

God is so good. Today Yolie and I were joined by Joshua. He is a deacon at River Oaks Presbyterian Church in Lake Mary. Many from that church minister down here. He is a fireman/EMT guy and was down here to save more lives.

Kerry the security guy was running around all morning but once again God moved on people’s hearts as if Kerry wasn’t even there. The Lord was working on people’s hearts and they were down in the valley of decision texting, calling, and crying. Three ladies turned away, and then there was a couple here from Canada. I will call them Bill and Susan. They pulled in and Kerry met them at the back door. They were VIPs. Joshua and Yolie tried to engage them but Kerry was getting in the way. Bill got upset with Kerry and things were heating up. They brought them in the back but still had to go up front while the preaching was going on. Bill came outside after the preaching, still upset and pacing. Folks do this when they want to hear more. He would make statements or ask questions, then pace all up and down the street, coming back to ask more. This went on a long time. Everyone lovingly spent time with him.

Thankful people leaving with their baby.

We came to find out that two members of his family have television shows in Canada and Susan has a singing career there. When all the blabbering ended everything boiled down to killing his son for her music career. He was told that we have never seen a lady go through with an abortion when the man she loves goes and puts his arm around her and says “lets get out of here, we can do this”.

Bill went back in when she was done with her ultrasound. They both came out shortly afterward and said they were going out back to talk. The Lord turned their hearts. They came driving up front, rolled down the window, and were so thankful. Please pray that the Lord shows them that the real Jesus met with them today and not the false one they were believing in.

Halfway through the preaching today another worker pulled up the drive. She stopped in the driveway and just stared. She waved for one standing on the sidewalk to come over. She pulled out onto the street and parked. She began sobbing, saying “I can’t take this anymore. I have to quit.” Please pray for me. It was pretty powerful. Please answer her request and pray for her. I love these girls and have been praying for them and witnessing to them for years. Something is really going on here. So many want out.

Confusion, Chaos, and Blessings

As told by John Barros:

“Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.” – Isaiah 41:11

Confusion, chaos and blessedness would be a few good words to describe today. It was amazing to watch God work here. First thing this morning we were so blessed to have Pastor Jim, Pastor Justin and his awesome wife Becky down here. Becky had to get a 39 week check up so they came early to help.

Tewanna was a driver for her sister today. She came out to the sidewalk when asked. She came under conviction and said she was going to work on her sister whose mind was set on this. They were from out of town and had actually gone to two other abortion clinics but they wouldn’t do it because she is 17 weeks pregnant. After some time and just as the preaching began she brought Leyka outside. We were able to counsel with her and she chose life. We had a wonderful time of prayer and gave her a blessing bag. They were so thankful. We were also able to get her in touch with a church in her town which were already loving on her as they drove back. It was awesome.

Four others turned away today as well. We weren’t able to speak in some cases because of who drove them or because they seemed frightened. Please pray for all of these ladies.

The security guard here has been really bugging me because of the t shirt he wears. I mentioned it the other day to Luke. He immediately got on Amazon and ordered me a couple. It was absolutely crazy how it worked putting one of these on. The folks didn’t know who to go to. Several came to me which allowed a little more time to talk and hand brochures out. The ones that went to him I simply told “he was the security guard to escort your wallet in, and I’m the security guard for you and your baby”. It was so cool.

Later in the day Kerry pulled up with another worker and rolled down his window. The worker that sat in the passenger seat began laughing uncontrollably. She said “John, I can’t believe you are wearing a shirt like Kerry”. This caused Kerry to become angrier. He said “John, I thought you were a class guy. How can you wear that shirt? I’m going to get a shirt made up that says St. Andrew’s Chapel supports OWC.” I told Kerry the difference is that my shirt is the truth. People will find security in Jesus. His would be a lie. He sped down with the young lady still laughing.

Kerry has tried everything over the last four months or so. Letting people in the back, escorting ladies in to try and stop them from listening, trying to keep ladies from going outside, trying to change the parking out front so I can’t park there. Nothing he tries works. I have told him time after time through all his threats that his fight is not with me. It is with God and nothing he does can thwart the plans of God. Please pray for him. He is confronted with the Gospel every day, and challenged to reprent. I always tell him I am saving him a seat at St. Andrew’s.

Then the Lord answered a prayer I have been asking for years. Vicky Marchand Botsford came down, and with her was Pastor Brad from First Presbyterian Orlando. I couldn’t believe it. I was able to spend some time with him. I told him I had been praying a long time for them to come down here because OWC is almost in the shadow of their steeple. Among other things, he said “we’re here now”, and asked about days and times. What a wonderful man. He prayed with me before he left.

Words can’t describe how thankful I am for Jesus’ bride. The Lord has been bringing so many pastors here lately. Godly men that are leading their people in the fight to end abortion. Words cannot describe the people that come out faithfully week after week as their schedules allow. Today it was Yolie, Philip, and Bonnie. They work so hard in this crazy Florida heat. God is so good. I am the most blessed man on earth. Please keep praying.

Planned Parenthood Protests

As told by John Barros:

Today was pretty cool with all those Planned Parenthood protests everywhere. It was fun going down there but RC, Chris, Samuel, and I decided to start out at Orlando Women’s Center. We joined with the faithful Saturday crew – David, Doug, Beth, and Heather. There is also a lady named Elizabeth down there on Saturdays. She is a special lady because she drives a bus down the front of the clinic all week waving at me, sizing up the situation and praying all day. Now she is coming down here as part of the team on Saturdays.

The clinic was extremely slow. David preached and when he was done a couple of ladies came out. One of them was in tears. They would not stop when they pulled up so we don’t know why they left. Please pray the Lord would convict her and that she would have a heart of love for her baby.

It was so awesome to be a protester with the Reformation Bible College kids. Got to see a lot of old friends and Chris Hart, the host of 660 AM radio’s American Adversaries program. He promotes anti-abortion causes, and has me doing a ministry update on his show once a month. Chris is a brave man. I don’t know of anyone else doing these things.

All day we watched the protest where people were calling out on a microphone for Planned Parenthood workers to come and talk to him. He would give them $20, and lots of people would get on there pouring out their anger. All I could think of was back to the morning where Dave and Doug had preached the Gospel and prayers were offered. How a young lady’s heart was being worked over through these means.

God Keeps On Moving

As told by John Barros:

They are trying everything they can down here. It is annoying, but God keeps on moving.

The Lord turned Nicole away. She said she was keeping her baby and Beth prayed for her as she left. Her husband was pretty much in a hurry to leave so we couldn’t speak very long.

Notice that the security guard never escorts people out. The only thing he really escorts is their wallets. They finally did find something useful for him to do. He’s pretty good at escorting trash cans.

As always it was a pleasure serving with Luke, Bill, and Yolie. Lucas was even able to save a little turtle that escaped. He ran for his life out of the lawn onto the driveway. Yep, we had it all today.

Thankful For Her Baby

As told by John Barros:

Today it was wonderful to serve with Deborah and Yolie. Deborah is going back to UCF so we are going to be without her for awhile.

We had one young lady turn away in pretty dramatic fashion, but today a brave young lady contacted me and sent some pictures. Jessikha came down here almost five years ago, I believe. Allura and I were here and she was the first one to arrive. The Lord worked in her heart that morning and she chose life.

She was in a tough spot and needed a place to stay. She stayed with us for a time and there was trouble with her boyfriend over her choice. It came to a point where I had to drive her to a safe house in Tennessee. She stayed with a family there for a time and went on to be on her own. She has had a rough go of things but is so unbelievably thankful that the Lord turned her heart that day. She already had a precious daughter, Kaniyah. She named her baby Nevaeh. That is heaven spelled backwards and she is heavenly. 

Jessikha is so thankful to God for her baby. I’m sure she would also appreciate the prayers of everyone as she continues working to raise her precious girls.