As told by John Barros:
The paranoia and degeneration of Kerry continued today. He is angry as can be. He was yelling about having to spend more money on security shirts and new cameras to watch me. The workers were kind of blown away at all of this. They said he wants to be able to see me anywhere up and down the street. They were installing new computers as well in order to stream the footage to his house. The workers were shocked to hear what abortions really are and how they do them.
At one point Kerry looked at me and said “my friends won’t even consider me their friend except when they are over at the house having drinks.” I called out to the guys and said “remember one thing. Every drink you have at his house has been purchased with the blood of innocent dead babies.” Then his response, which shows his rapid degeneration, was “that’s right, John. That’s why they taste so good.”

Would you all please pray that God would bring him to repentance? He lives with the woman that runs these clinics. Please pray that God would bear heavy upon them and drive them to Himself. They already have no peace as you can tell.
The battle is raging down here. So many more people than usual stopping to curse us. Two different feminists stopped by. One said we should be ashamed and another asked what church we belonged to. I said St. Andrew’s and she told Yolie that we shouldn’t be there because our church is in another county. There were also the usual car screamers.
God is not thwarted in all of this. Two different ladies literally ran out of this place. Yolie dealt with them, but one Hispanic lady was telling her husband as he pulled up “don’t stop!! Get me out of here I can’t take it!!” Thankfully, he did stop. He took the brochures and thanked Yolie. We were also blessed to have Cefelin stop by. She is an ultrasound tech from Cornerstone Crisis Pregnancy Center. She is so sweet and just wanted to bless us.
Then something I have never experienced before happened. A man came walking by with a beautiful little boy. We said good morning, and they turned around and.walked down the street.
After preaching the second time I went to sit down and noticed the man taking pictures of me across the street. I asked him if there was anything I could do for him or if he was lost. He said “no, actually I was coming here to speak with you”. I asked why he had waited hours to do that. He said he was just watching the preaching and the interactions I was having with people. He said he was here with his wife four and a half years ago and chose life after my sermon and speaking with me.
Brian introduced me to Andrew, his precious little son. Brian went on to say that Andrew was born without the nerves that join the left and right hemispheres of his brain together, and he has messed up optic nerves. He only knows five words. He also has to have a special diet that he can only get at the hospital. Brian has had to quit his job to take care of Andrew. His wife is an attorney
I can’t begin to tell you the pain I felt for this precious family. He went on to say how he has been angry with me and with God. I cannot go into all the conversation as it was so much but God did a powerful thing here today. Watching the people coming in and out killing their children really opened his eyes. He said that he wouldn’t trade his son for anything.
I wasn’t about to give him a bunch of trite little Christian sayings or scriptures taken out of context. Instead we spoke of the sovereignty of God and His purposes. He said he wanted God. We had a beautiful little time of prayer. He said he may come to St. Andrew’s and that I will be seeing a lot more of them down here. Please, please pray for this dear family. I have fallen so in love with them.
As I left today I began falling apart at the seams. I couldn’t wait to get home to Vicki. So much wisdom. It’s so stinking dark down here and I don’t have all the answers to anything. I know theology answers to the things of life, while Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us the secret things are of the Lord, but my heart says…why?