Love Your Enemies

As told by John Barros: 

“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” –  Proverbs 16:7

Today was pretty cool. We had one turn away, and a young lady by the name of Saritta chose life and went to Choices. She listened to everything, and then later in the day I think just seeing that Samantha let her know she was there for her was the icing on the cake.

She came out and said “well, I’m not going to do this. Aren’t you going to give me the information where I can get some help?” It was such a joy for Samantha and I to pray with her and send her on her way.

The workers here are definitely “the enemy”. Our Lord in Luke 6:27-36 tells us to love our enemies. I do love these folks. They are warned every day, but they know they are loved. Well today the security guard, Kerry, called me over to tell me some good news. The Indian girl that Debbie worked with all day last Thursday actually chose life!

We were there till late afternoon, and she went in, but when it came time for her turn she just couldn’t do it. He also asked me for business cards and gave one to a young lady that doesn’t know what she wants to do. Please pray for her.

I know this sounds crazy but some folks that have chosen life lately and went to Choices have told the ladies there that they tell girls inside that they can trust me. Only the Lord can do things like this. Please continue to pray for the workers here. Several have quit lately and others have come and asked for prayer to be able to leave.

So blessed to serve with Philip and Samantha. They are incredible. We were also blessed to have John and Linda from church come down to help and pray.

An Incredible Day

As told by John Barros:

What an incredible day today was. I had the honor of preaching the chapel service this afternoon at Reformation Bible College. I can’t believe how much more comfortable I am down on the sidewalk than there. I am going to have to begin training in public speaking in front of nice people. The kids and professors there are so awesome. Felt like I was stumbling a bit, but they are all so gracious. They have a class of about 150 now and so many of them want to come out.  Praise God.

So thankful that the Lord put a wonderful team together. Bill, Donna, Bradley, and Debbie did a great job. Quite a few came today and one significant story was a Hindu couple that came. The guy was trying to force his wife to have an abortion. Debbie was constantly pleading with her all day to stand firm. She did. They left when the fighting got bad.

They returned, though, and still fighting. Then the security guard took her in the back door. She went to have the ultrasound and then a strange thing happened. A worker brought the ultrasound out back to show her husband. He got a big smile on his face. She came out and Debbie pleaded with her till the end. I think that this was an abortion based on gender. No way to prove it but it sure seemed that way.

A very great blessing happened today, though. Anthony and Dominique chose life and left last Friday. Well, today they came back to say thank you. They are so excited now. They were heading over to Choices for counseling and their ultrasound. She also called tonight just thanking with tears.

The amazing thing is that they don’t even look the same as they were Friday. God has done an incredible work. Over and over she was speaking of repentance and trusting God. They would sure appreciate your prayers and I believe they will be at church on Sunday.

God Wants Us To Trust

As told by John Barros: 

Today was so awesome. It’s been so busy lately, but today was extremely slow. Even though it wasn’t busy, the Lord did some huge things. Today He brought some wonderful people down to serve. Dennis and Sherrie, as well as Jenifer, Kimberly, and Heather came for the first time to serve with John, Bonnie, Yolie, and me.

We were all able to watch God turn hearts and people away from here. The Lord has been working on workers’ hearts and a couple have quit. Today in the middle of preaching, Sheila, a worker here, pulled up and yelled “come here John!” I walked over and she said “I can’t take this anymore. I quit!” She said it right in front of the Security Guy. He was pretty darn upset. She asked for prayer so we all gathered around and prayed for her. I can’t tell you how awesome this was. Please pray that the Lord would open her eyes to what she was doing and that He would grant her repentance.

There were two ladies that chose life as well. Ricardo and Aurelius were met by Yolie first thing. She spoke to them and they pulled in back. They sat there a couple of hours and pulled up in tears thanking us for being there. We were able to have a time of prayer with them after they chose life.

Another couple came and we were able to speak with Anthony. He said it was Lateesha’s choice. He was told what God thinks of this and that we have never seen a lady go through with it when the man she loves goes inside, puts his arm around her, and says come on we can do this. He was also encouraged to just try half as hard as he did to get her to sleep with him for the first time and she will leave.

About fifteen minutes after they went inside, they came out. He had the biggest smile on his face. I said boy, it didn’t even take you fighting half as hard and he said nope! She was in tears saying thank you. When they pulled up they were just filled with thank yous.

Then Anthony and Dominique called to say they had chosen life. They were turn aways from Monday. They wanted to know what to do. They will be going to Choices tomorrow morning.

I can never figure out how God works. Some days it seems like He is not working, then other days are like this. I have to learn over and over again that God doesn’t need us to figureHim out. He simply wants us to trust.

So thankful for all the folks that came. Please pray for everyone involved today. Thank you.

Some Big Surprises

As told by John Barros: 

Today was tough. Somewhere between a dozen and fifteen came. We had two turn aways but don’t know why because we weren’t able to speak to them.

The Lord brought some big surprises down here today to serve with Samantha and me. John and his wife from St. Andrew’s were driving down the street and spotted us. They stopped and prayed and then went and bought us lunch.

Then Carol from St. Andrew’s was driving down the street heading to an appointment. She stopped to encourage us. Then my friend Josiah from First Presbyterian came by to learn of this ministry.

Then my dear brother Sye came all the way from Toronto to serve with a couple of his friends that do prison ministry, Lou and Bill. For those of you that don’t know, Sye is an apologist. He travels all over debating atheists and has a big ministry to college campuses. He has now fallen in love with bringing the Gospel to prisoners as well. It was such a blessing to have so many float through here today.

A Day Full of Pain

As told by John Barros: 

You just never ever know what to expect on any given day down here. There was so much pain here today. They have lowered the prices on abortions and the place was packed. More than 30 babies died here today. They moved people in here in multiple times.

The Lord moved here as always, and three ladies chose life. A married couple showed up and parked down the street. They were taking their time so I went down to speak with them. Crystal began to cry and said they already have children and can’t afford another. We spoke at length, but they went inside. They came out several times and went to their car to talk.

Melyna asked me to preach one more time in the afternoon. As I was, Crystal came out with that smile we only see here. She came out to the walk and had us pray with them. After that she told us how it was in there and that a couple of ladies that had been turn aways actually chose life. Crystal will be going to Choices Monday.

There were others that seemed so close, and one battle that lasted for hours. Michael and Aneta came later. They went inside, and Michael came out saying it was her decision. I told him if he tried half as hard to get her out of here as he did trying to get her to sleep with him she would leave.

Well, Michael became a man. He took her out and told her that we would help them with everything. They went out back and fought for a long time. She went back inside and he came over for love from the ladies and prayer.

He went back in and brought her out again. They fought and talked. He brought her over to us and we poured into her and prayed with her. To our horror, she rejected the goodness of God and went in. It was a tough day. So many people.

So blessed though to have so many come to help throughout the day. Beth, Lucas and his mother and sister came early. Then Abel and Rebecca came with their dear daughter as well as their Pastor Steven. They are so awesome. Steven brought the Word, and he ministers in front of the Lakeland Planned Parenthood. Fredo came and brought the Word as well. Then in the afternoon Sally and Jean came. I have no idea how an 83 year old man can kill that many babies in a day.

I was so thankful to be able to go to my church tonight to be with my family. So blessed indeed. I also was able to meet with John MacArthur. He brought a wonderful message and was such an encourager. God is so good.

God Hates The Hands That Shed Innocent Blood

As told by John Barros:

So blessed to have Bill and Debbie down here today. Debbie’s gifts are singing, prayer, and loving her neighbor.

It was the second day of labor and delivery abortions, and so many came with their blankets and pillows. There was one very depressing moment. A young lady came out during the preaching and said she was going to keep her baby. She went out back but got on the phone. Whoever she spoke to talked her into going back in.

There was one young lady that chose life though. She was spoken to on the way in. After about twenty minutes, she came back out and asked for the brochures we pass out. She said she will be going to Choices. The security guard, Kerry, was running around the place looking for them but thankfully they parked down the street and he couldn’t get to them.

Kerry came up to me today and said “you stand out here everyday judging people, and the Bible says you can’t judge.” I told him that I don’t judge anybody. I warn people about the judgement God is going to do to those that die without Christ, and how His wrath is piled upon them awaiting sentencing day if they don’t repent. He said “I am a Christian, John – I pray”. I assured him that he is not and told him that every baby he escorts into their death’s blood will be on his hands and God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. He said “That’s messed up, John”.

Please pray for Kerry. He comes to me every day with these statements. I believe it’s the way he asks questions. I also believe God is convicting him hard. He isn’t the cocky guy he used to be.

The Heart Can Get Tough

As told by John Barros:

Well, it’s been so busy I haven’t had the chance to post for a bit. This week we have had several ladies leave with prayer, but I believe they need lots of prayer to stay away. One young lady even after going to Choices has a boyfriend bearing down hard on her to abort and, has a dad that is telling her to take some homemade concoction to abort at home.

Today was very busy, but one young lady came out in tears during the preaching and left with her father.

Yolie and I were blessed to be joined by two ladies that are training at two different crisis pregnancy centers. Sally came from Choices and Melyna from the Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center. I can’t tell you how refreshing and what a blessing it is to have people with hearts like these ladies come down.

When you are down here as much as I am, your heart can get tough as you build walls to protect yourself. Every so often the Lord sends someone like Melyna to knock some holes in those walls so I can feel the pain of this place. It doesn’t feel good but it is so necessary. I am so thankful for her and Sally.

A couple of great things are happening down here. A couple of workers have left and I believe more are right around the corner. I know people want to rejoice in that but the only thing that can be rejoiced in is that these individuals leave. I love them and pray for them, but it doesn’t make a dent in abortion because they are replaced the next day. God is really moving in them.

Today there was screaming and yelling out back between them, and then I found out something so interesting. Someone sent a flyer around the neighborhood with the picture of the lady that runs these offices, including a horrible picture of an aborted baby on it, explaining what she does for a living. The security guard here has been accusing the workers inside of doing this. It is causing huge amounts of pressure and paranoia upon the workers, and they are fighting among each other inside this place. It is really getting nuts around here. Please continue to pray.

The Lord Works In Chaos

As told by John Barros:

The Lord works in the midst of absolute chaos. His Will comes to pass no matter how high the enemy rears its ugly head.

Don’t even know where to begin today. There were over 25 ladies that came here to kill their children. It was crazy packed out like the old days. So much vile speech and acts, but four babies live today due to His kindness upon their parents.

The security guard, Kerry, was at his wits’ end. He was getting madder by the minute. He ended up going to my dear brother Fredo, who comes down and pleads with ladies to let him and his dear wife Carolina adopt their babies, and spit in his face. Then he called the police saying Fredo was trespassing by standing in the shared driveway. It all blew up in his face though once again.

The Lord worked in four young ladies but I can really only go into two of them. About 3/4 of the way through my sermon, Michael and Rachel came out. They had the look of those that God has turned. I said you aren’t going to do this. Michael looked at me and said “Thank you. Know that we aren’t and we are escaping with our lives”. It was so beautiful.

Then after the preaching, Eileen came out. She came towards the wall and I again said you aren’t going to do this. She said she just wanted to talk to the pro life people. She came and sat on the wall and love poured out all over her from the dear brothers and sisters here. She was swept up in the love of Jesus. Fredo poured into her and got his wife on the phone to talk. Yolie loved on her and Anna who chose life here and is now several months pregnant shared how good God has been to her. It was so beautiful. She ended up leaving and headed to Choices.

We were so thankful for Callie and the others that stayed late to minister to her and get her an ultrasound. Sheesh, I could go on and on today, but just know this –  the Lord reigns. So thankful to serve with Beth, Yolie, Bill, Fredo, Carolina, Lucas, and Anna.

No Two Days Ever The Same

As told by John Barros: 

You know I have been down here for many years. One amazing thing is that no two days have ever been the same. The one constant is that the Lord is always here and His Word never returns void.

Today was a special day because Yolie was down serving on her birthday. I don’t think she will ever forget this one. Ricardo and Angelica pulled in the drive. I was able to speak with them for a bit before they went down but they were pretty set. Thank God the security guy never came out.

Angelica walked up alone and was heading inside. Yolie called out to her as she was about to open the door. She walked out to the sidewalk and she listened. Next thing I know, Yolie says “John, I am taking her to Choices.” I walked over and asked “what about Ricardo?” She said I’m leaving him here. I really couldn’t believe it but off they went.

I kept ministering and God sent Jennifer down to take the slot. Hours went by and Ricardo remained in the back, in his car. When Yolie and Angelica returned she went out back. After a while they pulled up and Ricardo had a huge smile on his face, thanking us. Yolie said they had been texting back and forth and not just Angelica chose life but so had Ricardo.

What a birthday present the Lord gave to Yolie by allowing her to share His love with a young lady. Thank you all for praying. These kind of things often end ugly. This one ended beautifully.

There was another young lady, Severna, that also chose life and had prayer. Another lady came as well with an Orangewood Christian School bumper sticker on her car. I believe the Lord bore down heavy on her and she ran out of there fast.

Thank you all again for praying. Your prayers are vital to us down here. What a team the Lord has put together. So thankful for the sidewalk counselors that come, the pregnancy centers that are so faithful, and your prayers.

Let There Be Light

As told by John Barros: 

God said “let there be light”, and there was light. – Genesis 1:3

The Lord in His great mercy shined a light in the hearts of people today. It was kind of crazy with many darkened hearts today and guys breathing out threats and vileness.

The security was thrown off a bit. He called me down back to show me something. He had a paper with a picture of his girlfriend on it, with a horrific picture of an aborted 24 week baby next to her picture. On the paper it told what she does for a job and it had been sent to everyone in the subdivision. Kerry wanted to know if I knew who would do that. I told him it could be anyone of thousands of people.

Before Kerry got there a couple had come about 7:00. I did my best speaking to people in broken English and then was able to get Stella from Choices on the phone with them. She spoke to them for some time but they got tired of listening. Stella told me they were hard set on killing their baby.

I spoke with them more over the next forty minutes or so and they were very hard indeed. Then out of nowhere, they walked over to me and thanked me. They said their eyes had been opened and off they went to Choices.

It was so beautiful to see God change Ricardo and Maria’s hearts. They confirmed the love God had given them for their baby at Choices and are getting the help they need.

During the preaching a young girl we had spoken to earlier, Aneta, came out with a light from inside her heart shining through her face. Aneta and Andrew asked for prayer and Mrs. W counseled more with her. I wish you could have seen these faces.

As I was ending the sermon, Lydia came out just about at a dead run. I asked if she needed a ride, but she thanked me, said she was keeping her baby, and was down the street. Her boyfriend Ishmael came out and was told she was down the street. He took off after her running. I’m sure she would have left him there.

There were also two turn aways. It was so amazing to watch God bring such a light to bear through His Word here today. I am so thankful also for Sarah and Jessica. They had been away for a while and the evil of this was really getting to them. Mr. and Mrs. W were down here on vacation and brought Sarah and Jessica down to serve. It is so awesome to watch loving parents like this lead their families to serve. Mrs. W is a sight to behold. Running all over, loving whoever is blessed to get in her way.

The Lord times everything so perfectly. Right after the W’s left, Bonnie and Sally came down to stand in the gap for the afternoon. It was pretty darn dark down here today but the darker the backdrop, the brighter He shines!