Some Great News

As told by John Barros: 

In all the awful news tonight, there is some great news from down here. So thankful that Gerry came down to serve here today. God did some work here. Three different couples came out after the preaching and were fighting. Two of the guys became men and led their ladies away. One lady stood up against the guy that brought her.

Then there was Stephanie, who came down saying she had to do it. She couldn’t see any way that she could possibly have a fifth baby. We went through some Scripture and began to pray. She began to cry and went to Choices. Please pray for her. Please pray that God would give her faith, repentance, and provisions.

Then the Lord sent a precious surprise. As I was directing Stephanie out the drive, my dear friend Winnie stopped by. We were all able to pray for Stephanie as she drove away. The Lord Is Good.

An Insanely Good Day

As told by John Barros:

Today was incredibly exhausting. God is so good. As insanely bad as last week was, today was insanely good.

Four ladies chose life today. Laquanna came early this morning via taxi. The Lord opened her heart to talk and we did, followed by a time of prayer. She went inside anyway, only to come out within a minute. She told me she doesn’t know why, but as soon as she opened the door she could feel an overpowering evil. She came out and asked for a ride to Choices. She became extremely happy to be pregnant, but when she had her test she became upset because it was negative.

Nicole came out during the preaching sobbing. She went with her conscience and not her boyfriend’s wishes. She chose life. Then Maria did the same thing.

The there was Takyra. She called me after a rather amazing thing that happened. I wish I could tell you. I met her at 4:00 at Choices. She went through a lot of counseling by those awesome ladies and had her ultrasound. There was much prayer down there over the two hours and she was able to speak with her mother who is so thankful she has her eighth grandbaby.

We had such a blast with her eight month old daughter who stole everyone’s heart. So thankful for Callie, Stella, Michelle, and the others from Choices that are always working so hard. Sheryl and the ladies from St. Andrew’s will be loving on them.

A Truly Black Friday

As told by John Barros:

I have no idea what it is about Black Friday that brings out so much evil down here. It was very black indeed again.

The place was packed with people, forcing them to park on the street. The usual Friday crew couldn’t make it, so I was alone most of the day. One guy pulled up in a huge pickup truck, got within inches, and began screaming. This guy is now at the top of the vilest customer list. He was relentless. He was outside screaming threats, mocking God and anything holy every 10 minutes.

This guy was so bad that other people there to have abortions were coming out and sitting on the wall to comfort me and encourage me to hang in there. I know you can’t believe it, but that is true. This place just gets totally insane sometimes.

Edwin texted me from his church wanting to know what they could pray for down here as they went into a prayer meeting. Then dear Bonnie showed up. The guy inside went completely insane, running out and trying to stop the preaching and turning his vileness upon her. I believe it was because she shines the light of Jesus through her eyes.

Then he began calling the girls inside whores and other things. He would stand inside, and while in there jump up and down, making vile gestures and screaming like a lunatic. People were coming outside just to get away from him. I am convinced demons drive or even possess some of these folks.

Edwin and David ended up coming down here to pray after they were done at church.
In the midst of all this darkness, Jesus entered the lives of one young lady, Tonya, and her mother. They chose life and will begin getting help on Monday.

An Amazing Brother

As told by John Barros: 

Thankfully it was really slow today. They were done by 1:00 except for one late term Mom. One lady came sat out back for a long time and left. Doug and Yolie were able to give her some materials. Just pray she doesn’t return.

It was wonderful to have Gerry down here again, but I was so thankful to have Doug here. It was a year ago this week at St. Andrews that Doug came up to talk with me about this ministry. He said he would have a couple of weeks off over the holidays. He came down here and learned for a couple of weeks and has never left. He comes down on Saturdays now and is here from about 7:00 till they are done. It was awesome serving with him today. He is an amazing brother.

Also had a call from someone about a young lady that chose life at another clinic. We are supposed to get together Monday. Please pray for her. Praying you all have an awesome Thanksgiving. I’m so thankful for you all.

A Busy Day

As told by John Barros: 

It was pretty busy down here today. The rush is on to have their abortions done before Thanksgiving. There were three ladies that turned away. They wouldn’t talk but were quite moved.

There was another girl that came out, saying she wasn’t going to do it and some other things we could not understand. There were some heartbreaking things as well. We were able to pray with a couple of ladies, but their guys wouldn’t man up and get them out of here.

So blessed to have Randy and Cheri down here from Virginia. You just have to love folks that take a day out of their vacations to come and serve. They have been Facebook friends for some time and are friends with some dear friends of mine, Don, Nathan and Mary. Randy and Cheri serve faithfully up there in Virginia.

We were also blessed to have Anna come from the hospital to say hello and pick up her stroller. Please pray for all the ladies here. They are going to be open everyday other than Thanksgiving.

An Amazing Thing Happened

As told by John Barros: 

Today the Lord worked in two completely different ways and came to the same result. Two precious babies and mothers were saved and they were both beautiful.

Oscar came with his lady this morning. He spoke very little English and Maria spoke none. I tried my best to speak to him but she went inside. He had all the same excuses like it is her choice. He sat in the car out front and I just knew I had to get a Hispanic man to speak with him.

I was able to get a hold of my dear brother Pito. Pito spoke with him for a long time. He warned Oscar about what God thinks of this, what the consequences are, and shared the Gospel with him. He told Pito he was going to try and get her to come out. I left him some time to think and let the Holy Spirit work.

While he was sitting, a beautiful young lady named Kasta arrived. She came up and spoke to Bradley, listening to everything we had to say. She asked for prayer, took a blessing bag, and said she would like to come to St. Andrew’s, so we gave her a bulletin. It was extremely beautiful. It was one of those “God, please send someone to stop me” meetings. She ran right into Bradley.

Then an amazing thing happened. Oscar was becoming increasingly convicted, talking to himself in Spanish, etc. The truck that picks up the dead babies pulled up. I stood to preach again, asking for a moment of silence as they brought the week’s dead out through the lobby. I asked them to not mock God or us but just consider those that died and that their babies would be coming out like this next Friday.

Oscar went crazy. He began screaming and yelling “no, no!” He ran in the door, grabbed Maria, and pulled her outside. He got her in the car and World War 3 broke out. They had a rather heated discussion with many tears. Then the smiles came. The thumbs came up, the thank yous and the waves as they drove away. It was so incredible.

So thankful for Stella and Laurey for being on the other end of phones today. So thankful for Beth being here in the morning and Peter coming in the afternoons on Friday to just be an awesome friend!

A Pretty Special Day

Today was filled with surprises. Today Gerry came back to winter at St. Andrew’s. He comes every year from Wisconsin and joins us down here. What a blessing he is. Today Gerry, Yolie, Philip, and I got to see two different couples turn away with thank yous and one father, mother, and daughter choose life. It was pretty incredible.

Then Crystal came by. She had been overcome with thankfulness to God for choosing life down here three and a half years ago. She wanted to come say thank you. Her little boy Jayden is now three years old and is her whole life. She also told us that she has been helping a friend, Anna, that chose life here a month ago.

A patient of Dr. Collins saw what was going on here today and came over to see what we wanted for lunch. It was a pretty special day.

A Rough Week

As told by John Barros:

I wasn’t in much of a picture taking mood down here today. Quite a few crazy people here, and this has just been a rough week. The Lord sent people shifting throughout the day. So thankful for Luke, Bradley, Beth, Jennifer, Melyna, and Fredo.

There was one couple that pulled in and Beth met them. She spoke to them and they pulled out back. They must have sat back there for over an hour talking. The Lord answered our prayers and entered their vehicle. They pulled up and thanked us, asking how to get to the CPC.

I would really like to ask you folks to pray for Fredo and his wonderful wife Caroleena. Fredo comes down here pleading with ladies to let him and his wife adopt their babies because they are unable to have one of their own. He is a Life Flight registered nurse and she is an RN in the NICU unit at Florida Hospital. I have never met a sweeter couple and they long so much for a baby. Fredo’s pleas are met with mocking, cursing, spitting, etc., yet he continues to come.

I know there are some simple minded people out there today that think if you replaced the preaching of the Gospel down here with people calling out to adopt the babies this would all change. People that think that need to come here for a week. Anyway, I would ask that you would pray that they find a baby. They are fully cleared through “Life For Kids” and will have a substantial discount if they find someone to “designate” their baby to them.

Please pray for these dear people. There are none better.

Blown Away

As told by John Barros: 

Had a very different day today. One young lady chose life and we don’t really understand how the Lord worked. A couple of Hispanic girls came for an abortion. Warren tried his best to speak to them. We were able to get Stella on the phone and they spoke a lot. They went out back sat in the car talking and then pulled up thanking everyone. It was an honor to serve with Donna and Bradley as well.

Something very different happened today. I collect bulletins at church that people leave in the pews. I hand them out to folks that choose life or people driving by wanting to know where we are from. Well today I invited one of the ladies to come to the “Who Will Stand” meeting at church tonight. She thought they would be working late, but wanted the bulletin anyway. Then something I would never have expected happened. The other ladies came out and wanted one. Several said they want to come. It was pretty amazing.


Later the abortionist Randall Whitney pulled in. I went down with a bulletin and invited him to come tonight. He said he would if he got off early enough. He said he would come to a service but wanted to know why I wanted him to come tonight. I said I just wanted him to see a reformed view of abortion and what God thinks of it. He said “John, that’s not it. You think that will change my heart and it won’t. You want to change my heart and you won’t”.

I began to break up a bit, looking close in his eyes and seeing such a lost, hardened man with all that wrath piled upon him. I told him I did want to see his heart changed and that he was right, I cannot do that. But God can do it, just like He does to the girls that choose life here. He looked me in the eye and said I am going to give this some thought and thanked me.

I was pretty blown away by all this. One of the girls wants to come because she knows the people care or they wouldn’t come down here. Please pray for all this. We have watched the Lord drive six workers out of here in the last few months.

Mercy and Compassion

As told by John Barros: 

You just never know who the Lord is going to send down here on any given day. He always puts together the perfect team for those that are coming.

Well this being Veterans Day, with many people off work, about thirty ladies came down. Biggest day I have seen in a very long time. They came in four different shifts, beginning at 8:00 and still taking new people in at 5:00. I have no idea how an 83 year old man can do this.

Some folks were highly upset we were there, but the Lord worked in two young ladies and a man. Precious Jessica arrived first thing. She had to go to class, but wanted to serve for a couple of hours. She began to worship and Yolie joined in when she arrived. They sang so beautifully that people driving by actually stopped, listened, clapped, and encouraged.

Then Hanna arrived and met with Yolie first thing. Yolie spoke with her at length, and then they left together to Choices. She went through the counseling and had an ultrasound, finding out she is 19 weeks.

To the horror of Yolie, Hanna wanted to come back here. She came up wanting to go inside. She listened to what God thinks of this and how kind he was to call her to Trust Him. She finally broke down and had Yolie take her home. Please pray for her. She has a host of problems that need to be addressed. It will take a team of ladies from St. Andrew’s to help her.

Thankfully, the Lord brought Pastor Lewis here from Melbourne today. It was a mess and we were so blessed to have him. Tyrrell and Erica came. They were in and out all day. The preaching really got to Tyrrell, and Pastor Lewis called him over and began ministering to him. He began to see that he was guilty of murder as well if she went through with it. To make a long story short he finally went inside and drug Erika out to speak with us.

She heard what God thinks of this and the Lord began to work in both of their hearts. They sat on the wall and listened. In the middle of all this, James called and heard what was going on. He began to pray for them from Texas. Then Jocelyn called. I showed Tyrrell that not just those of us on the wall cared for them, but people in Texas and Kentucky were praying for them.

I even gave him my phone and Jocelyn showed him much love. As they were getting close, they told us something I couldn’t believe. Erika’s cousin had been telling her not to do it and if she went here she would have to deal with me, because her cousin came out during the preaching over a year ago and the Lord turned her heart.

She went on to tell her how God has provided for her and her baby. Then Tyrrell said that he had met me before when he brought a girl here in the past and she had also chosen life. It was truly bizarre.

Erika sat on the wall listening to the goodness of God while Tyrrell went inside and stayed there. I believe he wanted Lewis and I to speak with her alone. After about 20 minutes, Tyrrell came out, grabbed Erika, and said “come on, let’s get out of here!” It was beautiful.

There was much carnage here today but the Lord showed much mercy and compassion on two young ladies. Pastor Lewis and I were completely worn out as the sun was setting but it was so good. He is one dear brother that loves Jesus. Please, please pray for these folks. There are many hurdles for them.