Out Jumps a Hero

As told by John Barros:

Well, thankfully it slowed down today. There were still about nine here, and one lady was into her third day of her labor & delivery abortion. It was such a blessing to serve with Bradley, Bill, and Beth. We even had Edwin and Heather, along with Andrea in the afternoon.

There is one couple that Beth met in the drive. She ministered to them for quite some time. Next thing I know, she is driving away with Brad and Gabby behind her. They went over to Choices and are now getting the help they need. Beth may be little, but dynamite comes in small packages. She is so gifted by the Lord..

Another awesome thing happened here as well today. Hank and Brandy, a young couple that were walking down the street, stopped and wanted to say thank you to us for being out here. They told us of how a few years back they had split up. Brandy got hooked up with another guy for a short period of time, then she and Hank got back together again.

Soon afterwards, she found out she was pregnant and the baby was not Hank’s. She set an appointment to have an abortion. Hank did something I have never seen. He begged her not to abort her baby. He told her “this baby is my baby, because she is part of you and you are my wife. I will love my baby”.

That little girl is two years old now, and they have two others. I have to tell you I was blown away, and we were fighting back tears. Here we are surrounded by people killing babies for convenience, and out jumps a hero. Please pray for these simple loving people.

Dark During the Holidays

As told by John Barros:

I don’t know what it is about the holidays down here but it is just so dark. The people are so much harder and vile with their threats and actions. I really don’t know what it is but its the same every year.

In spite of all this there were many conversations. Some even left but returned. Some were prayed with, and many tears shed, but no one chose life. The place was packed all day.

The Lord sent us another day of being blessed by Georgie. She came back for a bit, and jumped right in calling for folks to repent and trust God. This lady is really something else. I believe she is eighty some years old, but wants to actively serve God and love her neighbor down here. She said she will be back. I’m sure it will be soon.

No Two Days Ever the Same

As told by John Barros:

All these years and no two days have ever been the same. Today was really rough, but the Lord sent a wonderful blessing.

So many people here today, so many conversations, so many convicted, and so many fights. There was one “Christian” mother/daughter couple that ended up running out of there. They weren’t about to talk to us after the warnings about bringing Jesus in there, so we can only call them a turn away.

The hardest one was a young man that came with his wife. He came out around 9:00 saying he was a believer. He pulled a Bible out of his pocket and said he tried. He was told that he needed to fight all day. He did.

He got her out so many times and repented of his failures as a husband. He begged her. When she was done he came out and said “I fought every minute. I am from Jamaica and we do not do this”. He also said that he doesn’t think he can ever look her in the face again and that he doesn’t know this wife. It is so sad. Abortion destroys everything.

After the preaching, a young lady showed up with Gatorades for us. She had brought her mother to the doctor across the street. They sat in their car and listened to the preaching. When it was over, Malvin’s mother Georgie told her to go get us something to drink. After Georgie’s appointment she came over to thank us for being there. She could not believe she was witnessing the preaching of the Gospel on the street down here. She is one of those precious deep Christian ladies that have walked with Jesus for many years.

Malvin wrote a book based on Georgie’s life. Georgie had been raped by some white people in a small Georgia town back in the 50’s. When they found out, they wanted her to abort her baby, and she refused. She refused because even though she had been raped, she knew this baby was no accident. She knew this was God’s baby that He had entrusted to her. I can’t believe how refreshing it was to be around these ladies. They are so precious. I wept driving home. The life Georgie has had has drawn her so close to her Saviour. I have so far to go.

Malvin and Georgie wrote such wonderful things in the front of three books for Yolie, Gerry, and I. I haven’t had time to read it yet but just from meeting them you may want to look into it.

The Lord is Always at Work

As told by John Barros: 

It’s been pretty dark around here lately, but the Lord is always at work in the hearts of those that serve and those that come to this awful place.

So thankful to have Zachary come down and join Bradley, Steve and me. Zach is a student at Reformation Bible College and had a day before returning home for Christmas. These kids love putting into practice what they learn at school.

It was slow this morning, and there were some turn-aways, so they brought the folks from their other clinic over to this one. It became pretty busy. The Lord brought out a precious young lady by the name of Stephanie in the middle of the preaching.

She walked straight out the door, up the walk and gave me a bear hug. We all gathered around and had a time of prayer. God also turned the heart of her boyfriend. He came out front once, but sat in his car until she came out. I wish I could, but I cannot go into everything in her life and decision but could you please pray for God to meet her needs?

A Christmas Time Abortion Special

As told by John Barros:

Well, Orlando Women’s Center decided to have a Christmas time Sunday special today. About six or seven ladies took them up on their offer. It was supposed to be at EPOC as well but it never happened there.

Michele brought the folks from there to join us and much time was spent singing worship songs to God. It truly was special down there today. There is no way that I could tag everyone but each person was so special. So many came by before heading to church. No one chose life today.

We did find a new abortionist, though. We have no idea who he is. He drove around looking for the place and came in the front door when he arrived. Kerry took him out for lunch afterwards. Please pray he does not return. Last time we had another abortionist here they were open seven days a week. Thanks for all of you that prayed and those of you that came down. Can’t wait to get to church tonight.

The Lord Moved in a Mighty Way

As told by John Barros:

We had our share of crazies down here today, and there was the extreme darkness of the late term Moms in their second day of labor, but the Lord moved in a mighty way. The Lord called Bradley, Warren, Donna, Luke, and myself to serve today. We were able to watch Him turn several away. Then there was Lura.

She was dropped off early and wasn’t hard-hearted when she came up, but she went inside and stayed. Later, after all the chaos and preaching, she came out and looked at me with “that face”. It’s a face you only see here when a lady submits to God. I asked if she was ready for lunch. She said “something like that” with that smile.

She came over and prayed. She didn’t only talk about choosing life, but wanted to know if we knew anything about of adoption. Of course Luke jumped right in, sharing about how blessed his family is from their adopted son. He was able to tell her so many things. She took the information to “Life For Kids” and will be going there to check into it. I told her how the ladies in our church want to love on her and her family. Please pray for her. She is such a sweet young lady.

The Hearts Were Hard

As told by John Barros: 

Today was quite a grind. Just one of those days where every step feels like you have weights on your feet. The Lord shined His light, though, in the heart of one couple.

A young couple came in a souped up Dodge Charger. They looked like they worked out a lot. He would not listen as they went inside. After the preaching, he came out pacing, then left for a while. He came back and began the OWC walk. You could see God working in their hearts as they kept coming out to talk out back. This went on for quite some time.

They went out at last and sat in their car again for another 20 minutes. The car started and they pulled up the drive. He rolled down his window and they had the most beautiful smiles on their faces. They said “thank you. We don’t need your information. We are keeping our baby and will not be back”. It was so awesome.

The Lord worked on others as well, but the hearts were hard. One poor young lady forgot her ID and stood on the front porch for five hours. She was cocky at first, but during the preaching began to come apart. Crystal, who chose life for her baby three years ago, was driving by and stopped to help. She spoke to the young lady and they tried everything to get the lady inside out of here but she refused.

There was another ray of light today as well. Savannah came down this afternoon. She has been coming here since she was 8 years old. She was even bold back then, climbing the trees out back and trying to get people to listen. She has such a huge heart. Her heart went out to a lady that was sitting on the porch with her baby, and she went right up trying to help. It was such a blessing to serve with Bradley today. He is really stepping up these days.

A Pretty Cool Day

As told by John Barros: 

What a day. Today was pretty cool. Bradley, Stephen, Waleska, and I were joined by Matthew. He ministers at a mill up in Raleigh and travels around the US. helping and encouraging others.

Thankfully today was slow compared to what it has been. First thing this morning, Mark showed up with Priscilla. She went inside, but when I told Mark I knew he was young but needed to become a man he came out to the sidewalk. He honestly asked what it meant to be a man. When I told him, and shared how our whole church would help him to do it, he sighed, began to tear up, and asked for prayer. He went inside and told Priscilla “let’s get out of here – we can do this.”

The irony is that they went to Choices and found out that she wasn’t even pregnant. Please pray that they would repent and come to Jesus fully.

Then there was Elisabeth, who pulled in with her boyfriend. They were spoken to, and there was just something about her. I don’t know what it was. We all prayed for her and I told the people that I would be preaching to her. Believe it or not, they chose life and came out after the preaching. Waleska met with her and and Elisabeth broke down. It was beautiful. Please pray for these folks.

Matthew said another couple came out and left as well. Nobody got to speak with them so I just don’t know.

There were some hardened people there that Matthew dealt with, like a guy claiming to be a Christian counselor when every other word that came out of his mouth was vile. Then he dealt with another guy that was bringing a lady here for an abortion who is married to someone else. Just crazy.

Those of you that have been praying for my times on The American Adversaries, please keep it up. Believe it or not, it is making a difference in Orlando. They are a secular station, but the number one spot in their program is hearing the stories of what Jesus is doing in the streets of their city. Thank you all. I don’t see how this could happen without your prayers.

Beauty in the Darkness

As told by John Barros: 

Today began where yesterday left off. A bunch of craziness ensued, with more death threats and the like. Far too much to get into here. The place was packed solid all day with appointments coming in shifts.

In the middle of all the darkness, God moved. There were a couple that left, maybe just because of the numbers, but we are praying they don’t return.

Then there was Horeo and Sterling. They pulled in and Luke was able to minister to them. They became very soft, and he was able to show pictures of the baby he and his wife adopted from a brave lady that thought she had to do this. He also read correspondence from the birth mother, thanking him for loving their baby like they do. Horeo and Sterling began sobbing and thanking Luke. They chose life and drove away.


Meanwhile, Beth met with Ashlie. She spent time with her and they left, but Beth didn’t feel right about if they chose life or not. Later that afternoon Ashlie returned and went inside. She came out soon after going inside, and came over to talk. Once again Luke showed pictures of his baby and shared the love he and his wife have for him. She began to be open to adoption. We gave her information regarding “Life For Kids”, had a time of prayer, and she left.

There are way too many stories to tell from today. I am constantly amazed how God sends the right people for the right people. Two couples were prepared to listen to a precious friend tell about Jesus’ love for him, his wife and baby. Most people could care less, but God brought Luke today for these two. There is always beauty in the darkness.

Today also marked a year since Yolie arrived down here. She was sharing how she will never be the same. So thankful for Bill and Bradley, who also served here today. In addition, God brought Edwin, his wife, and Andrea down to pray.

I get people mocking their method of having tape over their mouths. Well, when the need arises, that tape comes off in a big hurry to minister to someone. Edwin was doing it last week and Andrea did today. Please pray for all those involved.

Vileness On A Monumental Scale

As told by John Barros: 

I don’t know what it is that happens here in the unseen spiritual world, but boy it seems like different forces show up on different days.

Today was one of those nasty days with death threats and vileness on a monumental scale. First thing this morning, a lady named Pat brought her neighbor down here in a wheelchair. The lady in the wheelchair had a daughter inside that was in her second day of labor. They wouldn’t listen and were very angry that Warren and I were there.

Then the others began piling in and no one would listen. Donna brought her grandson Tim down and they tried to reach out to folks. I began to preach and the people went literally crazy. Screaming and yelling.

They called the police and they came down. The officer went in and came back out while I was preaching and said “You know the rules, right?” We took time to thank him for his service in light of the police work we saw on the news last night. He was very appreciative. The police have always been a blessing to us, which just made the people angrier.

One guy brought his wife and kids down but they were unable to have their abortion because she was to far along for the money she had. He began screaming about God sending us down here and all kinds of things we could not understand. Another guy was singing and dancing while Warren was calling out to folks. He was also screaming about how we don’t care about black people and how everything we have was built on the backs of black people.

Then Gerry brought his wife Trudy down. Pat came walking out the back door. She had been back there with the lady in the wheel chair and her daughter. Pat said she was getting some paperwork outside the labor room when the abortionist Randall Whitney walked out in a plastic clear apron with a tray. On that tray was a baby.

He said “she delivered”. Pat came up to us as gray as I have ever seen anyone. She was horrified. She was so repentant for giving her friend a ride down there. I have never seen anyone in this condition. Trudy spent time trying to help her. She heard the Gospel and we had some time of prayer. Today was pretty horrific even for this place’s standards.

Then there was Dominique and Anthony. They chose life several months ago and she is getting close. They had gone to a doctor’s appointment and stopped by to say hello. They got out of the car and began telling anyone that would listen how good God has been to them and how He would do the same for them.

It was awesome to see them and hear their testimony about the goodness of God to them. Please continue to pray for them. They are getting close.

No one chose life today, but like Jonathan and his armor bearer we will climb the mountain tomorrow to the camp of the Philistines and see if perhaps God will give us the victory.