As told by John Barros:
The Lord is so good. We were caught up in a big battle today. OWC was not open, so they sent everyone to EPOC. Enrique brought friends from his church to serve and they were awesome. They covered the place in prayer. So thankful to have Yolie, Philip, and Samantha there all day. It was so hot but they were unbelievable.
The place was packed, with over 20 here. The abortionist that came begins doing abortions in Tampa and then comes here. He didn’t arrive until 3:00. This is good, in that we get more time for conversations and God’s Word to sink in. When you go through what these people go through in the light of the Gospel for seven hours before he ever arrives, things happen.

We had a lot of people mocking and threatening, but the Lord does amazing things. One guy, Jeremy, that threatened to “pull me apart” ended up asking if any of us wanted anything. Yolie told him to get me a coffee and he did. He told us he was the son of a Baptist minister and a war hero, and that he hated being told he was actually a coward. He kept coming out and talking, but is married and brought his lover here to hide the evidence.
First thing this morning at OWC a couple of young ladies came. They had some pretty smart mouths on them. When the worker sent them to EPOC we followed. During the preaching, Heather and Branding came out to inform me that I was wrong about Jesus and the things I was saying just weren’t true.
Heather went on to tell me that she is a member of a rather large church and her father is a leader there. She said she had never heard the things I was saying and they couldn’t be true. Heather was actually amazing in that she wanted to look up the scriptures being used and prove me wrong. We went through them and she became convicted, but just kept saying this can’t be true. There is no time to go into it all here as it went on for hours.

They would keep coming out with more questions. A little after four I had to go get some diapers to another lady. As I was picking up the trash, Heather came over and offered to take it to the trash can. Then they went in. A short time later Philip called me and says “John, you aren’t going to believe this, but they came out and chose life.”
She texted me to say they had in fact chosen life, and wanted to know if we can get them help outside the area. I just couldn’t believe it. They said they were going to have a shot of vodka at 9:00 to celebrate. I joined them in a toast from home with a glass of milk.
The Lord is so good. I am so thankful that Philip and Jesse were able to stay real late.
There were so many conversations that everyone had with people but I could never cover on here.
There was one special lady I would ask you to pray for. Her name is Kailyn. She came out to talk to me, but she was there for a check up. She had already had an abortion a couple of weeks ago.
She wanted to talk so we went on a side street. I can’t say everything, but we went through the Gospel with so many tears. I haven’t cried like that in a long time. We went through it in depth. We must have looked like quite a sight, holding hands and crying out to the Father of forgiveness. Please pray that the Lord draws her to himself.
Well, believe it or not that is just a couple of snippets from a full, full day down here and as I said at the beginning, God is so good.