You Never Know What a Day Brings

As told by John Barros: 

The last few days have been pretty rough. We have had some turn aways but no one we can say for sure chose life.

Today was pretty special. Justin and Becky joined us again with their friend Courtney. Justin is the Associate Pastor at St. Paul’s Presbyterian and he is such an encourager, with the heart of a warrior. They brought their 4 month old son, Beau.

Along with Bill, Bradley, and Donna, we all sang hymns as Tanner lead us on his violin. It was awesome singing hymns to our King out there.

We never know what a day brings, but God is sovereign. We just come and do our best to serve Him. Thank you all for praying.


A Day of Contrasts

As told by John Barros:

There can’t be any greater contrast in life than today. They sent folks from OWC over to EPOC, so Bradley, Bobby, Don, and I went on over. Nobody would listen. One lady tore out but who knows.

Sheryl called saying she was going to see little Matthew and Jayleesa. I asked Bobby and Don if they could stay out of trouble if I was to go to Winnie Palmer with Sheryl. They assured me they would.

It was so awesome to see the love that was in that room, and so wonderful to see a mother holding her baby and saying “I can’t imagine my life without him”. God is so good.

I can’t believe it, but the pictures I had of Sheryl did not turn out. I have never known anyone like Sheryl. She was like a little kid inside that room, so filled with excitement and hope. She has so much love for the ladies she helps.

It was so awesome to hold little Matthew and lift him up in prayer. We were all just thanking God for His goodness. Please continue to pray for this precious family. I can’t wait to get over to his house soon.

Thank you all that have given to and prayed for these folks. So excited to see what God has planned for Him.

Well, I went back to EPOC to find out that Don and Bobby cannot stay out of trouble. In the short time we were gone, some red head went crazy on Don. The guy took my “truth horn” and tore it to shreds by hand. I have no idea how someone could be that strong. Those things are tough.

Then, of course, the police came. The police were kind to them and just told them to have a good day.

It was such a contrast to see a young lady that trusted God and is receiving blessings beyond measure against the backdrop of these ladies stumbling out after having their abortions. It just stunk a little more down here today than usual.

Old School Day

As told by John Barros:

It was “Old School Day” down here today. A few of my dear friends stopped by for a couple of days to serve here on their way to Jamaica. Pretty rare to have these guys here together.

Bobby, Scott, and Don travel all over the world open air preaching at colleges and city events. They will be spending the next month preaching with Robert and another twenty people all over Jamaica.

The place was very crowded today. We had a couple of ladies leave but wouldn’t pray so I don’t know where they are.

I had my radio program today, and took Bobby and Don with me. Chris was blessed by these guys, so we were all on the air sharing about open air preaching and abortion ministry. I still am amazed that we are able to share the Gospel on a secular radio station.

We answered some calls and actually had a listener from this show come down today. Chris is very brave and it truly is wonderful to do this. Please pray for the ladies that left, the Jamaica trip, and the word that went out over the airwaves.

A Wonderful Way to End the Year

As told by John Barros:

I can’t say it enough. God is so good. He answered a prayer today that is asked every day, but one that I must confess hasn’t been prayed with much faith lately. We always pray that no babies would die and today He answered that prayer.

OWC was closed today and referred everyone over to EPOC, so we went over there to join Pat. We had quite a team. Warren, Luke, Bradley, Beth, Cassidy, and Yolie came down to end the year. I believe seven came to have abortions.

John came with his wife to have an abortion and he was a mess. As Luke called out to him, he sat on the sidewalk to listen. He said his life was unravelling and he knew this was wrong. He came out multiple times to listen but just couldn’t get it together to stand up.

I began to preach and about halfway through Erika, a precious young lady, came out. She walked over to me and hugged me with such relief. Through the tears she whispered “thank you so much”. Everyone gathered around and prayed for her. God also worked on her boyfriend who was at home. He now backs her decision.

There was such rejoicing. Pat was just saying wow. I can’t tell you how wonderful the celebration was on the sidewalk. We found out later that right up until the time God turned her heart she was telling people inside not to listen.

After Erika left, there was about an hour where people were coming out and going to their cars. The team was able to speak one on one with folks to get their stories and offer help.
Then the Lord answered our prayer. We had asked that no babies would die. One of the workers came out and said “go home, the doctor has cancelled.” It was so awesome. We were celebrating again.

As the people were coming out, one couple told the team that they were taking this as a sign. John ended up coming up with his wife and speaking to the team as well, pretty much saying the same thing. All of them were told to see this as the grace of God upon them. It was amazing.

This has been such a wonderful way to end this year. I took that hug from Erika today, but she was hugging everyone that serves in this ministry, including all of you that pray from all around the world for this. Thank you for being a blessing in 2015 and let’s see what God will do in 2016. Thank you so much.. God bless you!

In Big Battles, The Lord is Good

As told by John Barros:

The Lord is so good. We were caught up in a big battle today. OWC was not open, so they sent everyone to EPOC. Enrique brought friends from his church to serve and they were awesome. They covered the place in prayer. So thankful to have Yolie, Philip, and Samantha there all day. It was so hot but they were unbelievable.

The place was packed, with over 20 here. The abortionist that came begins doing abortions in Tampa and then comes here. He didn’t arrive until 3:00. This is good, in that we get more time for conversations and God’s Word to sink in. When you go through what these people go through in the light of the Gospel for seven hours before he ever arrives, things happen.

We had a lot of people mocking and threatening, but the Lord does amazing things. One guy, Jeremy, that threatened to “pull me apart” ended up asking if any of us wanted anything. Yolie told him to get me a coffee and he did. He told us he was the son of a Baptist minister and a war hero, and that he hated being told he was actually a coward. He kept coming out and talking, but is married and brought his lover here to hide the evidence.

First thing this morning at OWC a couple of young ladies came. They had some pretty smart mouths on them. When the worker sent them to EPOC we followed. During the preaching, Heather and Branding came out to inform me that I was wrong about Jesus and the things I was saying just weren’t true.

Heather went on to tell me that she is a member of a rather large church and her father is a leader there. She said she had never heard the things I was saying and they couldn’t be true. Heather was actually amazing in that she wanted to look up the scriptures being used and prove me wrong. We went through them and she became convicted, but just kept saying this can’t be true. There is no time to go into it all here as it went on for hours.

They would keep coming out with more questions. A little after four I had to go get some diapers to another lady. As I was picking up the trash, Heather came over and offered to take it to the trash can. Then they went in. A short time later Philip called me and says “John, you aren’t going to believe this, but they came out and chose life.”

She texted me to say they had in fact chosen life, and wanted to know if we can get them help outside the area. I just couldn’t believe it. They said they were going to have a shot of vodka at 9:00 to celebrate. I joined them in a toast from home with a glass of milk.

The Lord is so good. I am so thankful that Philip and Jesse were able to stay real late.
There were so many conversations that everyone had with people but I could never cover on here.

There was one special lady I would ask you to pray for. Her name is Kailyn. She came out to talk to me, but she was there for a check up. She had already had an abortion a couple of weeks ago.

She wanted to talk so we went on a side street. I can’t say everything, but we went through the Gospel with so many tears. I haven’t cried like that in a long time. We went through it in depth. We must have looked like quite a sight, holding hands and crying out to the Father of forgiveness. Please pray that the Lord draws her to himself.

Well, believe it or not that is just a couple of snippets from a full, full day down here and as I said at the beginning, God is so good.

Continued Craziness

As told by John Barros:

Today the craziness continued. Got to serve with Doug, Bill, and even Jesse, who all stopped by in the afternoon. About twenty people came here and it was very busy. Three ladies left today.

The very first couple came early and stood on the porch. As they were being warned, they just kept staring at the door. She reached, grabbed his arm, and kept looking up at him. They went inside, but about an hour later they came out and stood in the back talking. She kept looking at him with tears and then he led her away.

Another lady stormed out during the preaching and left. Then in the afternoon, a strange thing happened. A young lady was coming back up from having a smoke. I told her we could still help her. She went crazy, screaming and yelling about adoption, asking if I would take her baby. She was cursing and jumping and screaming. She went inside doing the same thing. A worker came out with her, and she went crazy cursing at her as well. Then she got in her car and left so we have no idea what is going on with her. Please pray for her.

There was heartache here as other ladies that God was working on would be led back in by their guys. The holidays are just very difficult down here. Please pray.

The Right Team

As told by John Barros:

Good grief was it busy down here today. I haven’t seen it this busy in a long, long time. It was close to thirty, if not more. The Lord was so good and sent the right team today.
I had no idea they were coming, but Chelsea and Andrew came down to serve with Bradley and me. They are graduates of Reformation Bible College. Chelsea is fresh back from ministering in Thailand, and Andrew is getting his masters from a prestigious university in St. Andrew’s, Scotland. I am so thankful these young people were here today. Four babies get to live thanks to their efforts.

I am way too tired to post it all, but please pray for the four couples that left here. It was powerful the way God worked here today.There really is nothing like serving with youth that have been so well trained up in God’s word and right theology. I have always referred to Andrew as a modern day Jonathan Edwards and Chelsea has the most amazing combination of gifts. She is a warrior princess with a heart as big as Texas. Bradley could only be here a short time, but he had the blessed opportunity to deliver a couple to Life For Kids today.

Thank you all for praying. Please continue. The forces of evil around here continue to mount their offensive but God is so much greater.

The Lord Did Mighty Things

As told by John Barros:

Today was filled with some pretty heavy pain and sadness, but there was joy as well.
It was truly a battle down here all day. We were blessed to have brother Chris, on vacation from Syracuse, join us all day.

There were about fifteen that came, but the Lord opened the eyes of three of them and their babies get to celebrate Christmas. One man, Jorge, was dripping off his wife Carla. He stopped at the driveway on the way out and spoke. God opened his eyes and he texted Carla to come out. They were so unbelievably happy and prayer time was with many, many tears of joy.

Another couple came and were loved on by the counselors. They sat in their truck for what seemed like an eternity but then they left. The final one left five minutes before the abortionist arrived. Thank God.

Those were beautiful but so much of the hard work is with many that don’t choose life. Such was the case today. A guy brought his daughter down here. 17 year old Brittany was in and out all day. Her father wouldn’t stand up for her. The clinic had turned her away two days in a row, and now dad is down here with her. So much prayer. Samantha and Luke spent so much time with her. We all prayed with her, but at the end of the day she went through with it. We all had some broken hearts over this as well as others we had conversations with.

We had some other pretty cool things happen though. Sarah stopped by with her precious children to learn and encourage on their way to Legoland. A man brought his young niece down to show her what goes on here and taught her to support missionaries. They were awesome. Then Dominique stopped in with three of her kids to encourage. She is getting very close now to delivering that precious package.

It was a tough day but the Lord did mighty things. Please pray for tomorrow.

No Trouble With the Curve

As told by John Barros:

Well, they tried to throw us a curveball down here today, but they are nothing like Sandy Koufax, because he would never let you know when it was coming. We are always ready for what comes down here.

They don’t usually do abortions on Tuesday, but about 8:30 this morning it looked like the Chick-Fil-A line on Friday afternoon. People seem to be getting angrier the closer you get to Christmas.

Halfway through the preaching, dear Donna showed up to help and was able to see Julie and her boyfriend flee this place. Her smiling and saying thank you, him looking totally confused like a deer in the headlights. It was so awesome. Then a little later there was a couple that came out, but he wouldn’t let her talk so we can only say they were a turn away.

It was pretty rough down here with so much wickedness, but it’s so awesome to text people like Callie letting them know what is going on at the moment, knowing an army goes into prayer.

From A Brawl to Tears of Joy

As told by John Barros:

A bit busy today down here with Bradley and Stephen. Pretty hard folks, but there was one turn away and one couple chose life.

Ashley came and wouldn’t listen. During the preaching they came out and the brawl began. They were fighting on the porch, then went down the street and back in front of Dr. Collins’, continuing to fight. They counted out $1600 right in front of us to pay for her 20 week abortion.

She went inside, he left, and she came right back outside. She walked over to the wall and asked what Choices and God could do for her. After a lengthy conversation, she asked for my phone. She called her boyfriend and chose life.

I thought there would be another brawl but he pulled up thanking us. God had been working on him. It really was pretty cool. They asked for a bulletin from St. Andrew’s and want to come. It was so amazing to watch them go from counting out money to tears of joy in about an hour.

Got to spend the evening with some of the dearest people I know. Thank you Vicky and all the Choices team. Y’all are awesome! Received a bit of good news for the Saturday team. This place will be closed.