God Turns Hard Hearts

As told by John Barros:

Something happened today that was pretty amazing. A couple arrived in a Cadillac about 8:15 and walked up to the door. He was about 50, and thought he was all cool and began the usual mouthing off that these guys do. She wouldn’t say one word. The doors were locked, and the more I spoke to her, the madder he got.

They were offered the literature. He finally took it, and after showing it to her, he gave it back. He said I was no different than the “protester nuts” they have back home in Ocala. He again asked me to shut up, and said nothing I can do will change her mind, and that she is doing it because some guy left her after finding out she was pregnant.

I continued to offer help and told him I don’t change hearts, but have seen God turn hearts much harder than theirs before. He began mocking God’s ability to do this. About ten till nine the workers opened the door early and they went inside.

Other people began arriving, and at ten the door opened. He looked like a deer in the headlights. The young lady he brought stopped on the sidewalk and finally said something, “thank you so much”. They went to the car and sat inside for quite some time, and then they left. What a picture this was of God doing what folks think is impossible. I hope they remember that moment when He touched that young lady’s heart.

There were two others that were turn aways during the preaching. One was a maniacal father and daughter, the other  a young lady that left with her boyfriend against his wishes. Please pray they stay strong.

It was such an honor to have Tracy and Sarah join Bradley, Steven and me today.
I don’t think they are going to be doing many more Sunday openings. There were only three clients yesterday for nine workers and an abortionist. Yolie, Bradley, and I were blessed to have Tim join us in the cold.

The Horror Continues

As told by John Barros:

The weird spirit of this place changes from day to day. Yesterday the people were quiet, but today was a different story. The people coming today were filled with much anger and vileness, breathing out threats and mocking God. Of course, none of this halts God’s purposes. He moved on people’s hearts. Two ladies chose life and we had three turn away.

Cheyanna chose life first thing this morning. God moved on her heart and she stood up to the guy that brought her. Please pray that God moves his heart to stand by her and that she has the strength to stand.

Jasmine came with her mother. About ten minutes after the preaching they both came out with those wonderful smiles God puts on ladies that trust Him. They were so thankful. The three turn aways were friendly as well but wouldn’t talk.

The horror of this place continued, though. A young lady named Mia came out in tears and told us she was pregnant with twins. She called her guy to come and get her because she was going home but instead he brought more money to cover the twins, and she went through with it. Believe it or not, today was Mia’s birthday. I don’t think any birthday she ever has will be happy.

So many crazies down here today. Husbands sitting in the parking lot all day with children while Mom is inside doing the unthinkable. Ladies crying all over the place. A 13 week Mom we met yesterday returned. She had spoken to us and Callie at Choices on the phone yesterday. I asked her to come talk, but in a rather incoherent manner she said “Don’t worry, John, they aren’t going to rip me off”. It was so nutty.

The Lord brought conviction to everyone here. He was faithful. I have never seen so many sit out in their cars waiting before.

So thankful that Tara brought her secret weapon down. I believe the Lord used that precious baby when He turned Cheyanna’s heart. So thankful for Bradley, Beth, and Melyna as well. Everyone worked so hard. Melyna comes faithfully on Friday afternoons. She has such a huge heart and truly is a gift to all. I sure don’t deserve any of these wonderful servants. God is so good.

Everyone Heard the Gospel

As told by John Barros:

Well, today was pretty rough. It wasn’t real busy here, but boy we were busy pretty much all day. Trust me, everyone heard the Gospel and were offered help. The hearts were just so hard. There was a couple of girls with Kentucky plates that turned away but we really don’t have any idea what happened to them.

Chuck and Mary took another day out of their vacation to minister with Bradley, Yolie, and me. We were blessed to have Patte join us. Patte gave everything she had. She is a trooper and such an encourager. Unfortunately, it was one of those days that you feel like you need three or four showers to get clean.

I did get one bit of wonderful news this afternoon, though.  Those of you that have been praying for Bessy will be happy to know she affirmed her decision of choosing life for her baby and is now just considering whether to keep her baby or bless a family that needs a baby.

Grumpy Old Men

As told by John Barros:

What was a cold day for three grumpy old men, the Lord turned into something very warm and beautiful.

On Monday, I told you about Brunette. She chose life, but her mother wasn’t very supportive. I asked you all to pray for her mother to come alongside her daughter. Well, today the worst thing a sidewalk counselor can see happened. Brunette’s mother brought her back. They were cold and hard as they went inside and would not listen at all. It was truly sad.

During the preaching today I called out to them by name on several occasions. About 20 minutes after the preaching, out came a smile that you only see here and this time it wasn’t just on Brunette but on her mother as well. We had such a wonderful time of rejoicing.

The Lord answered the prayers for Brunette’s mother to love her daughter. It just came in a different way than anyone could have imagined. Praise the Lord for His goodness and thank you all for all your prayers.


Angry Mothers and Many Excuses

As told by John Barros: 

Today was busy, but the Lord blessed some ladies with sight and drove them out of here.

A young lady by the name of brunette came with her mother. They came out the door and she said she had chosen life. We gave her the info and I asked if we could pray for them. Her mother said “you can pray for her if you want. She’s the one that is going to need it.”

We did pray and she began to cry. Please pray for her, as I think her mom isn’t being a support right now.

There was another young lady that I believe chose life against the wishes of her very angry mother. Her mother wouldn’t let us give her daughter any info or talk to her. There was another turn away as well, but they wouldn’t stop. Please pray for these ladies. They are going to need support from their families. Please pray they stay strong.

Bradley and I were blessed with some surprises today. Fredo came down and brought his mother and a lady that is a leader of women’s ministries at her church. They loved to see the way the Lord works down here.

My dear friend Andy also came down to serve and he was very busy. Bonnie returned. She has been sadly missed and it was wonderful to have her here. We dealt with so many arguments today. Every excuse was covered here in one day. Thank God for His goodness.

A Bold Young Girl

As told by John Barros:

Today was crazy busy. It was standing room only inside. The weather was cold and stormy, with winds and rain that were almost like a hurricane. We had two turn aways and one young lady stood up to her guy and chose life.

There was a precious young girl named Gabby that walked across the street with her father during the preaching to see what was going on. He told her and she walked right up to me and asked if she could tell the ladies to keep and love their babies. It was pretty amazing how bold she was.

The place was pretty nutty, with all the threats and vileness you can imagine. At one point the security guy had to get people under control outside. Several were wishing bodily harm upon me. 

It’s so strange to see what is going on around here. One young lady whose mother still works here quit without having a job to go to. Three new ladies started working here this week.

It is so strange to see hearts inside the place now. They have hearts hanging from the ceiling, pasted to the back of the door, and on the walls inside. It is unbelievable to see symbols of love and affection in the waiting room of a lobby where people are waiting to kill their children. It just keeps getting crazier every day.

They are not doing abortions this Sunday but it looks like Sunday abortions are here to stay. They will be doing them next Sunday and continue every other.

Honored to serve with Bill, Luke, Bradley, Beth, and Melyna. God continues to weave people in and out throughout the day. So blessed.

Three Haunting Words

As told by John Barros:

The three words that haunt me more than anything down here are “you were right”, and I sure have been hearing that a lot more lately.

Jason came here a couple of weeks ago. Of course, he lied, saying the lady he brought was a “friend”. He sat in his truck listening while he waited for his lady to bring out his license. He just smiled and said “come on man, how can they still be open if what you say is true?” He drove away with his one year old in the back, while his lady mocked going inside.

Well, this afternoon he came back because his “wife” has been butchered. She had been deathly sick since her abortion, and he finally had to rush her to the hospital. To their horror, the doctors discovered pieces of her baby, parts of her placenta, a damaged uterus and an infection. They did an emergency D&C and began IVs of antibiotics.

Jason is not the same guy I saw a couple of weeks ago. After talking, I asked him to make it loud enough for everyone in the lobby to hear because they had just brought the patients from their other clinic here. Of course, no one left. The blindness and hardness of hearts is incredible. So many times I have had ladies that have had their abortions botched warn people and not one has left.

There was another young lady here yesterday that said Randall botched her abortion too. I guess OWC doesn’t really care because they make people sign papers saying the risk is on the patient and that they have no insurance.

There was another horrible thing that happened. A guy brought a young lady that you could tell was a little mentally challenged. I could not get the straight story, but I lit into this guy harder than I ever have. She began screaming and sobbing. Warren and I tried to reason with him, but this guy was something else. He was controlling everything about her. I tried to get her to get away from him but she just kept clinging to him.

They wanted to have an ultrasound because they suspected her to be about 20 weeks. I really can’t say anymore about these two, but the Lord must have moved on this guy because he agreed to take her to Choices. Please pray that the Lord will move here with Warren and I, as well as that the precious ladies at Choices would get Bessy to choose life, trust God and that He would protect her.

It was awesome serving with Justin and Becky. Justin is a pastor at St. Paul’s. He had to get to work but left Becky here with Courtney. Bill was also here.

It was a rough day. The preaching seemed to be met with an unseen resistance. People were colder than ever but it was so awesome to see the love a father and mother have for their baby. There is such a contrast between the love on the sidewalk and the hatred behind the doors. There were two other turn aways. Please pray for them and please continue to pray for this place.

A Rare Young Lady

As told by John Barros:

Lucianna showed up today with her mother. They had driven three hours to get here. Through much conversation and praying with her, she chose life. She was a rare young lady, in that she told the truth. During the conversation she said “I have been living just the way I want for the last couple of years, and this is where it has led me.”

Another young lady came with her mother. She had been here a few days ago but had to come back for late term day. Her mother was very angry that we were there. When she would come out to have cigarettes, she smarted off, but seemed to be softening.

During the preaching she came out begging us to “please, please stop.” She took her daughter out back to sit in the car and talk. They sat there for 30-40 minutes, started up the car and left.

Another young lady was sent over from EPOC. She came with her boyfriend. Yolie began speaking with them. Her boyfriend stood up to her, wanting to keep their baby. They fought for a couple of hours. Finally she relented and they left. Please pray for all these ladies, that God would continue to work.

As school resumes, it was great to serve with Jessica. She has the voice of an angel. Her and Gerry sound awesome together. Two new couples from St. Andrew’s came down today and plan on returning. Vicky and Brittany from Choices stopped by and were quickly pressed into calling out to the ladies inside. They are going to kill me for posting these pics but oh well…

A Baby Delivered

As told by John Barros:

Well, they were open for abortions today. Bradley, Lucas, Brian, Allura, and Deanna came down to serve. No one chose life, but a baby was delivered from this place.

After I left and went to church, there was a family that came down with a young lady. Kerry the security guy came out and asked Bradley for my number. He said the young lady was too far along and that he had told her our church could help. He escorted her to the car and and she left. Please pray she calls and doesn’t seek a late term abortion..

A Light on a Cold and Gloomy Day

As told by John Barros:

It was cold and gloomy down here today, but in the midst of this the Lord shined a light on five ladies. I can’t go through them all, but a couple of them were pretty cool.

Amari brought his lady. She went inside, but he stayed out and spoke to Luke. He went inside after being challenged by what God thinks of this and how he needed to be a man. He went inside for a while but brought her out. They went out back and sat in the car talking. They pulled up took the information and thanked Luke.

I am always amazed at God’s timing. Melyna came down this afternoon, and two Spanish speaking ladies arrived. They were so thankful that they took the information and went to First Life.

It was such an honor to serve today with Lucas and Beth in the morning, and Edwin, Andrea, Milly, and Melyna in the afternoon. These folks are prayer warriors. It’s been a crazy couple of months. The Lord continues to work mightily. Thank you for your prayers.