Do Good on the Lord’s Day

As told by John Barros:

A man was there with a withered hand. And they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”—so that they might accuse him. He said to them, “Which one of you who has a sheep, if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not take hold of it and lift it out? Of how much more value is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” Matthew 12:10-12

Hard to believe people are killing babies on The Lords Day but they are. So Thankful that there are believers that come down here because babies are so valuable.

Got to serve with Joe, Doug, Deanna, and Michael this morning. We were Blessed to see The Lord turn the hearts of two ladies. The first lady pulled up a little after 8:00. Deanna went over and spoke to Crystal for over half an hour.

Deanna pouring herself out to Crystal

Others were pulling in the back and preaching went on out back until they opened up. Preaching and prayer continued up front. A precious young lady named Sarah came out and walked up to me. She asked for prayer and said she didn’t know what was happening inside her but she couldn’t do it. She has two other kids but has a husband that loves her. He came and picked her up. He was happy and waved to us with a smile.

After all the time Deanna spent with Crystal she still wanted to go inside. I knew her because she was a turnaway here but had returned. She stopped and spoke more and we were able to have prayer but she still went inside.

Praying with Crystal

I left for Church but then I received a text from Deanna saying Crystal had Chosen Life because of one of those little 12 week baby models… That’s Amazing.

So Thankful for Doug, Joe, and Michael for their hard work counseling and praying down here. Also Blessed by Cal Zastrow calling from Michigan to pray for us.

Please pray for the ladies that left here today. Pray they reach out.

A Full Moon Mess

As told by John Barros:

I’m telling you when it is a full moon this place goes completely nuts.
The morning had Beth, Matt, and Karen down here. It was very difficult ministering. Lots of hard hearts and big mouths. Thankfully we were able to see two mom’s lead their daughters out of this dump.

It was just a very strange day. Kerry the “consultant” was down here naming people again. I believe he names people actors and actresses names to kind of separate their humanity from them. He calls Bill, Sean Connery, He calls Matthew, Lance Armstrong, He names Karen, Dolly Parton. He names Beth, Sharon Murphy. And he calls me Tom Selleck. Must be the bushy eyebrows. Today he even had a little bullhorn down here to preach against me. It is just nuts.

Karen and I were here alone in the afternoon and then Chuck, Mary, Bill, Paul, Edwin, and Andrea all showed up at once. Right when they showed up a couple came up the wrong drive at me. I had never said anything to this guy because he had paid the extra $300 to go in the back. When he got up to me he went nuts jumped out of his truck and came after me. It was really quite comical. He was gonna do this and do that. I told him he was a coward that wouldn’t even stand up for his lady and baby. What was he going to do to me?

Chuck wearing his 101st Airborne hat, standing between us. What a Man.

Chuck who is one of the “Greatest Generation” stood between us. Chuck is a man’s man. Then Karen lit into this guy like I have never seen before. Then all the people from inside piled out screaming, hollering, and mocking God.

Karen driving a coward out of here

We had a mess on our hands. The Lord calmed everything and everyone down. I really don’t think that clown would ever do anything but I was Amazed with the Bravery of my Dear Friends… So Blessed.

Please pray for the Moms that brought their daughters out of here. Pray the Lord would knit their hearts together with Him.

Greatest Joys

As told by John Barros:

Today was just Wonderful. Karen and Donna served today. We got to see the Lord turn hearts. Two chose life after hard fought battles, and we had two turnaways. The powers that be around here are very angry at the way this week is going. They are losing a lot of money.

One of my Greatest Joys is meeting with the students at Reformation Bible College. Tonight there were a few Awesome veterans of serving down here as well as some Awesome new students.

A time of singing hymns and prayer with Reformation Bible College students

This College has sent students down here since the very first class. It was a Wonderful evening of Singing Hymns, Prayer, and discussing how Incredibly Jesus works when His Gospel is Proclaimed.

I am the most Blessed man on earth!

Battles and Blessings

As told by John Barros:

What a blessing today was. So many people, so much work. The Lord amassed a wonderful team to serve him here.

Matthew came to pray and help before work and then Karen and Patte stayed all day.

The first couple that came were pretty strange indeed. He was pushy and mouthy. He flashed the Satan sign and she was giddy. He had some fine things to say about us and went inside. During the preaching something really strange happened. He left to go get something but while he was doing that his lady came out and left. She seemed very distraught and left. He came back and it was truly a joy watching him hunt all over for her. Patte and Karen thought she called someone when he left to come get her. He is not to happy about this so please pray for her.

Then a Hispanic young lady came out when asked if she was keeping her baby she just lifted her hands in the air. She left but we didn’t get to pray with her, so won’t you?

Then there was a Hispanic couple that came out. They had also changed their mind but again they didn’t say anything other than Thank You to Karen.

These three we can only call turnaways because we just don’t have enough information. But then we had two ladies choose life as well.

There was a young blonde lady half way between sorority sister and soccer mom. She spoke so much jibberish and seemed like she really didn’t know where she was but the Lord opened her eyes and got her out of here. Can’t really go into this one.

But then there was Andrea. You don’t often have a Battle like this one. Andrea pulled in about 8:30 in the morning. Her boyfriend came in a separate car. He got in her car and there they stayed for the next five hours. They were parked next to the fence looking straight into Dr.Collins lot. They never budged. It was so strange. Patte and Karen were down there almost the whole time just calling out to them. Karen sure had a great time of learning hanging with Patte. I spoke all I knew and finally about 1:00 Patte and Karen came up front. There comes a time you just need to stop and let God work.

Sure enough He did. All of a sudden we heard the car start. The ladies went back down but Andrea pulled up. I couldn’t get there fast enough but she waited for me to get there and asked if I would pray for her. It was so Awesome. She said “I’m not doing this.” She was so sweet but you could see how worn out she was from a five-hour battle. She went away with Thank You’s for everyone.

Right behind Andrea was Angel. He rolled his window down. Said he was going to support her and also wanted prayer. We prayed for God to bring them to repentance and that he would draw them near to Him.

I cant tell you what a Joy it was serving with Patte again. We have known each other about 15 years now. She was the first person I met on the sidewalk here when my Pastor Jim Fitzgerald brought me here. She has taught me and many others so much. It was just a Wonderful day being poured out here together with Karen.

Karen and Patte bringing truth to a young man

We hit this place pretty hard today. Literally half of their clients left here with their babies. They hate losing that much money. Please continue to pray.

An Old Friend Says “Thank You”

As told by John Barros:

It’s been so dark down here lately but the Lord allowed Karen, Marcia, and Chris and Brenda from New Hampshire, shine His light upon some precious ladies today.

Chris and Brenda are snowbirds from New Hampshire that like to come serve when they are down.

April, Christina, and Allison all chose life and made it over to Choices. A couple of them were real battles but one was just about the sweetest work of God I have seen. Allison and Trevor came but just as they were opening the door they stopped and came out to the sidewalk. I spoke with them and you could literally see their whole demeanor change. Allison looked at Trevor with a tear in her eye and said “This isn’t for us, honey.” He said “I know.” We had a time of prayer and off they went. It really was sweet.

Then a young lady, Elieese, pulled up out front. As the ladies approached her car she jumped out and said “I need to talk to that guy” She pointed and moved pretty quick to me. I thought she was angry and wanted to let me have it. She said “Four years ago you helped me not go in here and now my baby is three. I can’t remember where we went that day, can you help?” I gave her the brochures. She was telling us how Thankful she was for her son.

Elieese sharing how thankful she is to God for turning her from here four years ago

Please pray for all these ladies and everyone else that heard the Gospel today. There were quite a few.

Please pray also for the folks that work in the Pregnancy Centers where you are. They have a tough job and sometimes the people that show up can be a bit cranky.

Three Choose Life

As told by John Barros:

Thanks for your prayers. Today was much more bearable. It was still busy but three ladies chose life. One of them was a young lady with a name I had never heard of before. Her name was Ephesians.

Lining up about an hour early

It was pretty cool how the Lord worked in her life. She came with a friend but wouldn’t listen. They went inside but had to put their purses in their car. They went down to do that when Pastor Dan noticed they had locked their keys in the car. He went down to help them and did get their car open. He spoke to them at great length. They still went inside saying they had to.

Half way through the preaching they came out in great distress. They came up and we had a time of prayer. She chose life and went to Choices. Ephesians has decided for adoption and says she is going to Pastor Dave’s church on Sunday.

So Thankful for Karen, Chuck and Mary, Yolie, Beth, and Marcia for giving up parts of their day.

Precious saints serving at OWC.

A Plea for Prayer

As told by John Barros:

Today was one of the ugliest days of my life. I cant seem to wash this day away. I’ve tried all the usual methods like prayer, worship music, scrolling through my usual friends Facebook pictures so I can see them with their families and know that what goes on down here is not normal. Nothing seems to work. It was just one of those of days. I was blessed though to have Donna and Z serve here.

It started out pretty much the same as any other day but it turned ugly in a hurry. The folks that started their labor and delivery abortions yesterday were out early doing the “Death march” trying to hurry up their labor. One young lady that we begged yesterday was almost doing sprints trying to hurry it up until she eventually hit the wall out back and began sobbing before they pulled her back inside.

The people just kept coming. It has been so darn busy. Then a car pulled in with a huge sign on the side about one of the Best Ministries I have known about over the years. I tried to speak with B but she wouldn’t listen. Z became very emotional and said “John I know her. I have served with her.” She came back out on the porch and I begged and pleaded with B to get out of this house of demons. She began to tell the usual lies. I was able to get someone in leadership from the ministry to try to help but she still would not listen. Her answer was to get one of the workers to go out back and take the sign off her car. As the worker came back up to the building she was rolling it up and smiling with a totally wicked smile.

We didn’t know what else to do so I began to preach. About half way through my preaching the “counselor” from the abortion clinic came out and walked up to me. She told me that a “Christian” lady she was counseling wanted me to know that she had a “Special” situation. I told her to tell this lady that God has not left His throne and that He was calling her to Trust Him today.

I thought she was talking about B but she wasn’t. There was another Christian lady inside. This lady ended up choosing life. She came out the door and I told her I didn’t even know her name but I Love her. She began to sob and got in a fight with the guy that brought her. She stood firm and left.

Then another young lady came outside. Her husband pulled up with her kids in the back and chose life. They were Thankful.

Then a Beautiful young couple came. She went inside and he came over to talk. He remembered me from two years ago. They didn’t listen back then and now her uterus is destroyed and she is infertile. She was wanting her records. Even with this heartbreak going on inside the people wouldn’t listen.

Then a guy came to give flowers and Happy Birthday balloons to his wife who works inside. It was just crazy to see this with so much pain sorrow and death going on.

Happy Birthday balloons delivered to a place that keeps children from having one

Just as he was leaving the truck pulled up to take all the dead babies away. Still changing no one’s mind inside.

Truck arrives to take babies away who only God knows

Then B came out. She had her bag from having her abortion. She looked at us like there was nobody inside. Z called out to her but she just hung her head and would not say anything. It was so sad.

This place is a very Special kind of evil. Please pray for the end of this place. Please pray for the people I mentioned here. In the last couple of days some major ministries have had people down here. Please pray that God would impress upon their leaders to get involved. Please pray for Z. Z is having a very hard time this evening. It’s so difficult to live in this at times. Especially when you are so aware of your own sin.

Only God Can Do These Things

As told by John Barros:

Well the first day open in 2017 has been crazy down here. It was very busy. Matthew, Karen, Fredo, Lucas and I were blessed by God to have many conversations.

There was so much going on. A Muslim young lady aborting her baby to hide her pregnancy from her parents. So many stories but there were two I would like to focus on.

Karen pleading with a Muslim girl while she fills out her paperwork. She wouldn’t listen.

There was a family that brought a thirteen-year-old girl here. She looked like she should be playing dolls or something other than being at this dump. The Lord worked on their hearts and they chose life. Karen was able to pray with them as they left.

A family leading a 13-year-old girl out of the dump. Karen got to pray with them.

Then there were two guys that brought a young lady named Audrey. They arrived while the preaching was going on and it was crazy. The security guy was trying to park cars for people and it was chaotic. When these two guys showed up I noticed one of them had a t-shirt from his church. Lucas knew this church. It just may be the largest one there is in the country with many “campuses.”

I tried to warn him but he wouldn’t listen. When he was challenged as to what kind of Christian would bring someone to a house of devils to kill a baby, he became very upset. He told me to do things that I know are impossible, along with other vile things. Believe me these guys were challenged in every way they could be. They only responded with anger.

When I finished preaching I got on the phone to their church. I explained what was going on to the lady that answered the phone and asked if they had anyone in the Orlando area that may be able to come down here. She was horrified that someone from their church would be here. She said that she would put out an immediate prayer request through the church.

About a half hour later Audrey came out and talked with the guys on the porch. They walked down the street to their truck and talked. They came back and went inside but the guys came back out.

Her boyfriend said “You guys really know what you are doing. We are keeping our baby.” We had to explain how only God can do these things. Lucas went through Ray Comforts “Way of the master” Gospel presentation with them while waiting for Audrey. When he got to the point of murder the young man looked at Lucas and said “Yeah like I almost did?”

Audrey was so thankful when she came out. She showed us the ultrasound of her baby and then we had a time of Thanksgiving and prayer.

When they left I called their church back and told them what happened. Even though they were in another state I could almost hear the Praising of God down here without the phone. It was truly Beautiful. Please pray for this church. This story could impact many thousands. Please pray for these girls and the guys.

Ocala Clinic Closing

As told by John Barros:

Today I received some great news. The folks who serve at Pendergraft‘s clinic in Ocala took this picture showing them moving everything out of there. They say it is finally closed down. That could be wonderful and hopefully his four others close. These guys are pretty slippery. [Read news story about Pendergraft’s indictment on multiple drug charges in South Carolina.]

Today was packed down here. Matt came in the morning before work but I was alone the rest of the day. The others were sick or had to do other things. It has been a long time since this has happened. It was pretty cool though. People were venting but they could do nothing.

There were two turn-aways that I couldn’t get to fast enough and one couple who chose life. This couple isn’t the type that I would expect to talk, much less what happened. They pulled up across the street in a Mustang. He had a black tee shirt with a huge skull on the front. She had blonde short hair with different colors in it. I approached thinking they would be screaming and threatening.

I told them I could help them and that God sent me to tell them to trust Him. Right away he started hyperventilating with quick short breaths. She immediately began crying. They took the info, stood by their car, said thanks and left.
This must have been one of those situations where people pray for God to show them a sign or send someone to stop them. It was pretty amazing.

Please pray for these folks and that God would shut the rest of Pendergraft’s clinics.

Craziness and an Insane Man

As told by John Barros:

The craziness of this place continued today. It was pretty darn busy but thankfully the Lord sent help. Matt, Yolie, Beth, Bonnie, Becky, Bo, and Luke were down here in the morning and a few guys from Jackson, Mississippi (Alain and Cooper) came for a little bit.

We had two ladies choose life and we had a turn-away. One of the ladies has five children at home and didn’t see how she could take care of another but the Lord gave her eyes to see. Another man with a Gator hat on wanted to do me great bodily harm when he arrived but it was so awesome to see him fight to get his money back when he led his lady out of here. They left with big smiles and waves.

There was a guy here today who was insane. I don’t know if he may have been affected by demons. He wasn’t at the clinic but hung around in parking lots. He began screaming and yelling the first time while preaching. I just thought it was the regular folks that get angry. He continued to show up yelling; then he called the police making up lies about me being on the property. (The police officer told Yolie and me he knew it wasn’t true because he knows I know the rules.)

Then after everyone was gone he would come to the wall screaming “There is no God, you @#$% idiot!!” It got so bad that the patients from the doctor’s office next door and across the street came out. He had seen one of the folks choose life earlier in the day and when he came back he began screaming about who was going to raise unwanted babies. This guy was truly nuts. I would request prayer for him as well as the ladies that left.

There seems to be a bunch of upset workers today. I don’t know if they are taking pay cuts or if this place’s days are numbered.