As told by John Barros:
Today was one of the ugliest days of my life. I cant seem to wash this day away. I’ve tried all the usual methods like prayer, worship music, scrolling through my usual friends Facebook pictures so I can see them with their families and know that what goes on down here is not normal. Nothing seems to work. It was just one of those of days. I was blessed though to have Donna and Z serve here.
It started out pretty much the same as any other day but it turned ugly in a hurry. The folks that started their labor and delivery abortions yesterday were out early doing the “Death march” trying to hurry up their labor. One young lady that we begged yesterday was almost doing sprints trying to hurry it up until she eventually hit the wall out back and began sobbing before they pulled her back inside.
The people just kept coming. It has been so darn busy. Then a car pulled in with a huge sign on the side about one of the Best Ministries I have known about over the years. I tried to speak with B but she wouldn’t listen. Z became very emotional and said “John I know her. I have served with her.” She came back out on the porch and I begged and pleaded with B to get out of this house of demons. She began to tell the usual lies. I was able to get someone in leadership from the ministry to try to help but she still would not listen. Her answer was to get one of the workers to go out back and take the sign off her car. As the worker came back up to the building she was rolling it up and smiling with a totally wicked smile.
We didn’t know what else to do so I began to preach. About half way through my preaching the “counselor” from the abortion clinic came out and walked up to me. She told me that a “Christian” lady she was counseling wanted me to know that she had a “Special” situation. I told her to tell this lady that God has not left His throne and that He was calling her to Trust Him today.
I thought she was talking about B but she wasn’t. There was another Christian lady inside. This lady ended up choosing life. She came out the door and I told her I didn’t even know her name but I Love her. She began to sob and got in a fight with the guy that brought her. She stood firm and left.
Then another young lady came outside. Her husband pulled up with her kids in the back and chose life. They were Thankful.
Then a Beautiful young couple came. She went inside and he came over to talk. He remembered me from two years ago. They didn’t listen back then and now her uterus is destroyed and she is infertile. She was wanting her records. Even with this heartbreak going on inside the people wouldn’t listen.
Then a guy came to give flowers and Happy Birthday balloons to his wife who works inside. It was just crazy to see this with so much pain sorrow and death going on.

Happy Birthday balloons delivered to a place that keeps children from having one
Just as he was leaving the truck pulled up to take all the dead babies away. Still changing no one’s mind inside.

Truck arrives to take babies away who only God knows
Then B came out. She had her bag from having her abortion. She looked at us like there was nobody inside. Z called out to her but she just hung her head and would not say anything. It was so sad.
This place is a very Special kind of evil. Please pray for the end of this place. Please pray for the people I mentioned here. In the last couple of days some major ministries have had people down here. Please pray that God would impress upon their leaders to get involved. Please pray for Z. Z is having a very hard time this evening. It’s so difficult to live in this at times. Especially when you are so aware of your own sin.