Making a Difference

I don’t know what to say other than Thank You!! People really can make a difference.

I have heard from many of you that were calling these guys. Well I now have word from my dear brother Michael Marcavage. He has spoken in person to the owners of UMI.

They are really upset that they have been involved in this. Orlando Women’s Center used its other name “Center of Orlando For Women.” They had no idea that this was an abortion clinic; they thought it was just an ObGyn. They are pro life and support pro life causes. They are tearing up their three-year contract with them and are prepared to face the fact that they will have to pay fines for backing out of a contract. They don’t care.

UMI is tearing up its three-year contract with OWC and is prepared to face the fact that it will have to pay fines for backing out of a contract. Please pray for this company.

Please pray for this company and if you know any medical people that need this service, please ask them to consider using UMI. They are now training their salesmen to be more careful.

Let’s see what happens now. I know one guy that is going to be furious about this. They really have a hard time finding people to do this for them.

Thanks again, Michael!!

Fighting for Life

As told by John Barros:

Had some dear friends come down to serve with Karen and I today. Jerry and Kelly Laughridge are truly a gift.

It was a pretty busy and the Lord really worked down here. One of the guys came out and said “You have to quit preaching, man, everyone inside is sobbing.” We had three turn aways.

One of the young lady’s that turned away looked so much like my daughter Charis. It just made it a lot more personal. I would hope someone would be there for my kids if they were in trouble.

She kept coming in and out and was more troubled every time she did. She came out one last time, we thought to have another cigarette, but thankfully she got in her car and left.

Then there was Kaysen and Terry. They were here yesterday morning. I was able to speak to him and Deanna was able to speak to her. They left only to return today.

Well today, Kaysen said that Terry “is the boss and I can’t do anything about this.” These two are very young. They have been raised in churches but never heard any scripture pertaining to what they were about to do. The team spent a lot of time with Kaysen. He finally agreed to do everything in his power to get her out. She came out just before the abortionist arrived. They chose life. I verified it with a worker. Please pray for all these that left today. We can never underestimate the pressure people are under.

Kaysen being encouraged to fight for his lady and baby

The new company that picks up the babies came here today. Their name is UMI. Let’s please begin calling to let them know what they are doing and what you think of this. Three other companies have left here just by people doing that.

The new people that pick up the babies. Let’s call and write them

Strange Things

As told by John Barros:

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. John 3:20

Today was a different day. Something happened that I haven’t really seen before. So blessed to have Tara bring her little secret weapons down this morning to help. Pastor Dan, Matthew, Karen, Beth, Marcia, Yolie, and Audrey, all came down to serve throughout the day.

The people came in like a flood and they were angry. One guy came after Pastor Dan and there were several snorting and raging. They all settled down and the preaching began.

Screaming, yelling, throwing things, and threatening Pastor Dan

A mom delivered her daughter and grandchild. A guy led his lady out of here and a young lady named Shakira chose life. Then a strange thing happened. A police officer showed up. He has been like a friend to me over the years and we had a talk but there was nothing we were accused of. Then an undercover detective came. Again there was nothing we were being accused of. I asked him what was wrong. He said he didn’t know but every person inside the building was traumatized. He had never seen anything like it and we couldn’t believe it. A couple of hours later another detective came. It was just bizarre.

Praying for Shakira

It had to be the Holy Spirit. The ones that didn’t harden their hearts left and the others were a mess. Please pray for all those that left here today and for those that heard the Gospel today. Pray God would bring this to remembrance and that they would repent and turn to Him.

Late in the afternoon I was blessed to have one of my heroes, Bill Adams, from Sport Fans Outreach. He is in town for the Pro Bowl and is leading 100 men to Houston for the Super Bowl Outreach. I have been to three of those in the past and it is an experience never to be forgotten.

Bill Adams and Justin

A Gift from God

As told by John Barros:

School was in session down here today. Karen, Donna, and I were joined by Anna Russell from Grace Community Church. Anna, Mary S. Russell’s daughter-in-law, brought her children down to serve. Her husband Shane comes down here often for his lunch break to serve and did today but just missed his family.

Anna had been preparing her kids for ministry and had warned them that people may be very angry because they don’t like the people that God sends down here. Boy, did they get a lesson. As she was parking her car, a guy dropped his lady off and I don’t know how he did it but got his body half way out the window and began screaming at the top of his lungs with vileness and threats right next to her window.

The kids were awesome. They came and stood strong. Anna was an amazing teacher. As people would do and say things, she would demonstrate theology. She would say “This is how sin blinds,” or “This is the Sovereignty of God,” etc.

God’s Word came alive to these little ones. They were able to see God crush the hearts of those that raged against Him and saw their Mom plead with a young lady. Karen and her worked with a lady for hours. All of this these young kids learned. Shane and Anna have done and are doing an unbelievable job. She has another little warrior in the oven. 🙂

All in all, it was a nasty day. We had one turn away but so many hateful people. There were some unexpected things to praise God for.

The driver for Pro Med pulled up with his boss. He called me over to tell me an amazing thing. He thanked me for being here and being so hard on him. Pro Med has officially quit picking up here. They are done. This is the third company that has quit and said Thank You. If you don’t think you can do anything, let me tell you this. I would ask for people to call them to tell them to stop. You did and they heard you!! They were considering quitting picking up here and then another doctor on the street asked them “You guys don’t really pick up the dead babies from OWC, do you?” That was it. Now we need to do the same thing to the next company. I can’t tell you how happy they were to leave here. They were under such conviction. They were told what they need to do now.

ProMed stopped to say they are done.

At the end of the day, Karen and I were sitting on the wall hoping, praying, and waiting to see if the Lord would turn the heart of a couple of ladies that we had worked with. All of a sudden, a lady and her precious little daughter, Kyelanni, came walking up. The lady told me this precious little girl had seen me out here about a month ago when they went to their doctor. She said after the doctor’s visit that Kyelanni said “Mommy, can we go see that man that is down the street?”

Her mother couldn’t believe that she would remember such a thing or that she would want to come see a stranger. She gave in to Kyelanni and they walked all the way down here. That precious girl looked me in the eyes and said “I just wanted to come and say hi.” I still can’t believe it. Boy, what a blessing that was. I still am sitting here quite moved this evening.

An unbelievable gift from God: Kyelanni and her Mother

When they left they said they want to come by after every doctor’s visit
God is so good. He cares for us in areas we don’t know we need.

Choosing Life

As told by John Barros:

So much going on down here today. Jerry, a snowbird from Wisconsin, returned to serve with Karen and I. We were also very blessed to have Don Carns come down for a day. He was just returning from serving in Jamaica for the last few weeks. Don is retired and travels all over bringing the Gospel to colleges and other venues.

We had a couple of ladies turn away–don’t know why. Then we had a Muslim girl come here that was having trouble with her pregnancy. She wanted her baby but her doctor told her to have a D and C because he couldn’t see where her bleeding was coming from. Her baby’s heartbeat is fine. We called Choices and Callie told her to get to Winnie Palmer Emergency.
Then we had a late term Moms and Dad come out to talk in their car. He came back and thanked us saying they had changed their mind. Then we had a young couple come. They came back out and said she was going to rethink this.

Choosing life.

Please pray for all these folks. They need the Lord to help them. Thank You.

Stitches of God’s Mighty Work

As told by John Barros:

In the midst of so much darkness the Lord brought about something very Beautiful.

So many folks came down to help today. They know there is an anchor here so people come when they can throughout the day and spend what time they can. Samuel and Zach drove over from Melbourne. Chuck, Mary, Karen, and Marcia as well. Jennifer and her Precious baby boy Mathis came by for a bit as well.

We had four young ladies that were turnaways. But then there was Bella. She is Hispanic and arrived in a taxi. We began to speak with her and her friend but they didn’t understand a single word. She went inside but came back out. Jennifer began to love on Bella and you don’t really need words for that. I was able to get my Dear Brother Fredo on the phone. He spent a great deal of time sharing what God thought of this and how she needed to Trust him.

Bella, Karen, Jennifer, and Matthis

Bella relented and agreed to go with Jennifer over to Choices. Over there she was able to see her precious son for the first time. Marlyd loved on her and shared the Gospel with Bella. Bella had fallen away from Christ but today she not only chose life for her baby but also committed her life to Christ. Jennifer was so Blessed to witness this all going on. She only came for a few minutes but had a day she will never forget. Matthis also got to be part of this at two months old…:)

What a team effort. So many people involved. The Lord stitches all these things together to do a Mighty work. Please pray for all the ladies that left here today. Bella now has one of the most Wonderful couples I know working with her. Please pray for them as well. God is so good. He was so Praised down here today.

Early Line Up

As told by John Barros:

Got down to the dump today early. At 7:45 the people began lining up. Someone had told them that the doors would open at 8:00. There were no workers here and none arrived for about an hour. Doug began to pray and I was Blessed to be able to engage them. One guy became a man, nodded, and mouthed a thank you. He looked at his lady and led her away.

During the preaching a young lady left her driver inside and came out to listen. After a bit she went back inside got her driver and left thankfully.

Thankfully the Lightfoot and Marchetti families, as well as others, came to serve the rest of the day.

I know the owner James Pendergraft was supposed to go on trial for drug trafficking tomorrow. I don’t know if it’s put off or if it is happening but please pray he goes to prison and this place shuts down forever.

Where Would You Be?

As told by John Barros:

So saddened to hear of the passing of a Wonderful Brother. Cody May drowned in a lake in Texas today.

I wish I could be half the man he is. When he was in the area he served down here. His life was the Gospel, his wife Kimberly, and his seven children.

Cody, his wife Kimberly, and their seven children

May Family serving at OWC

Please pray for his family and ask yourself where you would be if you were to pass tonight.

To support caring for the May family, click here.

Hard Work and Prayers

As told by John Barros:

Kind of busy today with many conversations. We had several leave but can only be called turnaways. One was short $150 so we were able to speak with her – please pray they don’t return.

Irene, Gerry, and Audrey joined Karen and I. Blessed to have Jim join us from Georgia. He wanted to learn. He is now going to be doing this up in Georgia. Please pray for him. Everyone worked hard.

Audrey telling a lady about how her friends daughter died while having an abortion

Had another talk with Kerry today. He has some plans that if he does them will make it much more difficult. He’s had enough of my preaching. Please pray this doesn’t happen. Just wish he would get out of here. He has opened two marijuana distribution stores. Maybe he will stay there.

I can’t go into much more on here but please pray this guy gets out of here and this place goes down. Dr. Pendergraft’s trial is scheduled for Monday. Please pray he can’t slither out of this.

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

As told by John Barros:

If there is one thing I have ever learned down here it would have to be expect the unexpected. No one could have written a script like today. The Lord worked in such a Powerful way and He allowed His unworthy servants to watch in Amazement.

Matthew, Karen, Yolie, and I were so Blessed to have the “Barefoot Ladies” of Grace Community Church from St. Cloud join us. Elizabeth and Hannah Stought, and Sarah and Laura Scimeca had the day off from their studies and wanted to come serve. We were even Blessed to have Allen, Yolie’s husband, stop by to Preach.

All of us were not prepared to see what He did. God turned the hearts of nine ladies. Six chose life and three were turnaways.

There is no way I can tell all of what happened but will try and hit on a few. Leelanau and “Mike” came early. Mike was in my face from the beginning. He claimed to be a Christian but soon found out he wasn’t. Leelanau said the Bible was written by men and she listened to Spirits. They had been having sex even though they didn’t like each other. She kept talking about spirits but when scripture was told to her she would grimace. I have only had this happen once before but I told them she would not be doing this today. They began to laugh and saying we were wasting our time. He came up and yelled how he couldn’t wait to walk out that door with a huge smile after killing their baby. To make a long story short Leelanau ran out to the car about half an hour later and they left. It was incredible.

The “Barefoot Ladies” are singers with the most Amazing harmonies. I am so sorry that I deleted a video by accident so you could hear. At one point I was standing by the driveway as they sang “I Surrender All.” Down the driveway Karen was holding hands and praying with Joy and her Mother. Joy had just surrendered all and chosen life for her baby. I will never forget that scene.

The “Barefoot Ladies” praising their King

Maloly came out the door and looked like a deer in the headlights. Turns out she is 24 weeks pregnant. She came out to the sidewalk with her ultrasound pic and shared with Yolie and Karen. She went back in but came back out and chose life.

Maloly showing her baby’s ultrasound pic to Yolie and Karen. 24 weeks.

There was Melissa and Oscar, Giovanna, but then there was Connie who brought her daughter Latisha down here. They came out looked at me and said “You saved another baby. We are not doing this.” I quickly corrected her and said only God can do this. I do not have the power to do this. Please remember every Martin Luther King Jr. day that Jesus met you and delivered you from the gates of hell. They were so excited about that and the girls began singing Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow with tears of Joy.

There’s no way I can explain today. It was just Beautiful. Then I was able to go on a secular radio station tonight and share what Jesus did as well as call other believers to get out on the streets. I am truly the most Blessed man there is.

Please pray for all these and the ones i couldn’t write about. God is so Good. Please continue to pray.