As told by John Barros:
School was in session down here today. Karen, Donna, and I were joined by Anna Russell from Grace Community Church. Anna, Mary S. Russell’s daughter-in-law, brought her children down to serve. Her husband Shane comes down here often for his lunch break to serve and did today but just missed his family.
Anna had been preparing her kids for ministry and had warned them that people may be very angry because they don’t like the people that God sends down here. Boy, did they get a lesson. As she was parking her car, a guy dropped his lady off and I don’t know how he did it but got his body half way out the window and began screaming at the top of his lungs with vileness and threats right next to her window.
The kids were awesome. They came and stood strong. Anna was an amazing teacher. As people would do and say things, she would demonstrate theology. She would say “This is how sin blinds,” or “This is the Sovereignty of God,” etc.
God’s Word came alive to these little ones. They were able to see God crush the hearts of those that raged against Him and saw their Mom plead with a young lady. Karen and her worked with a lady for hours. All of this these young kids learned. Shane and Anna have done and are doing an unbelievable job. She has another little warrior in the oven. 🙂
All in all, it was a nasty day. We had one turn away but so many hateful people. There were some unexpected things to praise God for.
The driver for Pro Med pulled up with his boss. He called me over to tell me an amazing thing. He thanked me for being here and being so hard on him. Pro Med has officially quit picking up here. They are done. This is the third company that has quit and said Thank You. If you don’t think you can do anything, let me tell you this. I would ask for people to call them to tell them to stop. You did and they heard you!! They were considering quitting picking up here and then another doctor on the street asked them “You guys don’t really pick up the dead babies from OWC, do you?” That was it. Now we need to do the same thing to the next company. I can’t tell you how happy they were to leave here. They were under such conviction. They were told what they need to do now.

ProMed stopped to say they are done.
At the end of the day, Karen and I were sitting on the wall hoping, praying, and waiting to see if the Lord would turn the heart of a couple of ladies that we had worked with. All of a sudden, a lady and her precious little daughter, Kyelanni, came walking up. The lady told me this precious little girl had seen me out here about a month ago when they went to their doctor. She said after the doctor’s visit that Kyelanni said “Mommy, can we go see that man that is down the street?”
Her mother couldn’t believe that she would remember such a thing or that she would want to come see a stranger. She gave in to Kyelanni and they walked all the way down here. That precious girl looked me in the eyes and said “I just wanted to come and say hi.” I still can’t believe it. Boy, what a blessing that was. I still am sitting here quite moved this evening.

An unbelievable gift from God: Kyelanni and her Mother
When they left they said they want to come by after every doctor’s visit
God is so good. He cares for us in areas we don’t know we need.