Had to say goodbye to Andy today… It was such a Blessing to serve with him. Darby and Beth came down to serve as well. We had three ladies leave. A Beautiful young Indian girl by the name of Marguerite chose life and went to a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Then one of the strangest things I have ever seen happened. A young man that has brought multiple different women to OWC showed up with another one… Last time Beth and I saw him he came over and spit in my face three times. He was laughing and joking and during my Preaching would actually say….” Isn’t this where you use Exodus 21 or aren’t you about to come to Galatians 6…….” I could not believe he remembered my Sermon. God’s Word does not return void. If he doesn’t repent these verses will be remembered against him. He was much nicer this time but was still told what a coward, etc. that he is. I won’t go into all the things but the girl he brought ended up deceiving him and chose life! It was so awesome to hear him yell at her out back. Down here life is stranger than fiction.