As told by John Barros:
It was cold and gloomy down here today, but in the midst of this the Lord shined a light on five ladies. I can’t go through them all, but a couple of them were pretty cool.
Amari brought his lady. She went inside, but he stayed out and spoke to Luke. He went inside after being challenged by what God thinks of this and how he needed to be a man. He went inside for a while but brought her out. They went out back and sat in the car talking. They pulled up took the information and thanked Luke.
I am always amazed at God’s timing. Melyna came down this afternoon, and two Spanish speaking ladies arrived. They were so thankful that they took the information and went to First Life.
It was such an honor to serve today with Lucas and Beth in the morning, and Edwin, Andrea, Milly, and Melyna in the afternoon. These folks are prayer warriors. It’s been a crazy couple of months. The Lord continues to work mightily. Thank you for your prayers.