Thankful for Daylan

As told by John Barros:

 Please continue to pray that this place would go down soon; once again the numbers were down.  Seven workers and only three clients today….I really believe it cannot last much longer.  There is much going on and I will try to write about that next week.

 Had another member of Central Baptist in Sanford, Glen, come down to help today.  He was a blessing.  I really would like to say how thankful I am for a precious young lady and member of St Andrew’s, Daylan Petterson.  10348465_10204465749112139_4458817144432411419_nShe came down to do a report about three months ago and God has really given her a heart for this ministry.  She works tirelessly in prayer; pleading with those going inside, counseling with those that choose life…. she is such an encouragement and models Jesus to anyone around her.10527538_10204465748552125_5076695123999915340_n.