We hold these truths…

As told by John Barros:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…

When these men signed this document they thought they were signing their death sentences. They were willing to die for these principles, the first of which was the fact that God granted us the right to LIFE. I wondered today, while hanging my flag upside-down in front of a building that was preparing to take the life of defenseless babies, what the signers of this document would have done if they were on the sidewalk with us. They all knew the depravity of man but could they ever have imagined our country protecting and sponsoring this massive slaughter?


The signers of the Declaration of Independence were worried about principles and character, knowing they would lose everything to fight their fight for America. Today very few people will even fight for the first right.

People came today to kill their children. Thankfully some real patriots came down to minister. Pastor RC Sproul, Jr. from Ascension Presbyterian Church in Apopka came and preached a powerful message. I am so thankful for this dear friend and mentor. Beth Goble, Dirk Petterson, and his sister Daylan also served. Dirk did an awesome job of bringing the gospel. I couldn’t believe it was his first time. Daylan has been coming for a few weeks and you would think she’s been doing this forever. I am so blessed to be surrounded by these folks. The Lord is building an army and the battle belongs to Him!.