As told by John Barros
It was kinda crazy down here today. We had late-term moms continuing their labor that began yesterday, the man came to pick up the dead babies, as well as a bunch of new folks. Cowardly guys and ladies happily waving their coupons.
God showed mercy and crushed the hearts of two men and women. After the preached Word a young couple came out in tears, took info for Choices and said she would go.
Then a man who brought a young lady said her father had raped her and she was pregnant. He came out in tears and asked Bradley if it was wrong under these circumstances. Bradley told him the baby shouldn’t die for the sins of his grandfather and encouraged them to consider adoption. He went in, got her, and chose life. I have never seen this happen before.
Hope, Sarah, and Lauren also came down to help a bit today. I Love these girls. Please continue to pray for them.