A Cold Day

As told by John Barros:

It was cold down here at OWC today but not as cold as the people who came down.

One couple arrived in a taxi and she was in full labor, moaning in pain as she came to complete her abortion.

One lady brought her daughter who looked to be 12 or 13.

Then the other abortion clinic shut down and sent everyone over here.

Patte, Bryan, Warren, and Bradley came down and Jeanine even came with pictures to show her baby and the family who adopted her but nobody would listen. It was tough.


There was some good news though: Hope has found a more permanent place to stay and will be working with folks who are opening a shelter for women. Boy is that ever needed.

A man who received the gospel and made a profession of faith in jail was walking on the next street, heard me preaching, and came by to give a report. The Lord is really moving in Ruben’s life. He has been in gangs, drugs, etc. for over 25 years but is really working out his sanctification and is so thankful to God for delivering him. Please pray for Ruben.
