A great day.

As reported by John Barros:


Today was wonderful…. When the young people from Reformation Bible College come down things happen.  1382432_10202151768344066_2036625058_n



The abortionist aerobic pilot Kathy Hirsh came back to work.  Two ladies chose life and we took a young lady to Choices, where she will be getting the help she needs.  We even had a visit from baby Victoria to get us focused.   526954_10202151776304265_159753098_n


But the most amazing thing happened here today… The Reformation Bible College kids love to sing and are they ever good.  They began singing hymns and people started changing… Girls inside were crying causing the guys that brought them to come out screaming to stop.  It was quite amazing.  God does inhabit the praises of His people.  The enemy was scurrying around in chaos and it was coming out of the mouths of the guys.  Some that were there for checkups were encouraged to repent as they left and they were in tears.  Praise God!.