The Tip of the Iceberg

If I was to tell you that five abortion clinics could be shutting down real fast, would I be able to get a THANK YOU JESUS out of you? Would you commit to fast and pray for this to happen? Well, this can really happen.

A news reporter from Channel 9 was down here today. He came down asking for James Pendergraft. Kerry the security guy here threw them off the property. I have met the reporter here on several occasions over the years. He came over and asked if he could get my thoughts on AHCA moving to pull the operational licenses from all of his clinics due to his drug charges up in South Carolina. If you haven’t heard of those charges, just type “traveling abortionist” into Google and read the reports. Absolutely disgusting.

It was a wonderful interview, although I don’t know how much they will use. I was able to share Jesus on there and how He works in different ways than we can imagine in getting His purposes fulfilled. Please be a part of the end of this bloody empire. Pray this through to the end.

There were a couple of other wonderful things that happened as well. A bunch of CCBR kids from Canada came down to serve here today. They are on an awareness campaign at UCF this week. Oh, I wish I could remember all of their names. Devorah, Caroline, Jonathan and all the others are awesome servants. They don’t get to do this in Canada because of bubble laws, so they were so happy to share their faith and love with the ladies and guys here. The Lord blessed them and they got to see Him turn the hearts of two ladies.

Brook stood in the crowd waiting for the doors to open. As she heard God’s Word, the Lord applied it. She fled across the street in tears. Devorah and a friend went over to love on her. Brook asked me to come talk to her some more. Sarah and Jessica came down to help. Jessica gave her a ride to Choices. She affirmed her choice to keep her baby and thanks God for opening her eyes. She is coming to St. Andrew’s Sunday.

Jennica chose life through a combination of God’s Word and the love of precious saints. Dana came down and took her to Choices. They came to find out, however, that she is miscarrying. If there is anyone you would want to be with a girl in that situation, it would be Dana. God is so amazing in bringing just the right people all the time. Dana is taking her to the hospital and to Ascension Presbyterian Church on Sunday where her husband Chris is the pastor.

When she came back she was so thankful to all the folks on the sidewalk. So many hugs and tears. So proud that she did the right thing.

What a day this has been. What I have written is really the tip of the iceberg. Please, please pray.