Truly Insane

As told by John Barros:

Thank you all for praying today. It was truly insane. I haven’t seen it this busy in years. More than thirty babies died here today.

Beth Goble came in the morning when all these people were pouring in. Believe it or not, the girl who has come here three times on her bicycle returned. Beth spoke to her. It turns out she was back to see if any pieces were left inside. She is a Jehovahs Witness who is dating a guy from Church in the Son.. Beth told her they need to quit having sex outside of marriage. The girl said she didn’t think that would work.


Many were like ravenous wolves but the Lord always protects. Andrea, Edwin, and the folks from OHOP came down to pray in the afternoon. I don’t know if I have ever been so happy to see folks in my life. As they prayed I preached for the second time. I could literally feel strength coming back. They finished and came over to pray with me before leaving. As they began a lovely lady named Julianne cane out with tears streaming down her cheeks. I went over to talk to her and she had in fact chosen life. Her baby is twelve weeks. I asked her if we all could pray for her. She really wanted that, and boy did she get prayed for! She went on to tell us she is from Oviedo so she will be going to see Andrea’s team at the Oviedo Pregnancy Center the beginning of the week.


The Lord pulled three others out of here today as well. That sounds great, but there were still about thirty funerals preached here today. We had the rich come down here as well. Pulled in in their Lotus, used the back door, and got head of the line privileges. I can’t say enough either about dear Consuela. She chose life here a while back and is now 24 weeks pregnant. She saw I was alone and hung here all afternoon braving the 95-plus degree weather, calling folks to trust God. I don’t know how she did it but she was very actively engaging the people. It’s so wonderful to see people that the Lord has touched out here.

Well, there you have it: two kingdoms clashed today and like always the Lord’s will was done. I am so thankful for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for the ladies who chose life today, and for the man who pulled his lady out of here and said “Thank you, we don’t do this.” Your prayers are invaluable.