As told by John Barros:
One awesome thing about living in Orlando is that many Facebook friends come down here for vacation. Today Jackie came down from Lexington, and Matthew McConaughey– I mean Zack Braddy–came down from Raleigh. These folks are awesome and jumped right in. I sure wish they could have stayed longer. There weren’t as many people here as usual for a Friday. The ones who did come were extremely angry today.
Edwin Botero, Andrea Caroballo and their friends came down to pray. At one point a young lady came out under heavy conviction and went across the street to call someone. When the people inside saw she was possibly going to choose life for her baby, they came running out screaming vile things and saying we should all put that “life” tape over our mouths. They actually grabbed her and took her back inside. It truly is unbelievable when you see this type of activity, because none of these people have ever seen each other before 9:00 this morning. There is such a crazy deep bond of death that I’m sure is really hyped up by demonic forces. The good news is that she turned right away from them and left. Yolanda Gonzalez was able to spend some time with her..