As told by John Barros:
I keep forgetting to post about dear Hope and her daughter Aryanna. Hope chose life seventeen months ago. She has had a rough go of it and needs some help. If anyone in Orange County know somewhere she and Aryanna could live long enough to get on their feet please let me know. Hope has made a profession of faith and spent the day down here today going over the gospel and asking many questions.
Many people had Veterans’ Day off and many came to OWC. Eleven came for abortions and God moved in a mighty way. Jackie and her husband chose life first thing this morning and went to First Life.
Emily came and said she had thought about this for a week or two and had made up her mind. She allowed us to pray for her. She came out during the preaching and stood out listening. Sarah got to speak to her a bit then she went to her car and chose life. Please pray Emily stays strong as she thought the rest of her life was to be “me” time.
Then a young man led his lady away because it had become disgusting to them.
There were two others that also chose life but did not talk to us. Bryan McDaniel and Sarah Woodruff worked so very hard today. What seemed to be the beginnings of a dark day became very bright with the light of God glorifying Himself.
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